#!/bin/bash # Script to run Veeam Agent For Linux (VAL) backup and email job status # =================================================== # = Settings = # =================================================== JOBNAME="Job-Name-Here" SCRIPT_DIR="/etc/veeam/scripts" LOG_DIR="/var/log/veeam/Backup/$JOBNAME" JOB_INFO=$(veeamconfig job info --name "$JOBNAME") EMAIL="systems@example.com" # ==================================================== # = DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE! = # ==================================================== if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then msg="Error: Must be ran as the root user." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -e "$(command -v mailx)" ]]; then msg="Error: mailx is not found or not installed." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -e "$(command -v veeamconfig)" ]]; then msg="Error: veeamconfig is not found or not installed." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$JOBNAME" ]]; then msg="Error: The JOBNAME ($JOBNAME) setting is empty." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d "$SCRIPT_DIR" ]]; then msg="Error: The SCRIPT_DIR ($SCRIPT_DIR) setting directory doesn't exist or is not accessible." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d "$LOG_DIR" ]]; then msg="Error: The LOG_DIR ($LOG_DIR) setting directory doesn't exist or is not accessible." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi if [[ -z "$JOB_INFO" ]]; then msg="Error: Unable to fetch job information (veeamconfig job info --name $JOBNAME)." echo $msg echo $msg | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" exit 1 fi #start backup job if [[ "$1" = "full" ]]; then veeamconfig job start --name "$JOBNAME" --activeFull --retriable --scheduled --highpriority 1> /etc/veeam/scripts/"$JOBNAME".tmp 2> /etc/veeam/scripts/"$JOBNAME".err else veeamconfig job start --name "$JOBNAME" --retriable --scheduled --highpriority 1> /etc/veeam/scripts/"$JOBNAME".tmp 2> /etc/veeam/scripts/"$JOBNAME".err fi SESSION_ID=$(grep ID "$SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.tmp" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\[//' | sed 's/\]//' | sed 's/\.//') SESSION_LOG_DIR=$(grep log "$SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.tmp" | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\[//' | sed 's/\]//' | sed 's/\.//') LOGFILE="$SESSION_LOG_DIR/Job.log" # SESSION_INFO=$(veeamconfig session info --id "$SESSION_ID" | grep -v UUID) # check if another job is running if [ -s $JOBNAME.err ] then ERROR_MSG=$(grep Error "$SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.err") echo "$ERROR_MSG" | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL" fi #check if job is running until [ -z "$(pgrep veeamjobman)" ] do echo "job is running" > /dev/null done #check and set the exit status of the job STATUS="$(veeamconfig session info --id $SESSION_ID | grep State | awk '{print $2}')" if [[ "$STATUS" = 'Warning' ]]; then WARN_MSG=$(veeamconfig session log --id "$SESSION_ID" | grep warn | awk '{print $6,$7,$8,$9}') echo -e "Job $JOBNAME Successful with following $STATUS:\n\n$WARN_MSG\n\nJOB INFO:\n$JOB_INFO" | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME $STATUS" "$EMAIL" elif [[ "$STATUS" = 'Failed' ]]; then echo -e "Job $JOBNAME $STATUS. See attached logfile for error details.\n\nJOB INFO:\n$JOB_INFO" | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME $STATUS" -a "$LOGFILE" "$EMAIL" elif [[ "$STATUS" = 'Success' ]]; then echo -e "Job $JOBNAME $STATUS.\n\nJOB INFO:\n$JOB_INFO" | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME $STATUS" "$EMAIL" else echo -e "Job $JOBNAME $STATUS.\n\nJOB INFO:\n$JOB_INFO" | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Unknown" "$EMAIL" fi rm -f $SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.tmp $SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.err || echo "Error: Unable to remove temproary files, '$SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.tmp' and '$SCRIPT_DIR/$JOBNAME.err'." | mailx -s "VAL Job $JOBNAME Error" "$EMAIL"