--- layout: page title: Mattermost subtitle: "An open source and self-hosted chat application" description: "A list of communities and a NixNet-styled theme for Mattermost" cover: /assets/pages/mattermost.png --- # Communities --- Sign up by clicking a community link - [NixNet](https://matter.nixnet.xyz/signup_user_complete/?id=n5qbfgiuaidmtmppetgj45zxuh) - General chat, randomness, shiptosting, getting support, etc. - [Linux Audio](https://matter.nixnet.xyz/signup_user_complete/?id=5ob84if1w3bx3n5phhsbjm3ohh) - Open to anyone with an interest in audio recording, production, etc. on Linux - [LenoirLUG](https://matter.nixnet.xyz/signup_user_complete/?id=rrko34wdzjfo5ykc49d1kkikeo) - A chat room for the Lenoir Linux User Group # Mobile client config To use the mobile application, first sign up on a community with your browser (desktop or mobile) then enter `https://matter.nixnet.xyz` as the server URL! Desktop themes can be synced to mobile if you want to use the theme I created below. # Theme --- I've created a theme for Mattermost that uses the same colour scheme as the NixNet website. Copy and paste the code below into the application's theme settings under `Account Settings > Display > Theme > Custom Theme`. ```json { "sidebarBg":"#242424", "sidebarText":"#ffffff", "sidebarUnreadText":"#ffffff", "sidebarTextHoverBg":"#525252", "sidebarTextActiveBorder":"#2b6863", "sidebarTextActiveColor":"#ffffff", "sidebarHeaderBg":"#242424", "sidebarHeaderTextColor":"#ffffff", "onlineIndicator":"#2b6863", "awayIndicator":"#68652b", "dndIndicator":"#682b2b", "mentionBj":"#573c3c", "mentionColor":"#ffffff", "centerChannelBg":"#333333", "centerChannelColor":"#ffffff", "newMessageSeparator":"#2b6863", "linkColor":"#5a76c7", "buttonBg":"#5a76c7", "buttonColor":"#ffffff", "errorTextColor":"#654040", "mentionHighlightBg":"#949494", "mentionHighlightLink":"#66aaa5", "codeTheme":"monokai", "mentionBg":"#573c3c" } ```