import { fail } from 'assert'; export function noop() {} const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'; export function websocketUrl(path: string): string { const loc = window.location; if (isDev) { // react-scripts does not properly proxy websocket requests, so manually select the URL here. return `ws://${loc.hostname}:5000${path}`; } return `${loc.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss:' : 'ws:'}//${}${path}`; } export function assertNever(x: never): never { throw new Error('Unexpected object: ' + x); } export function isDefined(x: T | undefined | null): x is T { return x !== undefined && x !== null; } export function assertIsDefined(val: T): asserts val is NonNullable { if (val === undefined || val === null) { fail(`Expected 'val' to be defined, but received ${val}`); } } export const nameofFactory = () => (name: keyof T) => name;