## user.js for Pale Moon. user.js file for configuring and hardening Pale Moon privacy and security.- ## Goals * enhance privacy and security * improve performance * better fingerprint possible * avoid automatic connections ## Considerations This user.js is mainly based on arkenfox project (56 and recent version). On the other hand, it tries to avoid all the automatic connections even though security could be reduced slightly (according to Spyware Watchdog website) For instance, OSCP is a privacy breach. Nevertheless, it is also a security feature. It has also some changes in order to improve fingerprinting like canvas.poisondata and others. ## Known problems `Some breakage?` Try changing "network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy" from 2 to 1 `Performance loss?` Change these strings from false to true: javascript.options.ion javascript.options.baselinejit javascript.options.native_regexp ## Thanks: * [Arkenfox user.js](https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js) * [Pale Moon Browser Spyware Mitigation Guide](https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html) * [Pale Moon Release Notes](https://www.palemoon.org/releasenotes.shtml) ## License GNU General Public License v3.0. See `LICENSE` for more details. ## Other mirrors https://gitlab.com/Jorgu81/user.js/tree/master/Pale%20Moon