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<span class="site-title">NixNet Mail</span>
<span class="site-subtitle">Free and anonymous</span>
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<p>The mail server is fully usable, however, there is no registration frontend and no support for custom domains; <em>until those features are present, consider this an alpha-grade service</em>. In the meantime, if you would like an address at any of <a href="#domains">my domains</a>, send an email to <a href=""></a> or open a ticket using the web interface at <a href=""></a>. Include your desired username and <a href="#domains">domain</a> in the form <code></code>. I will manually create the account and send you a random password.</p>
<p>I also recommend reading <a href=""></a> when you have time. It explains how to be a good "netizen" and common email etiquette that a lot of people don't think about. All of the things mentioned there are default on my Roundcube instance except hard wrapping as it can be quite off-putting for people who aren't used to it and may read emails on their phone.</p>
<p>For webmail, <a href="">Roundcube</a> is available and provides a rather nice experience, however, it does require JavaScript. If you use Tor or simply disable JS, you may prefer <a href="">alps</a>. It is <a href="" target=_"blank">actively being developed</a> so there will likely be bugs.</p>
<h2 id="domains">Available domains</h2>
<p><code>.email</code> is a relatively new TLD and <i>may</i> be counted as invalid on some websites. It's unlikely but possible. <code>.com</code> will work everywhere, however. The numbered domains are only recommended for anonymous/throwaway/whatever accounts when registering for services. The numbers correspond to letters as with the 3x4 keypads on mobile phones.<p>
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<h2>Planned features</h2>
<li>Local inbox encryption with user's password</li>
<li>Onion URL for webmail</li>
<li>Support for sending/receiving mail to/from onion addresses</li>
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