#include "modules/workspaces.hpp" #include "ipc/client.hpp" waybar::modules::Workspaces::Workspaces(Bar &bar, Json::Value config) : _bar(bar), _config(config), _scrolling(false) { _box.set_name("workspaces"); std::string socketPath = get_socketpath(); _ipcfd = ipc_open_socket(socketPath); _ipcEventfd = ipc_open_socket(socketPath); const char *subscribe = "[ \"workspace\" ]"; uint32_t len = strlen(subscribe); ipc_single_command(_ipcEventfd, IPC_SUBSCRIBE, subscribe, &len); _thread = [this] { try { if (_bar.outputName.empty()) { // Wait for the name of the output while (_bar.outputName.empty()) _thread.sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(150)); } else ipc_recv_response(_ipcEventfd); uint32_t len = 0; std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto str = ipc_single_command(_ipcfd, IPC_GET_WORKSPACES, nullptr, &len); _workspaces = _getWorkspaces(str); Glib::signal_idle().connect_once(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspaces::update)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } }; } auto waybar::modules::Workspaces::update() -> void { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); bool needReorder = false; for (auto it = _buttons.begin(); it != _buttons.end();) { auto ws = std::find_if(_workspaces.begin(), _workspaces.end(), [it](auto node) -> bool { return node["num"].asInt() == it->first; }); if (ws == _workspaces.end()) { it = _buttons.erase(it); needReorder = true; } else ++it; } for (auto node : _workspaces) { if (_bar.outputName != node["output"].asString()) continue; auto it = _buttons.find(node["num"].asInt()); if (it == _buttons.end()) { _addWorkspace(node); needReorder = true; } else { auto &button = it->second; if (node["focused"].asBool()) button.get_style_context()->add_class("current"); else button.get_style_context()->remove_class("current"); if (needReorder) _box.reorder_child(button, node["num"].asInt()); button.show(); } } if (_scrolling) _scrolling = false; } void waybar::modules::Workspaces::_addWorkspace(Json::Value node) { auto pair = _buttons.emplace(node["num"].asInt(), _getIcon(node["name"].asString())); auto &button = pair.first->second; _box.pack_start(button, false, false, 0); button.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); button.signal_clicked().connect([this, pair] { try { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); auto value = fmt::format("workspace \"{}\"", pair.first->first); uint32_t size = value.size(); ipc_single_command(_ipcfd, IPC_COMMAND, value.c_str(), &size); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } }); button.add_events(Gdk::SCROLL_MASK | Gdk::SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK); button.signal_scroll_event() .connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspaces::_handleScroll)); _box.reorder_child(button, node["num"].asInt()); if (node["focused"].asBool()) button.get_style_context()->add_class("current"); button.show(); } std::string waybar::modules::Workspaces::_getIcon(std::string name) { if (_config["format-icons"][name]) return _config["format-icons"][name].asString(); if (_config["format-icons"]["default"]) return _config["format-icons"]["default"].asString(); return name; } bool waybar::modules::Workspaces::_handleScroll(GdkEventScroll *e) { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); // Avoid concurrent scroll event if (_scrolling) return false; _scrolling = true; int id = -1; uint16_t idx = 0; for (; idx < _workspaces.size(); idx += 1) if (_workspaces[idx]["focused"].asBool()) { id = _workspaces[idx]["num"].asInt(); break; } if (id == -1) { _scrolling = false; return false; } if (e->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) id = _getNextWorkspace(); if (e->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) id = _getPrevWorkspace(); if (e->direction == GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH) { gdouble delta_x, delta_y; gdk_event_get_scroll_deltas ((const GdkEvent *) e, &delta_x, &delta_y); if (delta_y < 0) id = _getNextWorkspace(); else if (delta_y > 0) id = _getPrevWorkspace(); } if (id == _workspaces[idx]["num"].asInt()) { _scrolling = false; return false; } auto value = fmt::format("workspace \"{}\"", id); uint32_t size = value.size(); ipc_single_command(_ipcfd, IPC_COMMAND, value.c_str(), &size); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(150)); return true; } int waybar::modules::Workspaces::_getPrevWorkspace() { int current = -1; for (uint16_t i = 0; i != _workspaces.size(); i += 1) if (_workspaces[i]["focused"].asBool()) { current = _workspaces[i]["num"].asInt(); if (i > 0) return _workspaces[i - 1]["num"].asInt(); return _workspaces[_workspaces.size() - 1]["num"].asInt(); } return current; } int waybar::modules::Workspaces::_getNextWorkspace() { int current = -1; for (uint16_t i = 0; i != _workspaces.size(); i += 1) if (_workspaces[i]["focused"].asBool()) { current = _workspaces[i]["num"].asInt(); if (i + 1U < _workspaces.size()) return _workspaces[i + 1]["num"].asInt(); return _workspaces[0]["num"].asInt(); } return current; } Json::Value waybar::modules::Workspaces::_getWorkspaces(const std::string data) { Json::Value res; try { std::string err; res = _parser.parse(data); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } return res; } waybar::modules::Workspaces::operator Gtk::Widget &() { return _box; }