--- title: "LXD: Containers for Human Beings" subtitle: "Docker's great and all, but I prefer the workflow of interacting with VMs" date: 2023-08-11T16:30:00-04:00 categories: - Technology tags: - Sysadmin - Containers - VMs - Docker - LXD draft: true toc: true rss_only: false cover: ./cover.png --- This is a blog post version of a talk I presented at both Ubuntu Summit 2022 and SouthEast LinuxFest 2023. The first was not recorded, but the second was and is on [SELF's PeerTube instance.][selfpeertube] I apologise for the terrible audio, but there's unfortunately nothing I can do about that. If you're already intimately familiar with the core concepts of VMs or containers, I would suggest skipping those respective sections. If you're vaguely familiar with either, I would recommend reading them because I do go a little bit in-depth. [selfpeertube]: https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/hjiTPHVwGz4hy9n3cUL1mq?start=1m {{< adm type="warn" >}} **Note:** Canonical has decided to [pull LXD out][lxd] from under the Linux Containers entity and instead continue development under the Canonical brand. The majority of the LXD creators and developers have congregated around a fork called [Incus.][inc] I'll be keeping a close eye on the project and intend to migrate as soon as there's an installable release. [lxd]: https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/ [inc]: https://linuxcontainers.org/incus/ {{< /adm >}} ## The benefits of VMs and containers - **Isolation:** you don't want to allow an attacker to infiltrate your email server through your web application; the two should be completely separate from each other and VMs/containers provide strong isolation guarantees. - **Flexibility:** VMs and containers only use the resources they've been given. If you tell the VM it has 200 MBs of RAM, it's going to make do with 200 MBs of RAM and the kernel's OOM killer is going to have a fun time 🤠 - **Portability:** once set up and configured, VMs and containers can mostly be treated as closed boxes; as long as the surrounding environment of the new host is similar to the previous in terms of communication (proxies, web servers, etc.), they can just be picked up and dropped between various hosts as necessary. - **Density:** applications are usually much lighter than the systems they're running on, so it makes sense to run many applications on one system. VMs and containers facilitate that without sacrificing security. - **Cleanliness:** VMs and containers are applications in black boxes. When you're done with the box, you can just throw it away and most everything related to the application is gone. ## Virtual machines As the name suggests, Virtual Machines are all virtual; a hypervisor creates virtual disks for storage, virtual CPUs, virtual NICs, virtual RAM, etc. On top of the virtualised hardware, you have your kernel. This is what facilitates communication between the operating system and the (virtual) hardware. Above that is the operating system and all your applications. At this point, the stack is quite large; VMs aren't exactly lightweight, and this impacts how densely you can pack the host. I mentioned a "hypervisor" a minute ago. I've explained what hypervisors in general do, but there are actually two different kinds of hypervisor. They're creatively named **Type 1** and **Type 2**. ### Type 1 hypervisors These run directly in the host kernel without an intermediary OS. A good example would be [KVM,][kvm] a **VM** hypervisor than runs in the **K**ernel. Type 1 hypervisors can communicate directly with the host's hardware to allocate RAM, issue instructions to the CPU, etc. [debian]: https://debian.org [kvm]: https://www.linux-kvm.org [vb]: https://www.virtualbox.org/ ```kroki {type=d2,d2theme=flagship-terrastruct,d2sketch=true} hk: Host kernel hk.h: Type 1 hypervisor hk.h.k1: Guest kernel hk.h.k2: Guest kernel hk.h.k3: Guest kernel hk.h.k1.os1: Guest OS hk.h.k2.os2: Guest OS hk.h.k3.os3: Guest OS hk.h.k1.os1.app1: Many apps hk.h.k2.os2.app2: Many apps hk.h.k3.os3.app3: Many apps ``` ### Type 2 hypervisors These run in userspace as an application, like [VirtualBox.][vb] Type 2 hypervisors have to first go through the operating system, adding an additional layer to the stack. ```kroki {type=d2,d2theme=flagship-terrastruct,d2sketch=true} hk: Host kernel hk.os: Host OS hk.os.h: Type 2 hypervisor hk.os.h.k1: Guest kernel hk.os.h.k2: Guest kernel hk.os.h.k3: Guest kernel hk.os.h.k1.os1: Guest OS hk.os.h.k2.os2: Guest OS hk.os.h.k3.os3: Guest OS hk.os.h.k1.os1.app1: Many apps hk.os.h.k2.os2.app2: Many apps hk.os.h.k3.os3.app3: Many apps ``` ## Containers VMs use virtualisation to achieve isolation. Containers use **namespaces** and **cgroups**, technologies pioneered in the Linux kernel. By now, though, there are [equivalents for Windows] and possibly other platforms. [equivalents for Windows]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/community/team-blog/2017/20170127-introducing-the-host-compute-service-hcs **[Linux namespaces]** partition kernel