--- layout: home title: Contact subtitle: Where to find me description: Various ways to contact me cover: /assets/pages/contact.png permalink: /contact/ ---

These are some of my more public accounts; feel free to contact me at any of them!

I also have Briar. Since they finished the feature that lets you add remote contacts, send me a message somewhere with your link and paste this into your client. It only works when we're both online so you may want to wait until I respond before you bother.


I'm on Wire with @amolith as well.

Despite the many ways to contact me, email and XMPP are and always will be my most preferrered methods (as well as the most reliable). If you email me, please be sure to encrypt it with my GPG key. If you message me over XMPP, please make sure it's with a client that has OMEMO encryption.

I will also try to be available on Mumble at the times listed below if you would like to talk to me "in person" as it were. I'll be in the General channel.

diagram of the times I'll be available on Mumble. when I have time, I'll fix this so it can be read with a screen reader.