#include "modules/mpd/mpd.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace waybar::util; #include "modules/mpd/state.hpp" #if defined(MPD_NOINLINE) namespace waybar::modules { #include "modules/mpd/state.inl.hpp" } // namespace waybar::modules #endif waybar::modules::MPD::MPD(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config) : ALabel(config, "mpd", id, "{album} - {artist} - {title}", 5, false, true), module_name_(id.empty() ? "mpd" : "mpd#" + id), server_(nullptr), port_(config_["port"].isUInt() ? config["port"].asUInt() : 0), password_(config_["password"].empty() ? "" : config_["password"].asString()), timeout_(config_["timeout"].isUInt() ? config_["timeout"].asUInt() * 1'000 : 30'000), connection_(nullptr, &mpd_connection_free), status_(nullptr, &mpd_status_free), song_(nullptr, &mpd_song_free) { if (!config_["port"].isNull() && !config_["port"].isUInt()) { spdlog::warn("{}: `port` configuration should be an unsigned int", module_name_); } if (!config_["timeout"].isNull() && !config_["timeout"].isUInt()) { spdlog::warn("{}: `timeout` configuration should be an unsigned int", module_name_); } if (!config["server"].isNull()) { if (!config_["server"].isString()) { spdlog::warn("{}:`server` configuration should be a string", module_name_); } server_ = config["server"].asCString(); } event_box_.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); event_box_.signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MPD::handlePlayPause)); } auto waybar::modules::MPD::update() -> void { context_.update(); // Call parent update ALabel::update(); } void waybar::modules::MPD::queryMPD() { if (connection_ != nullptr) { spdlog::trace("{}: fetching state information", module_name_); try { fetchState(); spdlog::trace("{}: fetch complete", module_name_); } catch (std::exception const& e) { spdlog::error("{}: {}", module_name_, e.what()); state_ = MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN; } dp.emit(); } } std::string waybar::modules::MPD::getTag(mpd_tag_type type, unsigned idx) const { std::string result = config_["unknown-tag"].isString() ? config_["unknown-tag"].asString() : "N/A"; const char* tag = mpd_song_get_tag(song_.get(), type, idx); // mpd_song_get_tag can return NULL, so make sure it's valid before setting if (tag) result = tag; return result; } Glib::ustring waybar::modules::MPD::getArtistTitleOrFilename() const { const char* artist = mpd_song_get_tag(this->song_.get(), MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0); const char* title = mpd_song_get_tag(this->song_.get(), MPD_TAG_TITLE, 0); // https://mpd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol.html#tags const char* name = mpd_song_get_tag(this->song_.get(), MPD_TAG_NAME, 0); // it is important to use Glib::ustring here, as filenames may be utf8 encoded // DECO*27 x ピノキオピー - デビルじゃないもん feat. 初音ミク-lMEt3RdqB9Y.m4a Glib::ustring result; auto starts_with = [&](const Glib::ustring& str, const char* other) { size_t other_len = strlen(other); if (str.size() < other_len) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < other_len; i++) { if (str[i] != other[i]) { return false; } } return true; }; if (title || name) { result = title ? title : name; bool prepend_artist = artist != nullptr && !starts_with(result, artist); if (config_["title-len"].isInt()) { result = result.substr(0, config_["title-len"].asInt()); } if (prepend_artist) { result = std::string(artist) + " - " + std::move(result); } return result; } result = this->getFilename(); if (config_["title-len"].isInt()) { result = result.substr(0, config_["title-len"].asInt()); } return result; } std::string waybar::modules::MPD::getFilename() const { std::string path = mpd_song_get_uri(song_.get()); size_t position = path.find_last_of("/"); if (position == std::string::npos) { return path; } else { return path.substr(position + 1); } } void waybar::modules::MPD::setLabel() { if (connection_ == nullptr) { label_.get_style_context()->add_class("disconnected"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("stopped"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("playing"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("paused"); auto format = config_["format-disconnected"].isString() ? config_["format-disconnected"].asString() : "disconnected"; if (format.empty()) { label_.set_markup(format); label_.show(); } else { label_.hide(); } if (tooltipEnabled()) { std::string tooltip_format; tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format-disconnected"].isString() ? config_["tooltip-format-disconnected"].asString() : "MPD (disconnected)"; // Nothing to format label_.