#include "modules/wlr/workspace_manager.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtkmm/widget.h" #include "modules/wlr/workspace_manager_binding.hpp" namespace waybar::modules::wlr { uint32_t WorkspaceGroup::workspace_global_id = 0; uint32_t WorkspaceManager::group_global_id = 0; std::map Workspace::icons_map_; WorkspaceManager::WorkspaceManager(const std::string &id, const waybar::Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config) : waybar::AModule(config, "workspaces", id, false, false), bar_(bar), box_(bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) { auto config_sort_by_name = config_["sort-by-name"]; if (config_sort_by_name.isBool()) { sort_by_name_ = config_sort_by_name.asBool(); } auto config_sort_by_coordinates = config_["sort-by-coordinates"]; if (config_sort_by_coordinates.isBool()) { sort_by_coordinates_ = config_sort_by_coordinates.asBool(); } auto config_all_outputs = config_["all-outputs"]; if (config_all_outputs.isBool()) { all_outputs_ = config_all_outputs.asBool(); } auto config_active_only = config_["active-only"]; if (config_active_only.isBool()) { active_only_ = config_active_only.asBool(); creation_delayed_ = active_only_; } box_.set_name("workspaces"); if (!id.empty()) { box_.get_style_context()->add_class(id); } event_box_.add(box_); add_registry_listener(this); if (!workspace_manager_) { return; } } auto WorkspaceManager::workspace_comparator() const -> std::function &, std::unique_ptr &)> { return [=](std::unique_ptr &lhs, std::unique_ptr &rhs) { auto is_name_less = lhs->get_name() < rhs->get_name(); auto is_name_eq = lhs->get_name() == rhs->get_name(); auto is_coords_less = lhs->get_coords() < rhs->get_coords(); if (sort_by_name_) { if (sort_by_coordinates_) { return is_name_eq ? is_coords_less : is_name_less; } else { return is_name_less; } } if (sort_by_coordinates_) { return is_coords_less; } return lhs->id() < rhs->id(); }; } auto WorkspaceManager::sort_workspaces() -> void { std::vector>> all_workspaces; for (auto &group : groups_) { auto &group_workspaces = group->workspaces(); all_workspaces.reserve(all_workspaces.size() + std::distance(group_workspaces.begin(), group_workspaces.end())); if (!active_only()) { all_workspaces.insert(all_workspaces.end(), group_workspaces.begin(), group_workspaces.end()); continue; } for (auto &workspace : group_workspaces) { if (!workspace->is_active()) { continue; } all_workspaces.push_back(workspace); } } std::sort(all_workspaces.begin(), all_workspaces.end(), workspace_comparator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < all_workspaces.size(); ++i) { box_.reorder_child(all_workspaces[i].get()->get_button_ref(), i); } } auto WorkspaceManager::register_manager(wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name, uint32_t version) -> void { if (workspace_manager_) { spdlog::warn("Register workspace manager again although already registered!"); return; } if (version != 1) { spdlog::warn("Using different workspace manager protocol version: {}", version); } workspace_manager_ = workspace_manager_bind(registry, name, version, this); } auto WorkspaceManager::handle_workspace_group_create( zext_workspace_group_handle_v1 *workspace_group_handle) -> void { auto new_id = ++group_global_id; groups_.push_back( std::make_unique(bar_, box_, config_, *this, workspace_group_handle, new_id)); spdlog::debug("Workspace group {} created", new_id); } auto WorkspaceManager::handle_finished() -> void { zext_workspace_manager_v1_destroy(workspace_manager_); workspace_manager_ = nullptr; } auto WorkspaceManager::handle_done() -> void { for (auto &group : groups_) { group->handle_done(); } dp.emit(); } auto WorkspaceManager::update() -> void { for (auto &group : groups_) { group->update(); } if (creation_delayed()) { creation_delayed_ = false; sort_workspaces(); } AModule::update(); } WorkspaceManager::~WorkspaceManager() { if (!workspace_manager_) { return; } zext_workspace_manager_v1_destroy(workspace_manager_); workspace_manager_ = nullptr; } auto WorkspaceManager::remove_workspace_group(uint32_t id) -> void { auto it = std::find_if(groups_.begin(), groups_.end(), [id](const