#include "modules/sway/workspaces.hpp" #include #include #include namespace waybar::modules::sway { // this is the code that sway uses to assign a number to a workspace. This is // taken quite verbatim from `sway/ipc-json.c`. int sway_wsname_to_num(std::string name) { if (isdigit(name[0])) { errno = 0; char * endptr = NULL; long long parsed_num = strtoll(name.c_str(), &endptr, 10); if (errno != 0 || parsed_num > INT32_MAX || parsed_num < 0 || endptr == name.c_str()) { return -1; } else { return (int)parsed_num; } } return -1; } Workspaces::Workspaces(const std::string &id, const Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config) : AModule(config, "workspaces", id, false, !config["disable-scroll"].asBool()), bar_(bar), box_(bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) { box_.set_name("workspaces"); if (!id.empty()) { box_.get_style_context()->add_class(id); } event_box_.add(box_); ipc_.subscribe(R"(["workspace"])"); ipc_.signal_event.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspaces::onEvent)); ipc_.signal_cmd.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspaces::onCmd)); ipc_.sendCmd(IPC_GET_WORKSPACES); if (config["enable-bar-scroll"].asBool()) { auto &window = const_cast(bar_).window; window.add_events(Gdk::SCROLL_MASK | Gdk::SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK); window.signal_scroll_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspaces::handleScroll)); } // Launch worker ipc_.setWorker([this] { try { ipc_.handleEvent(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Workspaces: {}", e.what()); } }); } void Workspaces::onEvent(const struct Ipc::ipc_response &res) { try { ipc_.sendCmd(IPC_GET_WORKSPACES); } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Workspaces: {}", e.what()); } } void Workspaces::onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response &res) { if (res.type == IPC_GET_WORKSPACES) { try { { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); auto payload = parser_.parse(res.payload); workspaces_.clear(); std::copy_if(payload.begin(), payload.end(), std::back_inserter(workspaces_), [&](const auto &workspace) { return !config_["all-outputs"].asBool() ? workspace["output"].asString() == bar_.output->name : true; }); // adding persistent workspaces (as per the config file) if (config_["persistent_workspaces"].isObject()) { const Json::Value & p_workspaces = config_["persistent_workspaces"]; const std::vector p_workspaces_names = p_workspaces.getMemberNames(); for (const std::string &p_w_name : p_workspaces_names) { const Json::Value &p_w = p_workspaces[p_w_name]; auto it = std::find_if(payload.begin(), payload.end(), [&p_w_name](const Json::Value &node) { return node["name"].asString() == p_w_name; }); if (it != payload.end()) { continue; // already displayed by some bar } if (p_w.isArray() && !p_w.empty()) { // Adding to target outputs for (const Json::Value &output : p_w) { if (output.asString() == bar_.output->name) { Json::Value v; v["name"] = p_w_name; v["target_output"] = bar_.output->name; workspaces_.emplace_back(std::move(v)); break; } } } else { // Adding to all outputs Json::Value v; v["name"] = p_w_name; v["target_output"] = ""; workspaces_.emplace_back(std::move(v)); } } } // config option to sort numeric workspace names before others bool config_numeric_first = config_["numeric-first"].asBool(); std::sort(workspaces_.begin(), workspaces_.end(), [config_numeric_first](const Json::Value &lhs, const Json::Value &rhs) { // the "num" property (integer type): // The workspace number or -1 for workspaces that do // not start with a number. //auto l = lhs["num"].asInt(); //auto r = rhs["num"].asInt(); // We cannot rely on the "num" property as provided by sway // via IPC, because persistent workspace might not exist in // sway's view. However, we need this property also for // not-yet created persistent workspace. As such, we simply // duplicate sway's logic of assigning the "num" property // into waybar (see sway_wsname_to_num). This way the // sorting should work out even when we include workspaces // that do not currently exist. auto lname = lhs["name"].asString(); auto rname = rhs["name"].asString(); auto l = sway_wsname_to_num(lname); auto r = sway_wsname_to_num(rname); if (l == r) { // in case both integers are the same, lexicographical // sort. This also covers the case when both don't have a // number (i.e., l == r == -1). return lname < rname; } // one of the workspaces doesn't begin with a number, so // num is -1. if (l < 0 || r < 0) { if (config_numeric_first) { return r < 0; } return l < 0; } // both workspaces have a "num" so let's just compare those return l < r; }); } dp.emit(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Workspaces: {}", e.what()); } } } bool Workspaces::filterButtons() { bool needReorder = false; for (auto it = buttons_.begin(); it != buttons_.end();) { auto ws = std::find_if(workspaces_.begin(), workspaces_.end(), [it](const auto &node) { return node["name"].asString() == it->first; }); if (ws == workspaces_.end() || (!config_["all-outputs"].asBool() && (*ws)["output"].asString() != bar_.output->name)) { it = buttons_.erase(it); needReorder = true; } else { ++it; } } return needReorder; } auto