#include "modules/sway/window.hpp" #include #include namespace waybar::modules::sway { Window::Window(const std::string& id, const Bar& bar, const Json::Value& config) : ALabel(config, "window", id, "{}", 0, true), bar_(bar), windowId_(-1) { ipc_.subscribe(R"(["window","workspace"])"); ipc_.signal_event.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Window::onEvent)); ipc_.signal_cmd.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Window::onCmd)); // Get Initial focused window getTree(); // Launch worker ipc_.setWorker([this] { try { ipc_.handleEvent(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::error("Window: {}", e.what()); } }); } void Window::onEvent(const struct Ipc::ipc_response& res) { getTree(); } void Window::onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response& res) { try { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); auto payload = parser_.parse(res.payload); auto output = payload["output"].isString() ? payload["output"].asString() : ""; std::tie(app_nb_, windowId_, window_, app_id_) = getFocusedNode(payload["nodes"], output); dp.emit(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::error("Window: {}", e.what()); } } auto Window::update() -> void { if (!old_app_id_.empty()) { bar_.window.get_style_context()->remove_class(old_app_id_); } if (app_nb_ == 0) { bar_.window.get_style_context()->remove_class("solo"); if (!bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class("empty")) { bar_.window.get_style_context()->add_class("empty"); } } else if (app_nb_ == 1) { bar_.window.get_style_context()->remove_class("empty"); if (!bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class("solo")) { bar_.window.get_style_context()->add_class("solo"); } if (!app_id_.empty() && !bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class(app_id_)) { bar_.window.get_style_context()->add_class(app_id_); old_app_id_ = app_id_; } } else { bar_.window.get_style_context()->remove_class("solo"); bar_.window.get_style_context()->remove_class("empty"); } label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, fmt::arg("title", rewriteTitle(window_)), fmt::arg("app_id", app_id_))); if (tooltipEnabled()) { label_.set_tooltip_text(window_); } // Call parent update ALabel::update(); } int leafNodesInWorkspace(const Json::Value& node) { auto const& nodes = node["nodes"]; if(nodes.empty()) { if(node["type"] == "workspace") return 0; else return 1; } int sum = 0; for(auto const& node : nodes) sum += leafNodesInWorkspace(node); return sum; } std::tuple gfnWithWorkspace( const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output, const Json::Value& config_, const Bar& bar_, Json::Value& parentWorkspace) { for(auto const& node : nodes) { if (node["output"].isString()) { output = node["output"].asString(); } // found node if (node["focused"].asBool() && (node["type"] == "con" || node["type"] == "floating_con")) { if ((!config_["all-outputs"].asBool() && output == bar_.output->name) || config_["all-outputs"].asBool()) { auto app_id = node["app_id"].isString() ? node["app_id"].asString() : node["window_properties"]["instance"].asString(); int nb = node.size(); if(parentWorkspace != 0) nb = leafNodesInWorkspace(parentWorkspace); return {nb, node["id"].asInt(), Glib::Markup::escape_text(node["name"].asString()), app_id}; } } // iterate if(node["type"] == "workspace") parentWorkspace = node; auto [nb, id, name, app_id] = gfnWithWorkspace(node["nodes"], output, config_, bar_, parentWorkspace); if (id > -1 && !name.empty()) { return {nb, id, name, app_id}; } // Search for floating node std::tie(nb, id, name, app_id) = gfnWithWorkspace(node["floating_nodes"], output, config_, bar_, parentWorkspace); if (id > -1 && !name.empty()) { return {nb, id, name, app_id}; } } return {0, -1, "", ""}; } std::tuple Window::getFocusedNode( const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output) { Json::Value placeholder = 0; return gfnWithWorkspace(nodes, output, config_, bar_, placeholder); } void Window::getTree() { try { ipc_.sendCmd(IPC_GET_TREE); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::error("Window: {}", e.what()); } } std::string Window::rewriteTitle(const std::string& title) { const auto& rules = config_["rewrite"]; if (!rules.isObject()) { return title; } std::string res = title; for (auto it = rules.begin(); it != rules.end(); ++it) { if (it.key().isString() && it->isString()) { try { // malformated regexes will cause an exception. // in this case, log error and try the next rule. const std::regex rule{it.key().asString()}; if (std::regex_match(title, rule)) { res = std::regex_replace(res, rule, it->asString()); } } catch (const std::regex_error& e) { spdlog::error("Invalid rule {}: {}", it.key().asString(), e.what()); } } } return res; } } // namespace waybar::modules::sway