diff --git a/Piano/This Is My Father's World.ly b/Piano/This Is My Father's World.ly new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09f02e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Piano/This Is My Father's World.ly @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +\version "2.22.1" +\header{ + title="This Is My Father's World" + composer="Franklin L. Sheppard" + arranger="Amolith" +} + +\score { + \new PianoStaff << + \new Staff \relative{ + \time 4/4 + \key ees \major + \partial 4 ees'8( f) | g4 bes g f8.( g32 f) | ees2. f8( g) | + aes4 c bes g8.( aes32 g) | f2. c'4 | bes g g f8( ees) | + g4. f8 ees4 bes | ees8( f) g4 bes f8( g) | ees2. bes'4 | + ees bes c d | ees2. ees8( d) | c4. ees8 d4 c8.( d32 c) | + bes2. c4 | bes4 g g4. f16( ees) | g4 f ees4. bes8 | + ees( f) g4 bes f8( g) | ees2. r4 | + + + } + \addlyrics { + This is my Fa -- ther's world and to my lis -- t'ning ears all + nat -- ure sings and 'round me rings the mu -- sic of the spheres. + + This is my Fa -- ther's world I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees + of skies and seas His hand the won -- ders wrought. + } + + \new Staff \relative{ + \time 4/4 + \key ees \major + \clef "bass" + \partial 4 r4 ees,8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + aes ees' aes~ 2~ 8 | + bes8 f' bes~ 2~ 8 + ees,8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + aes ees' aes~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ 8 | + ees8 bes'8 ees8~ 2~ r8 | + } + >> +}