package xs import ( "errors" "fmt" "os/user" "strings" "testing" ) type userVerifs struct { user string passwd string good bool } var ( dummyShadowA = `johndoe:$6$EeQlTtn/KXdSh6CW$UHbFuEw3UA0Jg9/GoPHxgWk6Ws31x3IjqsP22a9pVMOte0yQwX1.K34oI4FACu8GRg9DArJ5RyWUE9m98qwzZ1:18310:0:99999:7::: joebloggs:$6$F.0IXOrb0w0VJHG1$3O4PYyng7F3hlh42mbroEdQZvslybY5etPPiLMQJ1xosjABY.Q4xqAfyIfe03Du61ZjGQIt3nL0j12P9k1fsK/:18310:0:99999:7::: disableduser:!:18310::::::` dummyAuthTokenFile = "hostA:abcdefg\nhostB:wxyz\n" testGoodUsers = []userVerifs{ {"johndoe", "testpass", true}, {"joebloggs", "testpass2", true}, {"johndoe", "badpass", false}, } userlookup_arg_u string readfile_arg_f string ) func newMockAuthCtx(reader func(string) ([]byte, error), userlookup func(string) (*user.User, error)) (ret *AuthCtx) { ret = &AuthCtx{reader, userlookup} return } func _mock_user_Lookup(username string) (*user.User, error) { username = userlookup_arg_u if username == "baduser" { return &user.User{}, errors.New("bad user") } urec := &user.User{Uid: "1000", Gid: "1000", Username: username, Name: "Full Name", HomeDir: "/home/user"} fmt.Printf(" [mock user rec:%v]\n", urec) return urec, nil } func _mock_ioutil_ReadFile(f string) ([]byte, error) { f = readfile_arg_f if f == "/etc/shadow" { fmt.Println(" [mocking ReadFile(\"/etc/shadow\")]") return []byte(dummyShadowA), nil } if strings.Contains(f, "/.xs_id") { fmt.Println(" [mocking ReadFile(\".xs_id\")]") return []byte(dummyAuthTokenFile), nil } return []byte{}, errors.New("no readfile_arg_f supplied") } func _mock_ioutil_ReadFileEmpty(f string) ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, nil } func _mock_ioutil_ReadFileHasError(f string) ([]byte, error) { return []byte{}, errors.New("IO Error") } func TestVerifyPass(t *testing.T) { readfile_arg_f = "/etc/shadow" ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFile, nil) for idx, rec := range testGoodUsers { stat, e := VerifyPass(ctx, rec.user, rec.passwd) if rec.good && (!stat || e != nil) { t.Fatalf("failed %d\n", idx) } } } func TestVerifyPassFailsOnEmptyFile(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFileEmpty, nil) stat, e := VerifyPass(ctx, "johndoe", "somepass") if stat || (e == nil) { t.Fatal("failed to fail w/empty file") } } func TestVerifyPassFailsOnFileError(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFileEmpty, nil) stat, e := VerifyPass(ctx, "johndoe", "somepass") if stat || (e == nil) { t.Fatal("failed to fail on ioutil.ReadFile error") } } func TestVerifyPassFailsOnDisabledEntry(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFileEmpty, nil) stat, e := VerifyPass(ctx, "disableduser", "!") if stat || (e == nil) { t.Fatal("failed to fail on disabled user entry") } } //// func TestAuthUserByTokenFailsOnMissingEntryForHost(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFile, _mock_user_Lookup) stat := AuthUserByToken(ctx, "johndoe", "hostZ", "abcdefg") if stat { t.Fatal("failed to fail on missing/mismatched host entry") } } func TestAuthUserByTokenFailsOnMissingEntryForUser(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFile, _mock_user_Lookup) stat := AuthUserByToken(ctx, "unkuser", "hostA", "abcdefg") if stat { t.Fatal("failed to fail on wrong user") } } func TestAuthUserByTokenFailsOnUserLookupFailure(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFile, _mock_user_Lookup) userlookup_arg_u = "baduser" stat := AuthUserByToken(ctx, "johndoe", "hostA", "abcdefg") if stat { t.Fatal("failed to fail with bad return from user.Lookup()") } } func TestAuthUserByTokenFailsOnMismatchedTokenForUser(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFile, _mock_user_Lookup) stat := AuthUserByToken(ctx, "johndoe", "hostA", "badtoken") if stat { t.Fatal("failed to fail with valid user, bad token") } } func TestAuthUserByTokenSucceedsWithMatchedUserAndToken(t *testing.T) { ctx := newMockAuthCtx(_mock_ioutil_ReadFile, _mock_user_Lookup) userlookup_arg_u = "johndoe" readfile_arg_f = "/.xs_id" stat := AuthUserByToken(ctx, userlookup_arg_u, "hostA", "hostA:abcdefg") if !stat { t.Fatal("failed with valid user and token") } }