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title: "Crash Course to LXD"
subtitle: "Quick instructions for installing LXD and setting up your first application."
date: 2023-09-18T22:30:07-04:00
- Technology
- Sysadmin
- Containers
- VMs
- Docker
draft: true
toc: true
rss_only: false
cover: ./cover.png
If you're wondering _why_ I like system containers, see the previous post, _[LXD: Containers for
Human Beings.][lxd]_
[lxd]: {{< ref "lxd-containers-for-human-beings" >}}
## Installation
{{< adm type="note" >}}
**Note:** the instructions below say to install LXD using [Snap.][snap] I
personally dislike Snap, but LXD is a Canonical product and they're doing their
best to promote it as much as possible. [Incus] is a fork of LXD by the primary
creators and maintainers and one of the first things they did was [rip out Snap
support,][rsnap] so it will eventually be installable as a proper native
{{< /adm >}}
1. Install snap following [Canonical's tutorial](
- LXD is natively packaged for Arch and Alpine, but configuration can be a
massive headache.
2. `sudo snap install lxd`
3. `lxd init`
- Defaults are fine for the most part; you may want to increase the size of
the storage pool.
4. `lxc launch images:debian/12 container-name`
5. `lxc shell container-name`
## Usage
As an example of how to use LXD in a real situation, we'll set up [my URL
shortener.][earl] You'll need a VPS with LXD installed and a (sub)domain pointed
to the VPS.
Run `lxc launch images:debian/12 earl` followed by `lxc shell earl` and `apt
install curl`. Also `apt install` a text editor, like `vim` or `nano` depending
on what you're comfortable with. Head to the **Installation** section of [earl's
SourceHut page][earl] and expand the **List of latest binaries**. Copy the link
to the binary appropriate for your platform, head back to your terminal, type
`curl -LO`, and paste the link you copied. This will download the binary to your
system. Run `mv <filename> earl` to rename it, `chmod +x earl` to make it
executable, then `./earl` to execute it. It will create a file called
`config.yaml` that you need to edit before proceeding. Change the `accessToken`
to something else and replace the `listen` value, ``, with ``.
This exposes the application to the host system so we can reverse proxy it.
The next step is daemonising it so it runs as soon as the system boots. Edit the
file located at `/etc/systemd/system/earl.service` and paste the following code
snippet into it.
Description=personal link shortener
ExecStart=/root/earl -c config.yaml
Save, then run `systemctl daemon-reload` followed by `systemctl enable --now
earl`. You should be able to `curl localhost:8275` and see some HTML.
Now we need a reverse proxy on the host. Exit the container with `exit` or
`Ctrl+D`, and if you have a preferred webserver, install it. If you don't have a
preferred webserver yet, I recommend [installing Caddy.][caddy] All that's left
is running `lxc list`, making note of the `earl` container's `IPv4` address, and
reverse proxying it. If you're using Caddy, edit `/etc/caddy/Caddyfile` and
replace everything that's there with the following.
<(sub)domain> {
encode zstd gzip
reverse_proxy <container IP address>:1313
Run `systemctl restart caddy` and head to whatever domain or subdomain you
entered. You should see the home page with just the text `earl` on it. If you go
to `/login`, you'll be able to enter whatever access token you set earlier and
log in.
## Further tips
One of the things you might want to do post-installation is mess around with
profiles. There's a `default` profile in LXD that you can show with `lxc profile
show default`.
``` text
$ lxc profile show default
config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
name: eth0
network: lxdbr0
type: nic
path: /
pool: default
type: disk
name: default
used_by: []
Not all config options are listed here though; you'll need to read [the
documentation] for a full enumeration.
[the documentation]:
I've seen some people say that executing a fork bomb from inside a container is
equivalent to executing it on the host. The fork bomb will blow up the whole
system and render every application and container you're running inoperable.
That's partially true because LXD _by default_ doesn't put a limit on how many
processes a particular container can spawn. You can limit that number yourself
by running
lxc profile set default limits.processes <num-processes>
Any container you create under the `default` profile will have a total process
limit of `<num-processes>`. I can't tell you what a good process limit is
though; you'll need to do some testing and experimentation on your own.
As stated in [the containers section][pp] of the previous post, this doesn't
_save_ you from fork bombs. It just helps prevent a fork bomb from affecting the
host OS or other containers.
[pp]: {{< ref "lxd-containers-for-human-beings#containers" >}}