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_format); } return; } label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("disconnected"); auto format = format_; Glib::ustring artist, album_artist, album, title, artist_title_or_filename; std::string date, filename; int song_pos = 0, queue_length = 0, volume = 0; std::chrono::seconds elapsedTime, totalTime; std::string stateIcon = ""; bool no_song = song_.get() == nullptr; if (stopped() || no_song) { if (no_song) spdlog::warn("Bug in mpd: no current song but state is not stopped."); format = config_["format-stopped"].isString() ? config_["format-stopped"].asString() : "stopped"; label_.get_style_context()->add_class("stopped"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("playing"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("paused"); } else { label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("stopped"); if (playing()) { label_.get_style_context()->add_class("playing"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("paused"); } else if (paused()) { format = config_["format-paused"].isString() ? config_["format-paused"].asString() : config_["format"].asString(); label_.get_style_context()->add_class("paused"); label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("playing"); } stateIcon = getStateIcon(); artist = sanitize_string(getTag(MPD_TAG_ARTIST)); album_artist = sanitize_string(getTag(MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST)); album = sanitize_string(getTag(MPD_TAG_ALBUM)); title = sanitize_string(getTag(MPD_TAG_TITLE)); date = sanitize_string(getTag(MPD_TAG_DATE)); filename = sanitize_string(getFilename()); artist_title_or_filename = sanitize_string(this->getArtistTitleOrFilename()); song_pos = mpd_status_get_song_pos(status_.get()) + 1; volume = mpd_status_get_volume(status_.get()); if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } queue_length = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status_.get()); elapsedTime = std::chrono::seconds(mpd_status_get_elapsed_time(status_.get())); totalTime = std::chrono::seconds(mpd_status_get_total_time(status_.get())); } bool consumeActivated = mpd_status_get_consume(status_.get()); std::string consumeIcon = getOptionIcon("consume", consumeActivated); bool randomActivated = mpd_status_get_random(status_.get()); std::string randomIcon = getOptionIcon("random", randomActivated); bool repeatActivated = mpd_status_get_repeat(status_.get()); std::string repeatIcon = getOptionIcon("repeat", repeatActivated); bool singleActivated = mpd_status_get_single(status_.get()); std::string singleIcon = getOptionIcon("single", singleActivated); if (config_["artist-len"].isInt()) artist = artist.substr(0, config_["artist-len"].asInt()); if (config_["album-artist-len"].isInt()) album_artist = album_artist.substr(0, config_["album-artist-len"].asInt()); if (config_["album-len"].isInt()) album = album.substr(0, config_["album-len"].asInt()); if (config_["title-len"].isInt()) title = title.substr(0, config_["title-len"].asInt()); try { auto text = fmt::format( fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("artist", artist.raw()), fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist.raw()), fmt::arg("album", album.raw()), fmt::arg("title", title.raw()), fmt::arg("artistTitleOrFilename", artist_title_or_filename.raw()), fmt::arg("date", date), fmt::arg("volume", volume), fmt::arg("elapsedTime", elapsedTime), fmt::arg("totalTime", totalTime), fmt::arg("songPosition", song_pos), fmt::arg("queueLength", queue_length), fmt::arg("stateIcon", stateIcon), fmt::arg("consumeIcon", consumeIcon), fmt::arg("randomIcon", randomIcon), fmt::arg("repeatIcon", repeatIcon), fmt::arg("singleIcon", singleIcon), fmt::arg("filename", filename)); if (text.empty()) { label_.hide(); } else { label_.show(); label_.set_markup(text); } } catch (fmt::format_error const& e) { spdlog::warn("mpd: format error: {}", e.what()); } if (tooltipEnabled()) { std::string tooltip_format; tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].isString() ? config_["tooltip-format"].asString() : "MPD (connected)"; try { auto tooltip_text = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("artist", artist.raw()), fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist.raw()), fmt::arg("album", album.raw()), fmt::arg("title", title.raw()), fmt::arg("date", date), fmt::arg("volume", volume), fmt::arg("elapsedTime", elapsedTime), fmt::arg("totalTime", totalTime), fmt::arg("songPosition", song_pos), fmt::arg("queueLength", queue_length), fmt::arg("stateIcon", stateIcon), fmt::arg("consumeIcon", consumeIcon), fmt::arg("randomIcon", randomIcon), fmt::arg("repeatIcon", repeatIcon), fmt::arg("singleIcon", singleIcon)); label_.