Articles from blogs I follow around the internet

Status update, June 2020

Like last month, I am writing to you from the past, preparing this status update a day earlier than usual. This time it’s because I expect to be busy with planned maintenance tomorrow, so I’m getting the status updates written ahead of time. aerc has se…

via Drew DeVault's Blog June 15, 2020

How Much Does It Cost To Run This Blog?

My wife recently asked me how much it costs me to run this blog. I wasn’t really sure to be honest, so I looked into it and the results were surprising. So I thought I would share the details to give you guys a general idea how much it costs to run a blog…

via Kev Quirk June 13, 2020

Documenting With MediaWiki

Much to my chagrin, I’ve hardly posted anything at all the past couple of weeks. This is partly due to university summer classes starting and partly due to me putting some work into NixNet’s documentation. After listening to Episode 4 of 2.5 Admins, I dec…

via Posts on Secluded.Site June 4, 2020

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