This protocol allows clients to update and get updates from dwl. Warning! The protocol described in this file is experimental and backward incompatible changes may be made. Backward compatible changes may be added together with the corresponding interface version bump. Backward incompatible changes are done by bumping the version number in the protocol and interface names and resetting the interface version. Once the protocol is to be declared stable, the 'z' prefix and the version number in the protocol and interface names are removed and the interface version number is reset. This interface is exposed as a global in wl_registry. Clients can use this interface to get a dwl_ipc_output. After binding the client will recieve the dwl_ipc_manager.tags and dwl_ipc_manager.layout events. The dwl_ipc_manager.tags and dwl_ipc_manager.layout events expose tags and layouts to the client. Indicates that the client will not the dwl_ipc_manager object anymore. Objects created through this instance are not affected. Get a dwl_ipc_outout for the specified wl_output. This event is sent after binding. A roundtrip after binding guarantees the client recieved all tags. This event is sent after binding. A roundtrip after binding guarantees the client recieved all layouts. Observe and control a dwl output. Events are double-buffered: Clients should cache events and redraw when a dwl_ipc_output.frame event is sent. Request are not double-buffered: The compositor will update immediately upon request. Indicates to that the client no longer needs this dwl_ipc_output. Indicates the client should hide or show themselves. If the client is visible then hide, if hidden then show. Indicates if the output is active. Zero is invalid, nonzero is valid. Indicates that a tag has been updated. Indicates a new layout is selected. Indicates the title has changed. Indicates the appid has changed. Indicates the layout has changed. Since layout symbols are dynamic. As opposed to the zdwl_ipc_manager.layout event, this should take precendence when displaying. You can ignore the zdwl_ipc_output.layout event. Indicates that a sequence of status updates have finished and the client should redraw. The tags are updated as follows: new_tags = (current_tags AND and_tags) XOR xor_tags