waybar-disk(5) # NAME waybar - disk module # DESCRIPTION The *disk* module displays the current disk space used. # CONFIGURATION Addressed by *disk* *path*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: "/" ++ Any path residing in the filesystem or mountpoint for which the information should be displayed. *interval*: ++ typeof: integer++ default: 30 ++ The interval in which the information gets polled. *format*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: "{percentage_used}%" ++ The format, how information should be displayed. *rotate*: ++ typeof: integer ++ Positive value to rotate the text label. *states*: ++ typeof: object ++ A number of disk utilization states that get activated on certain percentage thresholds (percentage_used). See *waybar-states(5)*. *max-length*: ++ typeof: integer ++ The maximum length in character the module should display. *min-length*: ++ typeof: integer ++ The minimum length in characters the module should accept. *align*: ++ typeof: float ++ The alignment of the label within the module, where 0 is left-aligned and 1 is right-aligned. If the module is rotated, it will follow the flow of the text. *justify*: ++ typeof: string ++ The alignment of the text within the module's label, allowing options 'left', 'right', or 'center' to define the positioning. *on-click*: ++ typeof: string ++ Command to execute when clicked on the module. *on-click-middle*: ++ typeof: string ++ Command to execute when middle-clicked on the module using mousewheel. *on-click-right*: ++ typeof: string ++ Command to execute when you right-click on the module. *on-update*: ++ typeof: string ++ Command to execute when the module is updated. *on-scroll-up*: ++ typeof: string ++ Command to execute when scrolling up on the module. *on-scroll-down*: ++ typeof: string ++ Command to execute when scrolling down on the module. *smooth-scrolling-threshold*: ++ typeof: double ++ Threshold to be used when scrolling. *tooltip*: ++ typeof: bool ++ default: true ++ Option to disable tooltip on hover. *tooltip-format*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: "{used} out of {total} used ({percentage_used}%)" ++ The format of the information displayed in the tooltip. *unit*: ++ typeof: string ++ Use with specific_free, specific_used, and specific_total to force calculation to always be in a certain unit. Accepts kB, kiB, MB, Mib, GB, GiB, TB, TiB. *menu*: ++ typeof: string ++ Action that popups the menu. *menu-file*: ++ typeof: string ++ Location of the menu descriptor file. There need to be an element of type GtkMenu with id *menu* *menu-actions*: ++ typeof: array ++ The actions corresponding to the buttons of the menu. # FORMAT REPLACEMENTS *{percentage_used}*: Percentage of disk in use. *{percentage_free}*: Percentage of free disk space *{total}*: Total amount of space on the disk, partition, or mountpoint. Automatically selects unit based on size remaining. *{used}*: Amount of used disk space. Automatically selects unit based on size remaining. *{free}*: Amount of available disk space for normal users. Automatically selects unit based on size remaining. *{path}*: The path specified in the configuration. *{specific_total}*: Total amount of space on the disk, partition, or mountpoint in a specific unit. Defaults to bytes. *{specific_used}*: Amount of used disk space in a specific unit. Defaults to bytes. *{specific_free}*: Amount of available disk space for normal users in a specific unit. Defaults to bytes. # EXAMPLES ``` "disk": { "interval": 30, "format": "{percentage_free}% free on {path}", } ``` ``` "disk": { "interval": 30, "format": "{specific_free:0.2f} GB out of {specific_total:0.2f} GB available. Alternatively {free} out of {total} available", "unit": "GB" // 1434.25 GB out of 2000.00 GB available. Alternatively 1.4TiB out of 1.9TiB available. } ``` # STYLE - *#disk*