resources like process IDs, hostnames, user IDs, directory hierarchies, network access, etc. This prevents one collection of processes from seeing or gaining access to data regarding another collection of processes. **[Cgroups]** limit, track, and isolate the hardware resource use of a collection of processes. If you tell a cgroup that it's only allowed to spawn 500 child processes and someone executes a fork bomb, the fork bomb will expand until it hits that limit. The kernel will prevent it from spawning further children and you'll have to resolve the issue the same way you would with VMs: delete and re-create it, restore from a good backup, etc. You can also limit CPU use, the number of CPU cores it can access, RAM, disk use, and so on. [Linux namespaces]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_namespaces [Cgroups]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cgroups ### Application containers The most well-known example of application container tech is probably [Docker.][docker] The goal here is to run a single application as minimally as possible inside each container. In the case of a single, statically-linked Go binary, a minimal Docker container might contain nothing more than the binary. If it's a Python application, you're more likely to use an [Alpine Linux image] and add your Python dependencies on top of that. If a database is required, that goes in a separate container. If you've got a web server to handle TLS termination and proxy your application, that's a third container. One cohesive system might require many Docker containers to function as intended. [docker]: https://docker.com/ [Alpine Linux image]: https://hub.docker.com/_/alpine ```kroki {type=d2,d2theme=flagship-terrastruct,d2sketch=true} Host kernel.Container runtime.c1: Container Host kernel.Container runtime.c2: Container Host kernel.Container runtime.c3: Container Host kernel.Container runtime.c1.One app Host kernel.Container runtime.c2.Few apps Host kernel.Container runtime.c3.Full OS.Many apps ``` ### System containers One of the most well-known examples of system container tech is the subject of this post: LXD! Rather than containing a single application or a very small set of them, system containers are designed to house entire operating systems, like [Debian] or [Rocky Linux,][rocky] along with everything required for your application. Using our examples from above, a single statically-linked Go binary might run in a full Debian container, just like the Python application might. The database and webserver might go in _that same_ container. [Debian]: https://www.debian.org/ [rocky]: https://rockylinux.org/ You treat each container more like you would a VM, but you get the performance benefit of _not_ virtualising everything. Containers are _much_ lighter than any virtual machine. ```kroki {type=d2,d2theme=flagship-terrastruct,d2sketch=true} hk: Host kernel hk.c1: Container hk.c2: Container hk.c3: Container hk.c1.os1: Full OS hk.c2.os2: Full OS hk.c3.os3: Full OS hk.c1.os1.app1: Many apps hk.c2.os2.app2: Many apps hk.c3.os3.app3: Many apps ``` ## When to use which These are personal opinions. Please evaluate each technology and determine for yourself whether it's a suitable fit for your environment. ### VMs As far as I'm aware, VMs are your only option when you want to work with esoteric hardware or hardware you don't physically have on-hand. You can tell your VM that it's running with RAM that's 20 years old, a still-in-development RISC-V CPU, and a 420p monitor. That's not possible with containers. VMs are also your only option when you want to work with foreign operating systems: running Linux on Windows, Windows on Linux, or OpenBSD on a Mac all require virtualisation. Another reason to stick with VMs is for compliance purposes. Containers are still very new and some regulatory bodies require virtualisation because it's a decades-old and battle-tested isolation technique. {{< adm type="note" >}} See Drew DeVault's blog post [_In praise of qemu_][qemu] for a great use of VMs [qemu]: https://drewdevault.com/2022/09/02/2022-09-02-In-praise-of-qemu.html {{< /adm >}} ### Application containers Application containers are particularly popular for [microservices] and [reproducible builds,][repb] though I personally think [NixOS] is a better fit for the latter. App containers are also your only option if you want to use cloud platforms with extreme scaling capabilities like Google Cloud's App Engine standard environment or AWS's Fargate. [microservices]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microservices [repb]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reproducible_builds [NixOS]: https://nixos.org/ Application containers also tend to be necessary when the application you want to self-host is _only_ distributed as a Docker image and the maintainers adamantly refuse to support any other deployment method. This is a _massive_ pet peeve of mine; yes, Docker can make running self-hosted applications easier for inexperienced individuals,[^1] but application