--- layout: page title: Jabber/XMPP description: "Set up a Jabber/XMPP account on NixNet.xyz" cover: /assets/pages/xmpp.png permalink: /jabber-xmpp/ --- # Registration - clearnet Client registration is open so all you have to do to start using Jabber/XMPP on NixNet is open your favourite client, enter `nixnet.xyz` as the host, come up with a username, generate a strong password, and enjoy! # Registration - Tor If you want to use my XMPP server over Tor, make sure you first start/enable the Tor service: ```bash $ sudo systemtl start tor.service ``` After that, there are a few settings you'll have to change depending on your client. I use [Gajim](https://gajim.org) on Linux so I'll explain how to do it with that. * `Add Account -> I want to register for a new account` * Server: `nixnet.xyz` * Advanced * Proxy: `Tor` * Manage `->` Tor * Type: `SOCKS5` * Proxy Host: `` * Proxy Port: `9050` * ☑️ Use custom hostname/port * Hostname: `l4qlywnpwqsluw65ts7md3khrivpirse744un3x7mlskqauz5pyuzgqd.onion` * Port: `5222` * Enter a username * Come up with a strong password - it won't be accepted if it's too weak ¯\\_(ツ )_/¯ * Enjoy! ☺️ --- # Clients If you're not sure what client to use, I recommend [Conversations](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/eu.siacs.conversations/) for Android, [ChatSecure](https://chatsecure.org/) or [Monal IM](https://monal.im/) for iOS/macOS (I haven't tested them but I have heard good things), and [Gajim](https://gajim.org/) for Linux and Windows. Personally, I use Conversations and Gajim 😉