waybar-dwl-tags(5) # NAME waybar - dwl tags module # DESCRIPTION The *tags* module displays the current state of tags in dwl. # CONFIGURATION Addressed by *dwl/tags* *num-tags*: ++ typeof: uint ++ default: 9 ++ The number of tags that should be displayed. Max 32. *tag-labels*: ++ typeof: array ++ The label to display for each tag. *disable-click*: ++ typeof: bool ++ default: false ++ If set to false, you can left click to set focused tag. Right click to toggle tag focus. If set to true this behaviour is disabled. # EXAMPLE ``` "dwl/tags": { "num-tags": 5 } ``` # STYLE - *#tags button* - *#tags button.occupied* - *#tags button.focused* - *#tags button.urgent* Note that occupied/focused/urgent status may overlap. That is, a tag may be both occupied and focused at the same time. # SEE ALSO waybar(5), dwl(1)