orchestration system _does not_ fit in every single environment. By refusing to provide proper "manual" deployment instructions, maintainers of these projects alienate an entire class of potential users and it pisses me off. Just document your shit. ### System containers Personally, I use system containers for everything else. I prefer the simplicity of being able to shell into a system and work with it almost exactly ## Crash course to LXD ### Installation {{< adm type="note" >}} **Note:** the instructions below say to install LXD using [Snap.][snap] I personally dislike Snap, but LXD is a Canonical product and they're doing their best to promote it as much as possible. One of the first things the Incus project did was [rip out Snap support,][rsnap] so it will eventually be installable as a proper native package. [snap]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snap_(software) [rsnap]: https://github.com/lxc/incus/compare/9579f65cd0f215ecd847e8c1cea2ebe96c56be4a...3f64077a80e028bb92b491d42037124e9734d4c7 {{< /adm >}} 1. Install snap following [Canonical's tutorial](https://earl.run/ZvUK) - LXD is natively packaged for Arch and Alpine, but configuration can be a massive headache. 2. `sudo snap install lxd` 3. `lxd init` - Defaults are fine for the most part; you may want to increase the size of the storage pool. 4. `lxc launch images:debian/12 container-name` 5. `lxc shell container-name` ### Usage As an example of how to use LXD in a real situation, we'll set up [my URL shortener.][earl] You'll need a VPS with LXD installed and a (sub)domain pointed to the VPS. Run `lxc launch images:debian/12 earl` followed by `lxc shell earl` and `apt install curl`. Also `apt install` a text editor, like `vim` or `nano` depending on what you're comfortable with. Head to the **Installation** section of [earl's SourceHut page][earl] and expand the **List of latest binaries**. Copy the link to the binary appropriate for your platform, head back to your terminal, type `curl -LO`, and paste the link you copied. This will download the binary to your system. Run `mv earl` to rename it, `chmod +x earl` to make it executable, then `./earl` to execute it. It will create a file called `config.yaml` that you need to edit before proceeding. Change the `accessToken` to something else and replace the `listen` value, ``, with ``. This exposes the application to the host system so we can reverse proxy it. [earl]: https://earl.run/source The next step is daemonising it so it runs as soon as the system boots. Edit the file located at `/etc/systemd/system/earl.service` and paste the following code snippet into it. ```ini [Unit] Description=personal link shortener After=network.target [Service] User=root Group=root WorkingDirectory=/root/ ExecStart=/root/earl -c config.yaml [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Save, then run `systemctl daemon-reload` followed by `systemctl enable --now earl`. You should be able to `curl localhost:8275` and see some HTML. Now we need a reverse proxy on the host. Exit the container with `exit` or `Ctrl+D`, and if you have a preferred webserver, install it. If you don't have a preferred webserver yet, I recommend [installing Caddy.][caddy] All that's left is running `lxc list`, making note of the `earl` container's `IPv4` address, and reverse proxying it. If you're using Caddy, edit `/etc/caddy/Caddyfile` and replace everything that's there with the following. [caddy]: https://caddyserver.com/docs/install ```text <(sub)domain> { encode zstd gzip reverse_proxy :1313 } ``` Run `systemctl restart caddy` and head to whatever domain or subdomain you entered. You should see the home page with just the text `earl` on it. If you go to `/login`, you'll be able to enter whatever access token you set earlier and log in. ### Executing a fork bomb I've seen some people say that executing a fork bomb from inside a container is equivalent to executing it on the host. The fork bomb will blow up the whole system and render every application and container you're running inoperable. That's partially true because LXD _by default_ doesn't put a limit on how many processes a particular container can spawn. You can limit that number yourself by running ```text lxc profile set default limits.processes ``` Any container you create under the `default` profile will have a total process limit of ``. I can't tell you what a good process limit is though; you'll need to do some testing and experimentation on your own. Note that this doesn't _save_ you from fork bombs, all it does is prevent an affected container from affecting _other_ containers. If someone executes a fork bomb in a container, it'll be the same as if they executed it in a virtual machine; assuming it's a one-off, you'll need to fix it by rebooting the container. If it was set to run at startup, you'll need to recreate the container, restore from a backup, revert to a snapshot, etc. [^1]: Until they need to do _anything_ more complex than pull a newer image. Then it's twice as painful as the "manual" method might have been.