#pragma once #include <gtkmm/button.h> #include <gtkmm/label.h> #include <json/value.h> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <regex> #include <string> #include <variant> #include <vector> #include "AModule.hpp" #include "bar.hpp" #include "modules/hyprland/backend.hpp" #include "util/enum.hpp" #include "util/regex_collection.hpp" using WindowAddress = std::string; namespace waybar::modules::hyprland { class Workspaces; class WindowCreationPayload { public: WindowCreationPayload(std::string workspace_name, WindowAddress window_address, std::string window_repr); WindowCreationPayload(std::string workspace_name, WindowAddress window_address, std::string window_class, std::string window_title); WindowCreationPayload(Json::Value const& client_data); int incrementTimeSpentUncreated(); bool isEmpty(Workspaces& workspace_manager); bool reprIsReady() const { return std::holds_alternative<Repr>(m_window); } std::string repr(Workspaces& workspace_manager); std::string getWorkspaceName() const { return m_workspaceName; } WindowAddress getAddress() const { return m_windowAddress; } void moveToWorksace(std::string& new_workspace_name); private: void clearAddr(); void clearWorkspaceName(); using Repr = std::string; using ClassAndTitle = std::pair<std::string, std::string>; std::variant<Repr, ClassAndTitle> m_window; WindowAddress m_windowAddress; std::string m_workspaceName; int m_timeSpentUncreated = 0; }; class Workspace { public: explicit Workspace(const Json::Value& workspace_data, Workspaces& workspace_manager, const Json::Value& clients_data = Json::Value::nullRef); std::string& selectIcon(std::map<std::string, std::string>& icons_map); Gtk::Button& button() { return m_button; }; int id() const { return m_id; }; std::string name() const { return m_name; }; std::string output() const { return m_output; }; bool isActive() const { return m_active; }; bool isSpecial() const { return m_isSpecial; }; bool isPersistent() const { return m_isPersistent; }; bool isVisible() const { return m_isVisible; }; bool isEmpty() const { return m_windows == 0; }; bool isUrgent() const { return m_isUrgent; }; bool handleClicked(GdkEventButton* bt) const; void setActive(bool value = true) { m_active = value; }; void setPersistent(bool value = true) { m_isPersistent = value; }; void setUrgent(bool value = true) { m_isUrgent = value; }; void setVisible(bool value = true) { m_isVisible = value; }; void setWindows(uint value) { m_windows = value; }; void setName(std::string const& value) { m_name = value; }; bool containsWindow(WindowAddress const& addr) const { return m_windowMap.contains(addr); } void insertWindow(WindowCreationPayload create_window_paylod); std::string removeWindow(WindowAddress const& addr); void initializeWindowMap(const Json::Value& clients_data); bool onWindowOpened(WindowCreationPayload const& create_window_paylod); std::optional<std::string> closeWindow(WindowAddress const& addr); void update(const std::string& format, const std::string& icon); private: Workspaces& m_workspaceManager; int m_id; std::string m_name; std::string m_output; uint m_windows; bool m_active = false; bool m_isSpecial = false; bool m_isPersistent = false; bool m_isUrgent = false; bool m_isVisible = false; std::map<WindowAddress, std::string> m_windowMap; Gtk::Button m_button; Gtk::Box m_content; Gtk::Label m_label; }; class Workspaces : public AModule, public EventHandler { public: Workspaces(const std::string&, const waybar::Bar&, const Json::Value&); ~Workspaces() override; void update() override; void init(); auto allOutputs() const -> bool { return m_allOutputs; } auto showSpecial() const -> bool { return m_showSpecial; } auto activeOnly() const -> bool { return m_activeOnly; } auto getBarOutput() const -> std::string { return m_bar.output->name; } std::string getRewrite(std::string window_class, std::string window_title); std::string& getWindowSeparator() { return m_formatWindowSeparator; } bool isWorkspaceIgnored(std::string const& workspace_name); bool windowRewriteConfigUsesTitle() const { return m_anyWindowRewriteRuleUsesTitle; } private: void onEvent(const std::string& e) override; void updateWindowCount(); void sortWorkspaces(); void createWorkspace(Json::Value const& workspace_data, Json::Value const& clients_data = Json::Value::nullRef); void removeWorkspace(std::string const& name); void setUrgentWorkspace(std::string const& windowaddress); void parseConfig(const Json::Value& config); void registerIpc(); // workspace events void onWorkspaceActivated(std::string const& payload); void onWorkspaceDestroyed(std::string const& payload); void onWorkspaceCreated(std::string const& workspaceName, Json::Value const& clientsData = Json::Value::nullRef); void onWorkspaceMoved(std::string const& payload); void onWorkspaceRenamed(std::string const& payload); // monitor events void onMonitorFocused(std::string const& payload); // window events void onWindowOpened(std::string const& payload); void onWindowClosed(std::string const& addr); void onWindowMoved(std::string const& payload); void onWindowTitleEvent(std::string const& payload); int windowRewritePriorityFunction(std::string const& window_rule); void doUpdate(); void extendOrphans(int workspaceId, Json::Value const& clientsJson); void registerOrphanWindow(WindowCreationPayload create_window_paylod); bool m_allOutputs = false; bool m_showSpecial = false; bool m_activeOnly = false; // Map for windows stored in workspaces not present in the current bar. // This happens when the user has multiple monitors (hence, multiple bars) // and doesn't share windows accross bars (a.k.a `all-outputs` = false) std::map<WindowAddress, std::string> m_orphanWindowMap; enum class SortMethod { ID, NAME, NUMBER, DEFAULT }; util::EnumParser<SortMethod> m_enumParser; SortMethod m_sortBy = SortMethod::DEFAULT; std::map<std::string, SortMethod> m_sortMap = {{"ID", SortMethod::ID}, {"NAME", SortMethod::NAME}, {"NUMBER", SortMethod::NUMBER}, {"DEFAULT", SortMethod::DEFAULT}}; void fillPersistentWorkspaces(); void createPersistentWorkspaces(); std::vector<std::string> m_persistentWorkspacesToCreate; bool m_persistentCreated = false; std::string m_format; std::map<std::string, std::string> m_iconsMap; util::RegexCollection m_windowRewriteRules; bool m_anyWindowRewriteRuleUsesTitle = false; std::string m_formatWindowSeparator; bool m_withIcon; uint64_t m_monitorId; std::string m_activeWorkspaceName; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Workspace>> m_workspaces; std::vector<std::pair<Json::Value, Json::Value>> m_workspacesToCreate; std::vector<std::string> m_workspacesToRemove; std::vector<WindowCreationPayload> m_windowsToCreate; std::vector<std::regex> m_ignoreWorkspaces; std::mutex m_mutex; const Bar& m_bar; Gtk::Box m_box; }; } // namespace waybar::modules::hyprland