--- layout: post title: "Forecasting with a command" categories: minimalism cover: /assets/weather.png description: "Using a single command to get the week's weather forecast" date: 2018-12-14 21:41 --- We all love the CLI *(and if we don't, we should)* so wouldn't it be great if there was a tool to see your weather forecast with a single command? Ceda EI at webionite.com has written a tool that uses the Dark Sky API to give you the forecast for a day or week, at your location, and in Celsius or Fahrenheit. ## Celsius + Weather for one week - `$ curl sky.webionite.com/location` + Weather for today - `$ curl sky.webionite.com/location/t` ## Fahrenheit + Weather for one week - `$ curl sky.webionite.com/f/location` + Weather for today - `$ curl sky.webionite.com/f/location/t` A great way to make this faster and simpler is to put an alias in your shell's `rc` file. For bash, you can do that with: ``` echo "alias weather='curl sky.webionite.com/f/location'" >> ~/.bashrc ``` If you ever forget how to use the tool, just run `curl sky.webionite.com` and you'll be given instructions. ![](/assets/weather.png)