--- title: "Documenting With MediaWiki" description: "Setting up MediaWiki to efficiently write quality documentation" author: Amolith cover: /assets/pngs/mediawiki.png date: 2020-06-04T12:23:34-04:00 draft: false categories: - Technology tags: - MediaWiki - Documentation - Writing - Efficiency - 100 Days To Offload toc: true --- Much to my chagrin, I've hardly posted anything at all the past couple of weeks. This is partly due to university summer classes starting and partly due to me putting some work into [NixNet's documentation.](https://docs.nixnet.services) After listening to [Episode 4 of 2.5 Admins,](https://2.5admins.com/2-5-admins-04/) I decided to change some things up with my infrastructure planning and, instead of automating all the things, document it first. Only after writing extensive documentation will I look into automating *portions* my setup, like hardening a server directly following installation. To that end, I've decided to use [MediaWiki.](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki) After [downloading](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download) and [installing](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Installation_guide) MediaWiki, a very straightforward process,[^1] the next step is configuring it. There is of course [a guide](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:System_administration) but I think it can be useful to see someone else's configuration to get ideas from as well, especially considering how many extensions there are. I won't go through *all* of the settings, just the maybe less obvious ones. ## URLs The first thing in `LocalSettings.php` is `$wgScriptPath`. Different wikis take vastly different approaches for this. Some fill that variable with `"/w"` (default), some with `"/view"`, and some with something entirely different. [Wikipedia](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki) and all of its children use `"/wiki"`. While well and good, the default configuration will have your URLs appearing as `example.com/wiki/index.php?title=` and this is bad practise for SEO; if you want your pages easily discoverable, the URLs need to be a bit shorter. The easiest way I've found to do this is add all of six lines to my NGINX config and set `$wgScriptPath` to `""` (an empty string). ```text location / { try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite; } location @rewrite { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?title=$1&$args; } ``` The snippet above tells NGINX to rewrite all of your site's base URLs and remove `index.php?title=` from them. This is a similar approach to what [Mozilla](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Main_Page) has done. The result is cleaner URLs that comply with SEO best practises and a setup that avoids [moving MediaWiki to the site's root.](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Wiki_in_site_root_directory) ## Mobile view I see a *lot* of MediaWiki instances without a good mobile version and, other than keeping the number of extensions down, I don't really understand why. Setting it up is incredibly easy and gives everyone a *much* better experience. The [Minerva Neue](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Skin:Minerva_Neue) skin is designed specifically for use on mobile devices and is also much more aggressive about optimisation. Though editing is a terrible experience, it also looks great on desktop. The [MobileFrontend](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend) extension is used to detect the reader's device and serve them either the configured desktop skin or Minerva Neue. You *could* serve a different skin on mobile but I've found that Minerva Neue looks the best by far. To set them up, you'll need to download [the skin](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:SkinDistributor/MinervaNeue) and [the extension.](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/MobileFrontend) From there, you'll need to add a few lines to your config file. On a side note, I love how dynamic MediaWiki can be, especially with downloads; providing a copy/paste extraction command that doesn't use wildcards and puts it in the correct directory is *awesome*. ``` php # I recommend putting this with the rest of your extensions wfLoadExtension( 'MobileFrontend' ); # These can go wherever you want but together is better $wgMFDefaultSkinClass = 'SkinMinerva'; $wgMFAutodetectMobileView = true; ``` With the skin and extension in place and those lines in your config, save and reload and there should be a link at the bottom of your wiki called `Mobile view`. Click it and you'll see Minerva! On a phone, MobileFrontend will automatically serve it but you can force your default theme by clicking `Desktop view` in the same location. ![Screenshot of the mobile versions of my MediaWiki instance. The left uses Minerva Neue and the right uses Vector. The left has buttons and icons that are much larger and easier to tap making for better accessibility. Though the text is readable, the touch targets are much too small navigation is hell](/assets/pngs/mediawiki-skins.png) ## Discussion pages The default discussion page for MediaWiki works but, unless you're already used to it, it can be quite odd for new people. That's where the [StructuredDiscussions](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Structured_Discussions) extension comes in. Here's a comparison of before and after enabling it. ![side-by-side screenshot of my wiki before and after enabling the extension. the left really is just the default content editor. it's like giving someone a text editor on a server and asking them to have a conversation with someone else by editing the same file and saving it to see replies. the right side is with the extension enabled and gives buttons to browse by topic and a field to create a new topic. it's very similar to github's issue tracker, for example, but without the ability to sort by tags](/assets/pngs/talk-before-after.png) As I said, the left works but most people wouldn't know what to do when given the default MediaWiki editor and it raises the barrier for entry. The right is *much* more user-friendly and works exactly how one would expect. StructuredDiscussions does have a few dependencies but they're easy to add. [Echo](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Echo) is for notifications and the others are included by default. After [installing it,](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/Echo) and [StructuredDiscussions,](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/Flow) add the following lines to your `LocalSettings.php`. ``` php # With the rest of your extensions wfLoadExtension( 'Echo' ); wfLoadExtension( 'Flow' ); ``` Running the following commands is necessary because MediaWiki's database needs modification to support the extension. General talk pages are `--ns=1` and `User:Talk` pages are `--ns=3`. If you only want Structured Discussions enabled for one of them, only run that one. I personally recommend doing it for all. ``` text php maintenance/populateContentModel.php --wiki=somewiki --ns=1 --table=revision php maintenance/populateContentModel.php --wiki=somewiki --ns=1 --table=archive php maintenance/populateContentModel.php --wiki=somewiki --ns=1 --table=page php maintenance/populateContentModel.php --wiki=somewiki --ns=3 --table=revision php maintenance/populateContentModel.php --wiki=somewiki --ns=3 --table=archive php maintenance/populateContentModel.php --wiki=somewiki --ns=3 --table=page ``` After that, add these to actually enable the extension. To temporarily disable it, you can comment them out but I don't know how that will affect talk pages that already exist. ``` php # Flow (discussions) configuration $wgNamespaceContentModels[NS_TALK] = 'flow-board'; $wgNamespaceContentModels[NS_USER_TALK] = 'flow-board'; ``` ## Subpages One of the features I'll be making heavy use of for my [Privacy Policies](https://docs.nixnet.services/Category:Privacy_policies) and [Terms of Service](https://docs.nixnet.services/Category:Terms_of_Service) pages is [Subpages.](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Subpages) This allows you to create pages entitled `Parent/Child` and the child automatically links back to the parent at the top. This can be seen in [Mozilla](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Apps/Security/Other) and [Arch Linux's](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Firefox/Privacy) wikis right under the header and [in mine as well.](https://docs.nixnet.services/DNS/Privacy) Enabling it is quite simple; just add the following line to your config. ``` php ## Enable subpages for all namespaces $wgNamespacesWithSubpages[NS_MAIN] = true; ``` ## Syntax highlighting The final configuration change I've made (so far) has been to enable syntax highlighting in the default editor with [CodeMirror.](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CodeMirror) After [installing it,](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/CodeMirror) add these lines to your config and you're done! ``` php # Place with the other extensions as always wfLoadExtension( 'CodeMirror' ); # Enables it by default but allows users to disable it $wgDefaultUserOptions['usecodemirror'] = 1; ``` ![screenshot of the mediawiki editor. headers are larger, code blocks are highlighted, links blue with link text black so it's easy to pick out, etc. In all, it's a much nicer experience.](/assets/pngs/mediawiki-highlight.png) ## Editing in Vim The final tip I have is that you can edit pretty much *any* MediaWiki instance in Vim, including Wikipedia itself, with [a simple plugin.](https://github.com/aquach/vim-mediawiki-editor) The only drawback I've found is that, unless you store your password in your config, you'll have to enter it every time you close and reopen Vim. You can also give Vim [Wikitext syntax highlighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Text_editor_support#Vim) for creating MediaWiki pages when offline. A few days ago, my wiki was completely offline while taking a disk image backup but I still wrote the majority of the [libvirt](https://docs.nixnet.services/Libvirt) and [Debian](https://docs.nixnet.services/Debian) pages while I waited and the highlighting was really nice. --- This was posted as part of #100DaysToOffload, an [awesome idea](https://fosstodon.org/@kev/104053977554016690) from [Kev Quirk.](https://kevq.uk/) If you want to participate, just write something every day for 100 days and post a link on social media with the hashtag! [^1]: If you're having issues, feel free to contact me and I'll help where I can.