
29 lines
924 B

layout: default
{% include category/title.html %}
<ul class="list-posts">
{% assign empty_category = true %}
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% if post.categories contains page.category %}
<li class="post-teaser">
<a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
<span class="post-teaser__title">{{ post.title }}</span>
<span class="post-teaser__date">{{ | date: "%d %B %Y" }}</span>
{% assign empty_category = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if empty_category %}
<li class="empty-post-list">
<p>The first article to appear here is currently being written.<p>
<p>In the meantime, please go <a href="/">home</a> to see a list of completed posts.</p>
{% endif %}
{% include page/explore.html %}