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text); } catch (fmt::format_error const& e) { spdlog::warn("mpd: format error (tooltip): {}", e.what()); } } } std::string waybar::modules::MPD::getStateIcon() const { if (!config_["state-icons"].isObject()) { return ""; } if (connection_ == nullptr) { spdlog::warn("{}: Trying to fetch state icon while disconnected", module_name_); return ""; } if (stopped()) { spdlog::warn("{}: Trying to fetch state icon while stopped", module_name_); return ""; } if (playing()) { return config_["state-icons"]["playing"].asString(); } else { return config_["state-icons"]["paused"].asString(); } } std::string waybar::modules::MPD::getOptionIcon(std::string optionName, bool activated) const { if (!config_[optionName + "-icons"].isObject()) { return ""; } if (connection_ == nullptr) { spdlog::warn("{}: Trying to fetch option icon while disconnected", module_name_); return ""; } if (activated) { return config_[optionName + "-icons"]["on"].asString(); } else { return config_[optionName + "-icons"]["off"].asString(); } } static bool isServerUnavailable(const std::error_code& ec) { if (ec.category() == std::system_category()) { switch (ec.value()) { case ECONNREFUSED: case ECONNRESET: case ENETDOWN: case ENETUNREACH: case EHOSTDOWN: case ENOENT: return true; } } return false; } void waybar::modules::MPD::tryConnect() { if (connection_ != nullptr) { return; } connection_ = detail::unique_connection(mpd_connection_new(server_, port_, timeout_), &mpd_connection_free); if (connection_ == nullptr) { spdlog::error("{}: Failed to connect to MPD", module_name_); connection_.reset(); return; } try { checkErrors(connection_.get()); spdlog::debug("{}: Connected to MPD", module_name_); if (!password_.empty()) { bool res = mpd_run_password(connection_.get(), password_.c_str()); if (!res) { spdlog::error("{}: Wrong MPD password", module_name_); connection_.reset(); return; } checkErrors(connection_.get()); } } catch (std::system_error& e) { /* Tone down logs if it's likely that the mpd server is not running */ auto level = isServerUnavailable(e.code()) ? spdlog::level::debug : spdlog::level::err; spdlog::log(level, "{}: Failed to connect to MPD: {}", module_name_, e.what()); connection_.reset(); } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { spdlog::error("{}: Failed to connect to MPD: {}", module_name_, e.what()); connection_.reset(); } } void waybar::modules::MPD::checkErrors(mpd_connection* conn) { switch (mpd_connection_get_error(conn)) { case MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS: mpd_connection_clear_error(conn); return; case MPD_ERROR_TIMEOUT: case MPD_ERROR_CLOSED: mpd_connection_clear_error(conn); connection_.reset(); state_ = MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN; throw std::runtime_error("Connection to MPD closed"); case MPD_ERROR_SYSTEM: if (auto ec = mpd_connection_get_system_error(conn); ec != 0) { mpd_connection_clear_error(conn); throw std::system_error(ec, std::system_category()); } G_GNUC_FALLTHROUGH; default: if (conn) { auto error_message = mpd_connection_get_error_message(conn); std::string error(error_message); mpd_connection_clear_error(conn); throw std::runtime_error(error); } throw std::runtime_error("Invalid connection"); } } void waybar::modules::MPD::fetchState() { if (connection_ == nullptr) { spdlog::error("{}: Not connected to MPD", module_name_); return; } auto conn = connection_.get(); status_ = detail::unique_status(mpd_run_status(conn), &mpd_status_free); checkErrors(conn); state_ = mpd_status_get_state(status_.get()); checkErrors(conn); song_ = detail::unique_song(mpd_run_current_song(conn), &mpd_song_free); checkErrors(conn); } bool waybar::modules::MPD::handlePlayPause(GdkEventButton* const& e) { if (e->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || e->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS || connection_ == nullptr) { return false; } if (e->button == 1) { if (state_ == MPD_STATE_PLAY) context_.pause(); else context_.play(); } else if (e->button == 3) { context_.stop(); } return true; }