//+build !noasm //+build !appengine //+build !gccgo // Copyright 2015, Klaus Post, see LICENSE for details. // Copyright 2018, Minio, Inc. package reedsolomon //go:noescape func galMulPpc(low, high, in, out []byte) //go:noescape func galMulPpcXor(low, high, in, out []byte) // This is what the assembler routines do in blocks of 16 bytes: /* func galMulPpc(low, high, in, out []byte) { for n, input := range in { l := input & 0xf h := input >> 4 out[n] = low[l] ^ high[h] } } func galMulPpcXor(low, high, in, out []byte) { for n, input := range in { l := input & 0xf h := input >> 4 out[n] ^= low[l] ^ high[h] } } */ func galMulSlice(c byte, in, out []byte, o *options) { done := (len(in) >> 4) << 4 if done > 0 { galMulPpc(mulTableLow[c][:], mulTableHigh[c][:], in[:done], out) } remain := len(in) - done if remain > 0 { mt := mulTable[c][:256] for i := done; i < len(in); i++ { out[i] = mt[in[i]] } } } func galMulSliceXor(c byte, in, out []byte, o *options) { done := (len(in) >> 4) << 4 if done > 0 { galMulPpcXor(mulTableLow[c][:], mulTableHigh[c][:], in[:done], out) } remain := len(in) - done if remain > 0 { mt := mulTable[c][:256] for i := done; i < len(in); i++ { out[i] ^= mt[in[i]] } } } // slice galois add func sliceXor(in, out []byte, sse2 bool) { for n, input := range in { out[n] ^= input } } func (r reedSolomon) codeSomeShardsAvx512(matrixRows, inputs, outputs [][]byte, outputCount, byteCount int) { }