--- title: Welcome! layout: home --- ## Welcome! My online pseudonym is Amolith. However, if we end up meeting in person, I would be happy to introduce myself as myself. I am a dedicated Linux user, musician, sysadmin, and founder of [NixNet](https://nixnet.services). At the moment, I’m a university student studying to obtain my Masters degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Systems. I don’t have much time to play music so it’s (mostly) an “in my room when I have a few minutes” thing. I also host a (work-in-progress) netcast called [Redacted Life](https://redacted.life); the subject is Linux and libre software with a hard spin on personal privacy and security. Nothing has been recorded yet but it's in progress. ``` text -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- GCS/TW/PA d(+) s+:++ a-- C++(+++) UL+++>$ P L+++>++++ E+ W++ N++ o? K- w--- O? M-- V? PS+ PE Y++ PGP+++ t 5? X R+ tv+ b++ DI++ D+ G e+>++++ h r% y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ ``` [Decode mine above](http://www.joereiss.net/geek/ungeek.html) or [create your own](https://geekcode.xyz/geek.html). ## Blog I will occasionally blog here and that content can be found on the [Posts](/posts) page. Below are a specific few posts that give a good overview of what I typically write about. * [Replacing YouTube & Invidious](/replacing-youtube-invidious) * [Typing International Characters](/typing-international-characters) * [Consuming News](/consuming-news) * [On smoking a pipe](/on-smoking-a-pipe) * [Part of my cellar](/part-of-my-cellar) ## About the site Secluded.Site was created entirely by me and is generated with [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). The theme will be made public soon™ and eventually added to [the themes directory](https://themes.gohugo.io/) once I clean it up a little (PRs welcome!). All of the code is released under the [MIT license](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license) and the content is [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The source is available on my [Gitea instance](https://git.nixnet.services/Amolith/secluded). ## Contact I can be contacted through many methods but the most reliable and my most preferred will *always* be email. In order of preference… 1. **Email:** `amolith [email symbol] [this domain]` 2. **XMPP:** `amolith [email symbol] [this domain]` 3. **Fediverse:** `@amolith@nixnet.social` 5. **IRC:** `amolith` on [Libera](https://libera.chat/) and [NixNet](https://docs.nixnet.services/IRC) If you choose to contact me over XMPP, please use OMEMO encryption and manually verify the following fingerprints. Any other keys should be marked as *untrusted*. ``` text 99569c7d-10d21a0e-3796097d-9c3a90c3-94d4b545-af67793a-d844a3af-92b81827 4d7885e7-a4790433-10c550a3-a65ed962-3a3f8118-d856c606-1e962aca-c8abb349 ```