#include "modules/clock.hpp" #include #include #include #include "util/ustring_clen.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_1STDAY #include #include #endif namespace fmt_lib = waybar::util::date::format; waybar::modules::Clock::Clock(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config) : ALabel(config, "clock", id, "{:%H:%M}", 60, false, false, true), locale_{std::locale(config_["locale"].isString() ? config_["locale"].asString() : "")}, tlpFmt_{(config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) ? config_["tooltip-format"].asString() : ""}, cldInTooltip_{tlpFmt_.find("{" + kCldPlaceholder + "}") != std::string::npos}, tzInTooltip_{tlpFmt_.find("{" + kTZPlaceholder + "}") != std::string::npos}, tzCurrIdx_{0} { tlpText_ = tlpFmt_; if (config_["timezones"].isArray() && !config_["timezones"].empty()) { for (const auto& zone_name : config_["timezones"]) { if (!zone_name.isString()) continue; if (zone_name.asString().empty()) // local time should be shown tzList_.push_back(current_zone()); else try { tzList_.push_back(locate_zone(zone_name.asString())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::warn("Timezone: {0}. {1}", zone_name.asString(), e.what()); } } } else if (config_["timezone"].isString()) { if (config_["timezone"].asString().empty()) // local time should be shown tzList_.push_back(current_zone()); else try { tzList_.push_back(locate_zone(config_["timezone"].asString())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::warn("Timezone: {0}. {1}", config_["timezone"].asString(), e.what()); } } if (!tzList_.size()) tzList_.push_back(current_zone()); // Calendar properties if (cldInTooltip_) { if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["mode"].isString()) { const std::string cfgMode{config_[kCldPlaceholder]["mode"].asString()}; const std::map monthModes{{"month", CldMode::MONTH}, {"year", CldMode::YEAR}}; if (monthModes.find(cfgMode) != monthModes.end()) cldMode_ = monthModes.at(cfgMode); else spdlog::warn( "Clock calendar configuration mode \"{0}\" is not recognized. Mode = \"month\" is " "using instead", cfgMode); } if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].isString()) { if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].asString() == "left") cldWPos_ = WS::LEFT; if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].asString() == "right") cldWPos_ = WS::RIGHT; } if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["months"].isString()) fmtMap_.insert({0, config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["months"].asString()}); else fmtMap_.insert({0, "{}"}); if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["weekdays"].isString()) fmtMap_.insert({1, config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["weekdays"].asString()}); else fmtMap_.insert({1, "{}"}); if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["days"].isString()) fmtMap_.insert({2, config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["days"].asString()}); else fmtMap_.insert({2, "{}"}); if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["today"].isString()) { fmtMap_.insert({3, config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["today"].asString()}); cldBaseDay_ = year_month_day{ floor(zoned_time{current_zone(), system_clock::now()}.get_local_time())} .day(); } else fmtMap_.insert({3, "{}"}); if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["weeks"].isString() && cldWPos_ != WS::HIDDEN) { fmtMap_.insert({4, std::regex_replace(config_[kCldPlaceholder]["format"]["weeks"].asString(), std::regex("\\{\\}"), (first_day_of_week() == Monday) ? "{:%W}" : "{:%U}")}); Glib::ustring tmp{std::regex_replace(fmtMap_[4], std::regex("]+>|\\{.*\\}"), "")}; cldWnLen_ += tmp.size(); } else { if (cldWPos_ != WS::HIDDEN) fmtMap_.insert({4, (first_day_of_week() == Monday) ? "{:%W}" : "{:%U}"}); else cldWnLen_ = 0; } if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["mode-mon-col"].isInt()) { cldMonCols_ = config_[kCldPlaceholder]["mode-mon-col"].asInt(); if (cldMonCols_ == 0u || (12 % cldMonCols_) != 0u) { spdlog::warn( "Clock calendar configuration mode-mon-col = {0} must be one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]. " "Value 3 is using instead", cldMonCols_); cldMonCols_ = 3u; } } else cldMonCols_ = 1; if (config_[kCldPlaceholder]["on-scroll"].isInt()) { event_box_.add_events(Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK); event_box_.signal_leave_notify_event().connect([this](GdkEventCrossing*) { cldCurrShift_ = months{0}; return false; }); } } thread_ = [this] { dp.emit(); thread_.sleep_for(interval_ - system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() % interval_); }; } auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void { auto tz{tzList_[tzCurrIdx_]}; const zoned_time now{tz, floor(system_clock::now())}; label_.set_markup(fmt_lib::vformat(locale_, format_, fmt_lib::make_format_args(now))); if (tooltipEnabled()) { const year_month_day today{floor(now.get_local_time())}; const auto shiftedDay{today + cldCurrShift_}; const zoned_time shiftedNow{ tz, local_days(shiftedDay) + (now.get_local_time() - floor(now.get_local_time()))}; if (tzInTooltip_) tzText_ = getTZtext(now.get_sys_time()); if (cldInTooltip_) cldText_ = get_calendar(today, shiftedDay, tz); if (tzInTooltip_ || cldInTooltip_) { // std::vformat doesn't support named arguments. tlpText_ = std::regex_replace(tlpFmt_, std::regex("\\{" + kTZPlaceholder + "\\}"), tzText_); tlpText_ = std::regex_replace(tlpText_, std::regex("\\{" + kCldPlaceholder + "\\}"), cldText_); } tlpText_ = fmt_lib::vformat(locale_, tlpText_, fmt_lib::make_format_args(shiftedNow)); label_.set_tooltip_markup(tlpText_); } ALabel::update(); } auto waybar::modules::Clock::getTZtext(sys_seconds now) -> std::string { if (tzList_.size() == 1) return ""; std::stringstream os; for (size_t tz_idx{0}; tz_idx < tzList_.size(); ++tz_idx) { if (static_cast(tz_idx) == tzCurrIdx_) continue; auto zt{zoned_time{tzList_[tz_idx], now}}; os << fmt_lib::vformat(locale_, format_, fmt_lib::make_format_args(zt)) << '\n'; } return os.str(); } const unsigned cldRowsInMonth(const year_month& ym, const weekday& firstdow) { return 2u + ceil((weekday{ym / 1} - firstdow) + ((ym / last).day() - day{0})).count(); } auto cldGetWeekForLine(const year_month& ym, const weekday& firstdow, const unsigned line) -> const year_month_weekday { unsigned index{line - 2}; if (weekday{ym / 1} == firstdow) ++index; return ym / firstdow[index]; } auto getCalendarLine(const year_month_day& currDate, const year_month ym, const unsigned line, const weekday& firstdow, const std::locale* const locale_) -> std::string { std::ostringstream os; switch (line) { // Print month and year title case 0: { os << date::format(*locale_, "{:L%B %Y}", ym); break; } // Print weekday names title case 1: { auto wd{firstdow}; Glib::ustring wdStr; Glib::ustring::size_type wdLen{0}; int clen{0}; do { wdStr = date::format(*locale_, "{:L%a}", wd); clen = ustring_clen(wdStr); wdLen = wdStr.length(); while (clen > 2) { wdStr = wdStr.substr(0, wdLen - 1); --wdLen; clen = ustring_clen(wdStr); } const std::string pad(2 - clen, ' '); if (wd != firstdow) os << ' '; os << pad << wdStr; } while (++wd != firstdow); break; } // Print first week prefixed with spaces if necessary case 2: { auto wd{weekday{ym / 1}}; os << std::string((wd - firstdow).count() * 3, ' '); if (currDate != ym / 1d) os << date::format(*locale_, "{:L%e}", 1d); else os << "{today}"; auto d{2d}; while (++wd != firstdow) { if (currDate != ym / d) os << date::format(*locale_, " {:L%e}", d); else os << " {today}"; ++d; } break; } // Print non-first week default: { auto ymdTmp{cldGetWeekForLine(ym, firstdow, line)}; if (ymdTmp.ok()) { auto d{year_month_day{ymdTmp}.day()}; const auto dlast{(ym / last).day()}; auto wd{firstdow}; if (currDate != ym / d) os << date::format(*locale_, "{:L%e}", d); else os << "{today}"; while (++wd != firstdow && ++d <= dlast) { if (currDate != ym / d) os << date::format(*locale_, " {:L%e}", d); else os << " {today}"; } // Append row with spaces if the week was not completed os << std::string((firstdow - wd).count() * 3, ' '); } break; } } return os.str(); } auto waybar::modules::Clock::get_calendar(const year_month_day& today, const year_month_day& ymd, const time_zone* tz) -> const std::string { const auto firstdow{first_day_of_week()}; const auto maxRows{12 / cldMonCols_}; const auto ym{ymd.year() / ymd.month()}; const auto y{ymd.year()}; const auto d{ymd.day()}; std::ostringstream os; std::ostringstream tmp; if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) { if (y / month{1} / 1 == cldYearShift_) if (d == cldBaseDay_ || (uint)cldBaseDay_ == 0u) return cldYearCached_; else cldBaseDay_ = d; else cldYearShift_ = y / month{1} / 1; } if (cldMode_ == CldMode::MONTH) { if (ym == cldMonShift_) if (d == cldBaseDay_ || (uint)cldBaseDay_ == 0u) return cldMonCached_; else cldBaseDay_ = d; else cldMonShift_ = ym; } // Pad object const std::string pads(cldWnLen_, ' '); // Compute