
221 lines
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// newhope.go - NewHope interface.
// To the extent possible under law, Yawning Angel has waived all copyright
// and related or neighboring rights to newhope, using the Creative
// Commons "CC0" public domain dedication. See LICENSE or
// <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/> for full details.
// Package newhope implements a key exchange based on the Ring Learning with
// Errors Problem. It is a mechanical port of the Public Domain implementation
// by Erdem Alkim, Léo Ducas, Thomas Pöppelmann, and Peter Schwabe.
// For more information see:
// https://cryptojedi.org/papers/newhope-20161119.pdf
// https://cryptojedi.org/papers/newhopesimple-20161217.pdf
package newhope
import (
const (
// SharedSecretSize is the length of a Shared Secret in bytes.
SharedSecretSize = 32
// UpstreamVersion is the version of the upstream package this
// implementation is compatible with.
UpstreamVersion = "20160815"
// RecBytes is the length of the reconciliation data in bytes.
RecBytes = 256
// SendASize is the length of Alice's public key in bytes.
SendASize = PolyBytes + SeedBytes
// SendBSize is the length of Bob's public key in bytes.
SendBSize = PolyBytes + RecBytes
// TorSampling enables the constant time generation of the `a` parameter,
// where every successful `a` generation will take the same amount of time.
// Most users will probably not want to enable this as it does come with a
// performance penalty. Alice and Bob *MUST* agree on the sampling method,
// or the key exchange will fail.
var TorSampling = false
func encodeA(r []byte, pk *poly, seed *[SeedBytes]byte) {
for i := 0; i < SeedBytes; i++ {
r[PolyBytes+i] = seed[i]
func decodeA(pk *poly, seed *[SeedBytes]byte, r []byte) {
for i := range seed {
seed[i] = r[PolyBytes+i]
func encodeB(r []byte, b *poly, c *poly) {
for i := 0; i < paramN/4; i++ {
r[PolyBytes+i] = byte(c.coeffs[4*i]) | byte(c.coeffs[4*i+1]<<2) | byte(c.coeffs[4*i+2]<<4) | byte(c.coeffs[4*i+3]<<6)
func decodeB(b *poly, c *poly, r []byte) {
for i := 0; i < paramN/4; i++ {
c.coeffs[4*i+0] = uint16(r[PolyBytes+i]) & 0x03
c.coeffs[4*i+1] = uint16(r[PolyBytes+i]>>2) & 0x03
c.coeffs[4*i+2] = uint16(r[PolyBytes+i]>>4) & 0x03
c.coeffs[4*i+3] = uint16(r[PolyBytes+i] >> 6)
func memwipe(b []byte) {
for i := range b {
b[i] = 0
// PublicKeyAlice is Alice's NewHope public key.
type PublicKeyAlice struct {
Send [SendASize]byte
// PrivateKeyAlice is Alice's NewHope private key.
type PrivateKeyAlice struct {
sk poly
// Reset clears all sensitive information such that it no longer appears in
// memory.
func (k *PrivateKeyAlice) Reset() {
// GenerateKeyPairAlice returns a private/public key pair. The private key is
// generated using the given reader, which must return random data. The
// receiver side of the key exchange (aka "Bob") MUST use KeyExchangeBob()
// instead of this routine.
func GenerateKeyPairAlice(rand io.Reader) (*PrivateKeyAlice, *PublicKeyAlice, error) {
var a, e, pk, r poly
var seed, noiseSeed [SeedBytes]byte
// seed <- Sample({0, 1}^256)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, seed[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
seed = sha3.Sum256(seed[:]) // Don't send output of system RNG.
// a <- Parse(SHAKE-128(seed))
a.uniform(&seed, TorSampling)
// s, e <- Sample(psi(n, 12))
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, noiseSeed[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer memwipe(noiseSeed[:])
privKey := new(PrivateKeyAlice)
privKey.sk.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 0)
e.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 1)
// b <- as + e
pubKey := new(PublicKeyAlice)
r.pointwise(&privKey.sk, &a)
pk.add(&e, &r)
encodeA(pubKey.Send[:], &pk, &seed)
return privKey, pubKey, nil
// PublicKeyBob is Bob's NewHope public key.
type PublicKeyBob struct {
Send [SendBSize]byte
// KeyExchangeBob is the Responder side of the NewHope key exchange. The
// shared secret and "public key" (key + reconciliation data) are generated
// using the given reader, which must return random data.
func KeyExchangeBob(rand io.Reader, alicePk *PublicKeyAlice) (*PublicKeyBob, []byte, error) {
var pka, a, sp, ep, u, v, epp, r poly
var seed, noiseSeed [SeedBytes]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, noiseSeed[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer memwipe(noiseSeed[:])
// a <- Parse(SHAKE-128(seed))
decodeA(&pka, &seed, alicePk.Send[:])
a.uniform(&seed, TorSampling)
// s', e', e'' <- Sample(psi(n, 12))
sp.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 0)
ep.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 1)
epp.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 2)
// u <- as' + e'
u.pointwise(&a, &sp)
u.add(&u, &ep)
// v <- bs' + e''
v.pointwise(&pka, &sp)
v.add(&v, &epp)
// r <- Sample(HelpRec(v))
r.helpRec(&v, &noiseSeed, 3)
pubKey := new(PublicKeyBob)
encodeB(pubKey.Send[:], &u, &r)
// nu <- Rec(v, r)
var nu [SharedSecretSize]byte
rec(&nu, &v, &r)
// mu <- SHA3-256(nu)
mu := sha3.Sum256(nu[:])
// Scrub the sensitive stuff...
return pubKey, mu[:], nil
// KeyExchangeAlice is the Initiaitor side of the NewHope key exchange. The
// provided private key is obliterated prior to returning.
func KeyExchangeAlice(bobPk *PublicKeyBob, aliceSk *PrivateKeyAlice) ([]byte, error) {
var u, r, vp poly
decodeB(&u, &r, bobPk.Send[:])
// v' <- us
vp.pointwise(&aliceSk.sk, &u)
// nu <- Rec(v', r)
var nu [SharedSecretSize]byte
rec(&nu, &vp, &r)
// mu <- Sha3-256(nu)
mu := sha3.Sum256(nu[:])
// Scrub the sensitive stuff...
return mu[:], nil