#include "modules/sway/ipc/client.hpp" #include namespace waybar::modules::sway { Ipc::Ipc() { const std::string& socketPath = getSocketPath(); fd_ = open(socketPath); fd_event_ = open(socketPath); } Ipc::~Ipc() { // To fail the IPC header write(fd_, "close-sway-ipc", 14); write(fd_event_, "close-sway-ipc", 14); if (fd_ > 0) { close(fd_); fd_ = -1; } if (fd_event_ > 0) { close(fd_event_); fd_event_ = -1; } } const std::string Ipc::getSocketPath() const { const char* env = getenv("SWAYSOCK"); if (env != nullptr) { return std::string(env); } std::string str; { std::string str_buf; FILE* in; char buf[512] = {0}; if ((in = popen("sway --get-socketpath 2>/dev/null", "r")) == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get socket path"); } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), in) != nullptr) { str_buf.append(buf, sizeof(buf)); } pclose(in); str = str_buf; if (str.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Socket path is empty"); } } if (str.back() == '\n') { str.pop_back(); } return str; } int Ipc::open(const std::string& socketPath) const { int32_t fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open Unix socket"); } (void)fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); struct sockaddr_un addr; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strncpy(addr.sun_path, socketPath.c_str(), sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); addr.sun_path[sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1] = 0; int l = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); if (::connect(fd, reinterpret_cast(&addr), l) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to connect to Sway"); } return fd; } struct Ipc::ipc_response Ipc::recv(int fd) const { std::string header; header.resize(ipc_header_size_); auto data32 = reinterpret_cast(header.data() + ipc_magic_.size()); size_t total = 0; while (total < ipc_header_size_) { auto res = ::recv(fd, header.data() + total, ipc_header_size_ - total, 0); if (res <= 0) { if (res <= 0 && (fd_event_ == -1 || fd_ == -1)) { // IPC is closed so just return empty response return {0, 0, ""}; } throw std::runtime_error("Unable to receive IPC header"); } total += res; } auto magic = std::string(header.data(), header.data() + ipc_magic_.size()); if (magic != ipc_magic_) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid IPC magic"); } total = 0; std::string payload; payload.resize(data32[0]); while (total < data32[0]) { auto res = ::recv(fd, payload.data() + total, data32[0] - total, 0); if (res < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to receive IPC payload"); } total += res; } return {data32[0], data32[1], &payload.front()}; } struct Ipc::ipc_response Ipc::send(int fd, uint32_t type, const std::string& payload) const { std::string header; header.resize(ipc_header_size_); auto data32 = reinterpret_cast(header.data() + ipc_magic_.size()); memcpy(header.data(), ipc_magic_.c_str(), ipc_magic_.size()); data32[0] = payload.size(); data32[1] = type; if (::send(fd, header.data(), ipc_header_size_, 0) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to send IPC header"); } if (::send(fd, payload.c_str(), payload.size(), 0) == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to send IPC payload"); } return Ipc::recv(fd); } void Ipc::sendCmd(uint32_t type, const std::string& payload) const { const auto res = Ipc::send(fd_, type, payload); signal_cmd.emit(res); } void Ipc::subscribe(const std::string& payload) const { auto res = Ipc::send(fd_event_, IPC_SUBSCRIBE, payload); if (res.payload != "{\"success\": true}") { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to subscribe ipc event"); } } void Ipc::handleEvent() const { const auto res = Ipc::recv(fd_event_); signal_event.emit(res); } } // namespace waybar::modules::sway