## How to Use: These files has been designed exclusively for Firefox for GNU/Linux on Pinephone and Pinephone Pro. ## Settings Protection: Important settings are enforced/locked within `mozilla.cfg`, those settings cannot be changed by addons/updates/Firefox or unwanted/accidental manipulation; To change those settings you can easily do it by editing `mozilla.cfg`. ## Installation: - Clone or download zip file and extract it - Locate Firefox's installation directory `/usr/lib/firefox-esr/` - Copy the files contained in `config` folder to the install directory - Start Firefox and test if config was applied browsing to `about:config`. ## Uninstall: - To uninstall, just remove the files you added to your Firefox's install directory; then restart Firefox. ## Mobile view Due to Firefox is a desktop browser you could wish mobile view. To achieve this you have 2 options: - Disable privacy.resistFingerprinting and uncomment this: // defaultPref("general.useragent.override", "Mozilla/5.0 (Android 10; Mobile; rv:91.0) Gecko/91.0 Firefox/91.0"); // HIDDEN PREF - Install a UserAgent switcher and choose a mobile UA. For this purpose I recommend Chameleon. ## Thanks: * [arkenfox](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js) - The mayority content of this mozilla.cfg. * [QUINDECIM](https://git.nixnet.services/quindecim/mozilla.cfg) - Original mozilla.cfg and design. * [Librewolf](https://librewolf.net) - Some strings. * [postmarketOS](https://gitlab.com/postmarketOS/mobile-config-firefox) - Performance strings.