#include "modules/privacy/privacy_item.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AModule.hpp" #include "glibmm/main.h" #include "glibmm/priorities.h" #include "gtkmm/enums.h" #include "gtkmm/label.h" #include "gtkmm/revealer.h" #include "gtkmm/tooltip.h" #include "sigc++/adaptors/bind.h" #include "util/gtk_icon.hpp" #include "util/pipewire/privacy_node_info.hpp" namespace waybar::modules::privacy { PrivacyItem::PrivacyItem(const Json::Value& config_, enum util::PipewireBackend::PrivacyNodeType privacy_type_, const std::string& pos) : Gtk::Revealer(), privacy_type(privacy_type_), mutex_(), box_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0), icon_() { switch (privacy_type) { case util::PipewireBackend::PRIVACY_NODE_TYPE_AUDIO_INPUT: box_.get_style_context()->add_class("audio-in"); iconName = "waybar-privacy-audio-input-symbolic"; break; case util::PipewireBackend::PRIVACY_NODE_TYPE_AUDIO_OUTPUT: box_.get_style_context()->add_class("audio-out"); iconName = "waybar-privacy-audio-output-symbolic"; break; case util::PipewireBackend::PRIVACY_NODE_TYPE_VIDEO_INPUT: box_.get_style_context()->add_class("screenshare"); iconName = "waybar-privacy-screen-share-symbolic"; break; default: case util::PipewireBackend::PRIVACY_NODE_TYPE_NONE: enabled = false; return; } // Set the reveal transition to not look weird when sliding in if (pos == "modules-left") { set_transition_type(Gtk::REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_RIGHT); } else if (pos == "modules-center") { set_transition_type(Gtk::REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_CROSSFADE); } else if (pos == "modules-right") { set_transition_type(Gtk::REVEALER_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT); } box_.set_name("privacy-item"); box_.add(icon_); add(box_); // Icon Name if (config_["enabled"].isBool()) { enabled = config_["enabled"].asBool(); } // Icon Name if (config_["icon-name"].isString()) { iconName = config_["icon-name"].asString(); } icon_.set_from_icon_name(iconName, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_INVALID); property_child_revealed().signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PrivacyItem::on_child_revealed_changed)); signal_map().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PrivacyItem::on_map_changed)); // Don't show by default set_reveal_child(true); set_visible(false); } bool PrivacyItem::is_enabled() { return enabled; } void PrivacyItem::on_child_revealed_changed() { if (!this->get_child_revealed()) { set_visible(false); } } void PrivacyItem::on_map_changed() { if (this->get_visible()) { set_reveal_child(true); } } void PrivacyItem::set_in_use(bool in_use) { mutex_.lock(); if (this->in_use == in_use && init) { mutex_.unlock(); return; } if (init) { this->in_use = in_use; if (this->in_use) { set_visible(true); // The `on_map_changed` callback will call `set_reveal_child(true)` // when the widget is realized so we don't need to call that here. // This fixes a bug where the revealer wouldn't start the animation // due to us changing the visibility at the same time. } else { set_reveal_child(false); // The `on_child_revealed_changed` callback will call `set_visible(false)` // when the animation has finished so we don't need to call that here. // We do this so that the widget gets hidden after the revealer hide animation // has finished. } } else { set_visible(false); set_reveal_child(false); } this->init = true; // CSS status class const std::string status = this->in_use ? "in-use" : ""; // Remove last status if it exists if (!lastStatus.empty() && get_style_context()->has_class(lastStatus)) { get_style_context()->remove_class(lastStatus); } // Add the new status class to the Box if (!status.empty() && !get_style_context()->has_class(status)) { get_style_context()->add_class(status); } lastStatus = status; mutex_.unlock(); } void PrivacyItem::set_icon_size(uint size) { icon_.set_pixel_size(size); } } // namespace waybar::modules::privacy