std::unique_ptr &g) { return g->id() == id; }); if (it == groups_.end()) { spdlog::warn("Can't find group with id {}", id); return; } groups_.erase(it); } auto WorkspaceManager::commit() -> void { zext_workspace_manager_v1_commit(workspace_manager_); } WorkspaceGroup::WorkspaceGroup(const Bar &bar, Gtk::Box &box, const Json::Value &config, WorkspaceManager &manager, zext_workspace_group_handle_v1 *workspace_group_handle, uint32_t id) : bar_(bar), box_(box), config_(config), workspace_manager_(manager), workspace_group_handle_(workspace_group_handle), id_(id) { add_workspace_group_listener(workspace_group_handle, this); } auto WorkspaceGroup::active_only() const -> bool { return workspace_manager_.active_only(); } auto WorkspaceGroup::creation_delayed() const -> bool { return workspace_manager_.creation_delayed(); } auto WorkspaceGroup::add_button(Gtk::Button &button) -> void { box_.pack_start(button, false, false); } WorkspaceGroup::~WorkspaceGroup() { if (!workspace_group_handle_) { return; } zext_workspace_group_handle_v1_destroy(workspace_group_handle_); workspace_group_handle_ = nullptr; } auto WorkspaceGroup::handle_workspace_create(zext_workspace_handle_v1 *workspace) -> void { auto new_id = ++workspace_global_id; workspaces_.push_back(std::make_unique(bar_, config_, *this, workspace, new_id)); spdlog::debug("Workspace {} created", new_id); } auto WorkspaceGroup::handle_remove() -> void { zext_workspace_group_handle_v1_destroy(workspace_group_handle_); workspace_group_handle_ = nullptr; workspace_manager_.remove_workspace_group(id_); } auto WorkspaceGroup::handle_output_enter(wl_output *output) -> void { spdlog::debug("Output {} assigned to {} group", (void *)output, id_); output_ = output; if (!is_visible() || workspace_manager_.creation_delayed()) { return; } for (auto &workspace : workspaces_) { add_button(workspace->get_button_ref()); } } auto WorkspaceGroup::is_visible() const -> bool { return output_ != nullptr && (workspace_manager_.all_outputs() || output_ == gdk_wayland_monitor_get_wl_output(bar_.output->monitor->gobj())); } auto WorkspaceGroup::handle_output_leave() -> void { spdlog::debug("Output {} remove from {} group", (void *)output_, id_); output_ = nullptr; if (output_ != gdk_wayland_monitor_get_wl_output(bar_.output->monitor->gobj())) { return; } for (auto &workspace : workspaces_) { remove_button(workspace->get_button_ref()); } } auto WorkspaceGroup::update() -> void { for (auto &workspace : workspaces_) { if (workspace_manager_.creation_delayed()) { add_button(workspace->get_button_ref()); if (is_visible() && (workspace->is_active() || workspace->is_urgent())) { workspace->show(); } } workspace->update(); } } auto WorkspaceGroup::remove_workspace(uint32_t id) -> void { auto it = std::find_if(workspaces_.begin(), workspaces_.end(), [id](const std::unique_ptr &w) { return w->id() == id; }); if (it == workspaces_.end()) { spdlog::warn("Can't find workspace with id {}", id); return; } workspaces_.erase(it); } auto WorkspaceGroup::handle_done() -> void { need_to_sort = false; if (!is_visible()) { return; } for (auto &workspace : workspaces_) { workspace->handle_done(); } if (creation_delayed()) { return; } if (!workspace_manager_.all_outputs()) { sort_workspaces(); } else { workspace_manager_.sort_workspaces(); } } auto WorkspaceGroup::commit() -> void { workspace_manager_.commit(); } auto WorkspaceGroup::sort_workspaces() -> void { std::sort(workspaces_.begin(), workspaces_.end(), workspace_manager_.workspace_comparator()); for (size_t i = 0; i < workspaces_.size(); ++i) { box_.reorder_child(workspaces_[i]->get_button_ref(), i); } } auto WorkspaceGroup::remove_button(Gtk::Button &button) -> void { box_.remove(button); } Workspace::Workspace(const Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config, WorkspaceGroup &workspace_group, zext_workspace_handle_v1 *workspace, uint32_t id) : bar_(bar), config_(config), workspace_group_(workspace_group), workspace_handle_(workspace), id_(id) { add_workspace_listener(workspace, this); auto config_format = config["format"]; format_ = config_format.isString() ? config_format.asString() : "{name}"; with_icon_ = format_.find("{icon}") != std::string::npos; if (with_icon_ && icons_map_.empty()) { auto format_icons = config["format-icons"]; for (auto &name : format_icons.getMemberNames()) { icons_map_.emplace(name, format_icons[name].asString()); } } /* Handle click events if configured */ if (config_["on-click"].isString() || config_["on-click-middle"].isString() || config_["on-click-right"].isString()) { button_.