#include "modules/backlight.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/backend_common.hpp" #include "util/backlight_backend.hpp" waybar::modules::Backlight::Backlight(const std::string &id, const Json::Value &config) : ALabel(config, "backlight", id, "{percent}%", 2), preferred_device_(config["device"].isString() ? config["device"].asString() : ""), backend(interval_, [this] { dp.emit(); }) { dp.emit(); // Set up scroll handler event_box_.add_events(Gdk::SCROLL_MASK | Gdk::SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK); event_box_.signal_scroll_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Backlight::handleScroll)); } auto waybar::modules::Backlight::update() -> void { GET_BEST_DEVICE(best, backend, preferred_device_); const auto previous_best_device = backend.get_previous_best_device(); if (best != nullptr) { if (previous_best_device != nullptr && *previous_best_device == *best && !previous_format_.empty() && previous_format_ == format_) { return; } if (best->get_powered()) { event_box_.show(); const uint8_t percent = best->get_max() == 0 ? 100 : round(best->get_actual() * 100.0f / best->get_max()); std::string desc = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("percent", percent), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(percent))); label_.set_markup(desc); getState(percent); if (tooltipEnabled()) { std::string tooltip_format; if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) { tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString(); } if (!tooltip_format.empty()) { label_.set_tooltip_text(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("percent", percent), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(percent)))); } else { label_.set_tooltip_text(desc); } } } else { event_box_.hide(); } } else { if (previous_best_device == nullptr) { return; } label_.set_markup(""); } backend.set_previous_best_device(best); previous_format_ = format_; ALabel::update(); } bool waybar::modules::Backlight::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll *e) { // Check if the user has set a custom command for scrolling if (config_["on-scroll-up"].isString() || config_["on-scroll-down"].isString()) { return AModule::handleScroll(e); } // Fail fast if the proxy could not be initialized if (!backend.is_login_proxy_initialized()) { return true; } // Check scroll direction auto dir = AModule::getScrollDir(e); // No worries, it will always be set because of the switch below. This is purely to suppress a // warning util::ChangeType ct = util::ChangeType::Increase; switch (dir) { case SCROLL_DIR::UP: [[fallthrough]]; case SCROLL_DIR::RIGHT: ct = util::ChangeType::Increase; break; case SCROLL_DIR::DOWN: [[fallthrough]]; case SCROLL_DIR::LEFT: ct = util::ChangeType::Decrease; break; case SCROLL_DIR::NONE: return true; break; } // Get scroll step double step = 1; if (config_["scroll-step"].isDouble()) { step = config_["scroll-step"].asDouble(); } backend.set_brightness(preferred_device_, ct, step); return true; }