#include "modules/memory.hpp" waybar::modules::Memory::Memory(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config) : ALabel(config, "memory", id, "{}%", 30) { thread_ = [this] { dp.emit(); thread_.sleep_for(interval_); }; } auto waybar::modules::Memory::update() -> void { parseMeminfo(); unsigned long memtotal = meminfo_["MemTotal"]; unsigned long memfree; if (meminfo_.count("MemAvailable")) { // New kernels (3.4+) have an accurate available memory field. memfree = meminfo_["MemAvailable"]; } else { // Old kernel; give a best-effort approximation of available memory. memfree = meminfo_["MemFree"] + meminfo_["Buffers"] + meminfo_["Cached"] + meminfo_["SReclaimable"] - meminfo_["Shmem"]; } if (memtotal > 0 && memfree >= 0) { auto total_ram_gigabytes = memtotal / std::pow(1024, 2); int used_ram_percentage = 100 * (memtotal - memfree) / memtotal; auto used_ram_gigabytes = (memtotal - memfree) / std::pow(1024, 2); auto available_ram_gigabytes = memfree / std::pow(1024, 2); getState(used_ram_percentage); label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, used_ram_percentage, fmt::arg("total", total_ram_gigabytes), fmt::arg("percentage", used_ram_percentage), fmt::arg("used", used_ram_gigabytes), fmt::arg("avail", available_ram_gigabytes))); if (tooltipEnabled()) { label_.set_tooltip_text(fmt::format("{:.{}f}Gb used", used_ram_gigabytes, 1)); } event_box_.show(); } else { event_box_.hide(); } } void waybar::modules::Memory::parseMeminfo() { std::ifstream info(data_dir_); if (!info.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error("Can't open " + data_dir_); } std::string line; while (getline(info, line)) { auto posDelim = line.find(':'); if (posDelim == std::string::npos) { continue; } std::string name = line.substr(0, posDelim); int64_t value = std::stol(line.substr(posDelim + 1)); meminfo_[name] = value; } }