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); button_.signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspace::handle_clicked), false); } button_.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); content_.set_center_widget(label_); button_.add(content_); if (!workspace_group.is_visible()) { return; } workspace_group.add_button(button_); button_.show_all(); } Workspace::~Workspace() { workspace_group_.remove_button(button_); if (!workspace_handle_) { return; } zext_workspace_handle_v1_destroy(workspace_handle_); workspace_handle_ = nullptr; } auto Workspace::update() -> void { label_.set_markup(fmt::format( format_, fmt::arg("name", name_), fmt::arg("icon", with_icon_ ? get_icon() : ""))); } auto Workspace::handle_state(const std::vector &state) -> void { state_ = 0; for (auto state_entry : state) { switch (state_entry) { case ZEXT_WORKSPACE_HANDLE_V1_STATE_ACTIVE: state_ |= (uint32_t)State::ACTIVE; break; case ZEXT_WORKSPACE_HANDLE_V1_STATE_URGENT: state_ |= (uint32_t)State::URGENT; break; case ZEXT_WORKSPACE_HANDLE_V1_STATE_HIDDEN: state_ |= (uint32_t)State::HIDDEN; break; } } } auto Workspace::handle_remove() -> void { zext_workspace_handle_v1_destroy(workspace_handle_); workspace_handle_ = nullptr; workspace_group_.remove_workspace(id_); } auto add_or_remove_class(Glib::RefPtr context, bool condition, const std::string &class_name) { if (condition) { context->add_class(class_name); } else { context->remove_class(class_name); } } auto Workspace::handle_done() -> void { spdlog::debug("Workspace {} changed to state {}", id_, state_); auto style_context = button_.get_style_context(); add_or_remove_class(style_context, is_active(), "active"); add_or_remove_class(style_context, is_urgent(), "urgent"); add_or_remove_class(style_context, is_hidden(), "hidden"); if (workspace_group_.creation_delayed()) { return; } if (workspace_group_.active_only() && (is_active() || is_urgent())) { button_.show_all(); } else if (workspace_group_.active_only() && !(is_active() || is_urgent())) { button_.hide(); } } auto Workspace::get_icon() -> std::string { if (is_active()) { auto active_icon_it = icons_map_.find("active"); if (active_icon_it != icons_map_.end()) { return active_icon_it->second; } } auto named_icon_it = icons_map_.find(name_); if (named_icon_it != icons_map_.end()) { return named_icon_it->second; } auto default_icon_it = icons_map_.find("default"); if (default_icon_it != icons_map_.end()) { return default_icon_it->second; } return name_; } auto Workspace::handle_clicked(GdkEventButton *bt) -> bool { std::string action; if (config_["on-click"].isString() && bt->button == 1) { action = config_["on-click"].asString(); } else if (config_["on-click-middle"].isString() && bt->button == 2) { action = config_["on-click-middle"].asString(); } else if (config_["on-click-right"].isString() && bt->button == 3) { action = config_["on-click-right"].asString(); } if (action.empty()) return true; else if (action == "activate") { zext_workspace_handle_v1_activate(workspace_handle_); } else if (action == "close") { zext_workspace_handle_v1_remove(workspace_handle_); } else { spdlog::warn("Unknown action {}", action); } workspace_group_.commit(); return true; } auto Workspace::show() -> void { button_.show_all(); } auto Workspace::hide() -> void { button_.hide(); } auto Workspace::handle_name(const std::string &name) -> void { if (name_ != name) { workspace_group_.set_need_to_sort(); } name_ = name; } auto Workspace::handle_coordinates(const std::vector &coordinates) -> void { if (coordinates_ != coordinates) { workspace_group_.set_need_to_sort(); } coordinates_ = coordinates; } } // namespace waybar::modules::wlr