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# Site settings
title: NixNet
description: >
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
fullname: Amolith
mastodon: amolith
gitlab: Amolith
# Syntax highlighting
highlightstyle: ''
styles: [agate, androidstudio, arta, asceti, atelier-cave.dark, atelier-cave.light, atelier-dune.dark, atelier-dune.light, atelier-estuary.dark, atelier-estuary.light, atelier-forest.dark, atelier-forest.light, atelier-heath.dark, atelier-heath.light, atelier-lakeside.dark, atelier-lakeside.light, atelier-plateau.dark, atelier-plateau.light, atelier-savanna.dark, atelier-savanna.light, atelier-seaside.dark, atelier-seaside.light, atelier-sulphurpool.dark, atelier-sulphurpool.light, brown_paper, codepen-embed, color-brewer, dark, darkula, default, docco, far, foundation, github, github-gist, googlecode, grayscale, hopscotch, hybrid, idea, ir_black, kimbie.dark, kimbie.light, magula, mono-blue, monokai, monokai_sublime, obsidian, paraiso.dark, paraiso.light, pojoaque, railscast, rainbow, school_book, solarized_dark, solarized_light, styles_list.txt, sunburst, tomorrow, tomorrow-night-blue, tomorrow-night-bright, tomorrow-night, tomorrow-night-eightie, v, xcode, zenburn]
# Handling Reading
exclude: ["", "README.html"]
# Build settings
highlighter: null
markdown: kramdown