number of lines needed for each calendar month unsigned ml[12]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}; for (auto& m : ml) { if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR || m == static_cast(ymd.month())) m = cldRowsInMonth(y / month{m}, firstdow); else m = 0u; } for (auto row{0u}; row < maxRows; ++row) { const auto lines{*std::max_element(std::begin(ml) + (row * cldMonCols_), std::begin(ml) + ((row + 1) * cldMonCols_))}; for (auto line{0u}; line < lines; ++line) { for (auto col{0u}; col < cldMonCols_; ++col) { const auto mon{month{row * cldMonCols_ + col + 1}}; if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR || y / mon == ym) { const year_month ymTmp{y / mon}; if (col != 0 && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) os << std::string(3, ' '); // Week numbers on the left if (cldWPos_ == WS::LEFT && line > 0) { if (line > 1) { if (line < ml[(unsigned)ymTmp.month() - 1u]) { os << fmt_lib::vformat( locale_, fmtMap_[4], fmt_lib::make_format_args( (line == 2) ? static_cast( zoned_seconds{tz, local_days{ymTmp / 1}}) : static_cast(zoned_seconds{ tz, local_days{cldGetWeekForLine(ymTmp, firstdow, line)}}))) << ' '; } else os << pads; } } os << Glib::ustring::format((cldWPos_ != WS::LEFT || line == 0) ? std::left : std::right, std::setfill(L' '), std::setw(cldMonColLen_ + ((line < 2) ? cldWnLen_ : 0)), getCalendarLine(today, ymTmp, line, firstdow, &locale_)); // Week numbers on the right if (cldWPos_ == WS::RIGHT && line > 0) { if (line > 1) { if (line < ml[(unsigned)ymTmp.month() - 1u]) os << ' ' << fmt_lib::vformat( locale_, fmtMap_[4], fmt_lib::make_format_args( (line == 2) ? static_cast( zoned_seconds{tz, local_days{ymTmp / 1}}) : static_cast( zoned_seconds{tz, local_days{cldGetWeekForLine( ymTmp, firstdow, line)}}))); else os << pads; } } } } // Apply user's formats if (line < 2) tmp << fmt_lib::vformat( locale_, fmtMap_[line], fmt_lib::make_format_args(static_cast(os.str()))); else tmp << os.str(); // Clear ostringstream std::ostringstream().swap(os); if (line + 1u != lines || (row + 1u != maxRows && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR)) tmp << '\n'; } if (row + 1u != maxRows && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) tmp << '\n'; } os << std::regex_replace( fmt_lib::vformat(locale_, fmtMap_[2], fmt_lib::make_format_args(static_cast(tmp.str()))), std::regex("\\{today\\}"), fmt_lib::vformat(locale_, fmtMap_[3], fmt_lib::make_format_args( static_cast(date::format("{:L%e}", d))))); if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) cldYearCached_ = os.str(); else cldMonCached_ = os.str(); return os.str(); } // Actions handler auto waybar::modules::Clock::doAction(const std::string& name) -> void { if (actionMap_[name]) { (this->*actionMap_[name])(); } else spdlog::error("Clock. Unsupported action \"{0}\"", name); } // Module actions void waybar::modules::Clock::cldModeSwitch() { cldMode_ = (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? CldMode::MONTH : CldMode::YEAR; } void waybar::modules::Clock::cldShift_up() { cldCurrShift_ += (months)((cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? 12 : 1); } void waybar::modules::Clock::cldShift_down() { cldCurrShift_ -= (months)((cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? 12 : 1); } void waybar::modules::Clock::tz_up() { const auto tzSize{tzList_.size()}; if (tzSize == 1) return; size_t newIdx{tzCurrIdx_ + 1lu}; tzCurrIdx_ = (newIdx == tzSize) ? 0 : newIdx; } void waybar::modules::Clock::tz_down() { const auto tzSize{tzList_.size()}; if (tzSize == 1) return; tzCurrIdx_ = (tzCurrIdx_ == 0) ? tzSize - 1 : tzCurrIdx_ - 1; } #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_1STDAY template using deleter_from_fn = std::integral_constant; template using deleting_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr>; #endif // Computations done similarly to Linux cal utility. auto waybar::modules::Clock::first_day_of_week() -> weekday { #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_1STDAY deleting_unique_ptr::type, freelocale> posix_locale{ newlocale(LC_ALL, locale_.name().c_str(), nullptr)}; if (posix_locale) { const auto i{(int)((std::intptr_t)nl_langinfo_l(_NL_TIME_WEEK_1STDAY, posix_locale.get()))}; const weekday wd{year_month_day{year(i / 10000) / month(i / 100 % 100) / day(i % 100)}}; const auto j{(uint8_t)*nl_langinfo_l(_NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY, posix_locale.get())}; return wd + days{j - 1}; } #endif return Sunday; }