Workspaces::update() -> void { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); bool needReorder = filterButtons(); for (auto it = workspaces_.begin(); it != workspaces_.end(); ++it) { auto bit = buttons_.find((*it)["name"].asString()); if (bit == buttons_.end()) { needReorder = true; } auto &button = bit == buttons_.end() ? addButton(*it) : bit->second; if ((*it)["focused"].asBool()) { button.get_style_context()->add_class("focused"); } else { button.get_style_context()->remove_class("focused"); } if ((*it)["visible"].asBool()) { button.get_style_context()->add_class("visible"); } else { button.get_style_context()->remove_class("visible"); } if ((*it)["urgent"].asBool()) { button.get_style_context()->add_class("urgent"); } else { button.get_style_context()->remove_class("urgent"); } if ((*it)["target_output"].isString()) { button.get_style_context()->add_class("persistent"); } else { button.get_style_context()->remove_class("persistent"); } if ((*it)["output"].isString()) { if (((*it)["output"].asString()) == bar_.output->name) { button.get_style_context()->add_class("current_output"); } else { button.get_style_context()->remove_class("current_output"); } } else { button.get_style_context()->remove_class("current_output"); } if (needReorder) { box_.reorder_child(button, it - workspaces_.begin()); } std::string output = (*it)["name"].asString(); if (config_["format"].isString()) { auto format = config_["format"].asString(); output = fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(output, *it)), fmt::arg("value", output), fmt::arg("name", trimWorkspaceName(output)), fmt::arg("index", (*it)["num"].asString())); } if (!config_["disable-markup"].asBool()) { static_cast(button.get_children()[0])->set_markup(output); } else { button.set_label(output); } onButtonReady(*it, button); } // Call parent update AModule::update(); } Gtk::Button &Workspaces::addButton(const Json::Value &node) { auto pair = buttons_.emplace(node["name"].asString(), node["name"].asString()); auto &&button = pair.first->second; box_.pack_start(button, false, false, 0); button.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); button.signal_clicked().connect([this, node] { try { if (node["target_output"].isString()) { ipc_.sendCmd( IPC_COMMAND, fmt::format(workspace_switch_cmd_ + "; move workspace to output \"{}\"; " + workspace_switch_cmd_, node["name"].asString(), node["target_output"].asString(), node["name"].asString())); } else { ipc_.sendCmd(IPC_COMMAND, fmt::format(workspace_switch_cmd_, node["name"].asString())); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Workspaces: {}", e.what()); } }); return button; } std::string Workspaces::getIcon(const std::string &name, const Json::Value &node) { std::vector keys = {name, "urgent", "focused", "visible", "default"}; for (auto const &key : keys) { if (key == "focused" || key == "visible" || key == "urgent") { if (config_["format-icons"][key].isString() && node[key].asBool()) { return config_["format-icons"][key].asString(); } } else if (config_["format_icons"]["persistent"].isString() && node["target_output"].isString()) { return config_["format-icons"]["persistent"].asString(); } else if (config_["format-icons"][key].isString()) { return config_["format-icons"][key].asString(); } } return name; } bool Workspaces::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll *e) { auto dir = AModule::getScrollDir(e); if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::NONE) { return true; } std::string name; { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); auto it = std::find_if(workspaces_.begin(), workspaces_.end(), [](const auto &workspace) { return workspace["focused"].asBool(); }); if (it == workspaces_.end()) { return true; } if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::DOWN || dir == SCROLL_DIR::RIGHT) { name = getCycleWorkspace(it, false); } else if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP || dir == SCROLL_DIR::LEFT) { name = getCycleWorkspace(it, true); } else { return true; } if (name == (*it)["name"].asString()) { return true; } } try { ipc_.sendCmd(IPC_COMMAND, fmt::format(workspace_switch_cmd_, name)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Workspaces: {}", e.what()); } return true; } const std::string Workspaces::getCycleWorkspace(std::vector::iterator it, bool prev) const { if (prev && it == workspaces_.begin() && !config_["disable-scroll-wraparound"].asBool()) { return (*(--workspaces_.end()))["name"].asString(); } if (prev && it != workspaces_.begin()) --it; else if (!prev && it != workspaces_.end()) ++it; if (!prev && it == workspaces_.end()) { if (config_["disable-scroll-wraparound"].asBool()) { --it; } else { return (*(workspaces_.begin()))["name"].asString(); } } return (*it)["name"].asString(); } std::string Workspaces::trimWorkspaceName(std::string name) { std::size_t found = name.find(':'); if (found != std::string::npos) { return name.substr(found + 1); } return name; } void Workspaces::onButtonReady(const Json::Value &node, Gtk::Button &button) { if (config_["current-only"].asBool()) { if (node["focused"].asBool()) { button.show(); } else { button.hide(); } } else { button.show(); } } } // namespace waybar::modules::sway