--- title: "Pausing 100 Days to Offload" description: "Finals week is exhausting so I'm going to take a break and resume once it's finished" author: Amolith date: 2020-05-04T21:57:27-04:00 draft: false cover: /assets/pngs/calendar.png categories: - Meta tags: - School - 100 Days To Offload --- I'm only 8 days into [100 Days To Offload](https://100daystooffload.com/) and I've already missed two. The biggest reason is that this is finals week and all my time right now is taken up by studying for exams. [As I said on the Fediverse,](https://social.nixnet.services/@amolith/104103245015944134) I have been exhausted the past little while and I'm not getting nearly as much sleep as I really need. I've enjoyed it so far but I'm going to take a break until finals are over; I'll still be coming up with post ideas, however, I just won't actually write or publish them.