mirror of https://gogs.blitter.com/RLabs/xs
Client->Remote xc progress indication using pv
Signed-off-by: Russ Magee <rmagee@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -240,21 +240,21 @@ func GetSize() (cols, rows int, err error) {
// doCopyMode begins a secure xs local<->remote file copy operation.
// TODO: reduce gocyclo
func doCopyMode(conn *xsnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, rec *xs.Session) (exitStatus uint32, err error) {
if remoteDest {
log.Println("local files:", files, "remote filepath:", string(rec.Cmd()))
func buildCmdLocalToRemote(copyQuiet bool, copyLimitBPS uint, files string) (captureStderr bool, cmd string, args []string) {
// TODO: detect if we have 'pv'
// pipeview http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml
// and use it for nice client progress display.
_, pverr := os.Stat("/usr/bin/pv")
if pverr != nil {
_, pverr = os.Stat("/usr/local/bin/pv")
var c *exec.Cmd
if pverr != nil {
// copyQuiet and copyLimitBPS are not applicable in dumb copy mode
//os.Setenv("HOME", u.HomeDir)
//os.Setenv("TERM", "vt102") // TODO: server or client option?
cmdName := "/bin/tar"
cmdArgs := []string{"-cz", "-f", "/dev/stdout"}
captureStderr = true
cmd = "/bin/tar"
args = []string{"-cz", "-f", "/dev/stdout"}
files = strings.TrimSpace(files)
// Awesome fact: tar actually can take multiple -C args, and
// changes to the dest dir *as it sees each one*. This enables
@ -272,22 +272,70 @@ func doCopyMode(conn *xsnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, rec *xs.Session
v, _ = filepath.Abs(v) // #nosec
dirTmp, fileTmp := path.Split(v)
if dirTmp == "" {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, fileTmp)
args = append(args, fileTmp)
} else {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, "-C", dirTmp, fileTmp)
args = append(args, "-C", dirTmp, fileTmp)
} else {
captureStderr = copyQuiet
bandwidthInBytesPerSec := " -L " + fmt.Sprintf("%d", copyLimitBPS)
displayOpts := " -f -pr "
cmd = "/bin/bash"
args = []string{"-c", "/bin/tar -cz -f /dev/stdout "}
files = strings.TrimSpace(files)
// Awesome fact: tar actually can take multiple -C args, and
// changes to the dest dir *as it sees each one*. This enables
// its use below, where clients can send scattered sets of source
// files and dirs to be extracted to a single dest dir server-side,
// whilst preserving the subtrees of dirs on the other side.
// Eg., tar -c -f /dev/stdout -C /dirA fileInA -C /some/where/dirB fileInB /foo/dirC
// packages fileInA, fileInB, and dirC at a single toplevel in the tar.
// The tar authors are/were real smarties :)
// This is the 'scatter/gather' logic to allow specification of
// files and dirs in different trees to be deposited in a single
// remote destDir.
for _, v := range strings.Split(files, " ") {
v, _ = filepath.Abs(v) // #nosec
dirTmp, fileTmp := path.Split(v)
if dirTmp == "" {
args[1] = args[1] + fileTmp + " "
} else {
args[1] = args[1] + " -C " + dirTmp + " " + fileTmp + " "
args[1] = args[1] + "| pv" + displayOpts + bandwidthInBytesPerSec + " -s $(du -cb " + files + " | tail -1 | cut -f 1) -c"
log.Printf("[%v %v]\n", cmdName, cmdArgs)
// NOTE the lack of quotes around --xform option's sed expression.
// When args are passed in exec() format, no quoting is required
// (as this isn't input from a shell) (right? -rlm 20180823)
log.Printf("[%v %v]\n", cmd, args)
// doCopyMode begins a secure xs local<->remote file copy operation.
// TODO: reduce gocyclo
func doCopyMode(conn *xsnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, copyQuiet bool, copyLimitBPS uint, rec *xs.Session) (exitStatus uint32, err error) {
if remoteDest {
log.Println("local files:", files, "remote filepath:", string(rec.Cmd()))
var c *exec.Cmd
//os.Setenv("HOME", u.HomeDir)
//os.Setenv("TERM", "vt102") // TODO: server or client option?
captureStderr, cmdName, cmdArgs := buildCmdLocalToRemote(copyQuiet, copyLimitBPS, strings.TrimSpace(files))
c = exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...) // #nosec
c.Dir, _ = os.Getwd() // #nosec
log.Println("[wd:", c.Dir, "]")
c.Stdout = conn
stdErrBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
if captureStderr {
c.Stderr = stdErrBuffer
} else {
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
// Start the command (no pty)
err = c.Start() // returns immediately
@ -320,10 +368,12 @@ func doCopyMode(conn *xsnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, rec *xs.Session
// an ExitStatus() method with the same signature.
if status, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitStatus = uint32(status.ExitStatus())
if captureStderr {
// send CSOExitStatus to inform remote (server) end cp is done
log.Println("Sending local exitStatus:", exitStatus)
r := make([]byte, 4)
@ -612,6 +662,8 @@ func main() {
var copySrc []byte
var copyDst string
var copyQuiet bool
var copyLimitBPS uint
var authCookie string
var chaffEnabled bool
@ -649,6 +701,8 @@ func main() {
shellMode = true
flag.Usage = usageShell
} else {
flag.BoolVar(©Quiet, "q", false, "do not output progress bar during copy")
flag.UintVar(©LimitBPS, "L", 8589934592, "copy max rate in bytes per sec")
flag.Usage = usageCp
@ -932,7 +986,7 @@ func main() {
launchTuns(&conn, remoteHost, tunSpecStr)
doShellMode(isInteractive, &conn, oldState, rec)
} else { // copyMode
s, _ := doCopyMode(&conn, pathIsDest, fileArgs, rec) // nolint: errcheck,gosec
s, _ := doCopyMode(&conn, pathIsDest, fileArgs, copyQuiet, copyLimitBPS, rec) // nolint: errcheck,gosec
Reference in New Issue