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layout: page
title: Warrant Canary
subtitle: The FBI has not been here
description: Watch this page carefully for changes and read up on warrant canaries. I may not be able to state anything clearly.
cover: /assets/pages/canary.png
**Updated**: 2019-10-29 21:33 UTC
**Valid until**: 2019-11-29 23:49 UTC
# Recent stories in my RSS feed
* [Uber sues Los Angeles as the fight over scooter data escalates](
* [The California fires show how unprepared we are for climate change](
* [50 Years Ago, the Internet Was Born In Room 3420](
* [Security Updates for Tuesday](
* [The Pirate Bay was recently down for over a week due to a DDoS attack](
# Statement
I have not been contacted by any member of law enforcement from any nation regarding this site, the associated servers, the services/applications running on them, or any of the users. This is accurate as of 2019-10-29 21:33 UTC.
# Further information
Read this page carefully and watch for changes. The [Wikipedia]( article may prove useful if you're not sure what something means.
# Signed version for verification
Hash: SHA256
**Updated**: 2019-10-29 21:33 UTC
**Valid until**: 2019-11-29 23:49 UTC
# Recent stories in my RSS feed
* [Uber sues Los Angeles as the fight over scooter data escalates](
* [The California fires show how unprepared we are for climate change](
* [50 Years Ago, the Internet Was Born In Room 3420](
* [Security Updates for Tuesday](
* [The Pirate Bay was recently down for over a week due to a DDoS attack](
# Statement
I have not been contacted by any member of law enforcement from any nation regarding this site, the associated servers, the services/applications running on them, or any of the users. This is accurate as of 2019-10-29 21:33 UTC.
# Further information
Read this page carefully and watch for changes. The [Wikipedia]( article may prove useful if you're not sure what something means.