#include "modules/hyprland/workspaces.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/regex_collection.hpp" namespace waybar::modules::hyprland { int Workspaces::windowRewritePriorityFunction(std::string const &window_rule) { // Rules that match against title are prioritized // Rules that don't specify if they're matching against either title or class are deprioritized bool const hasTitle = window_rule.find("title") != std::string::npos; bool const hasClass = window_rule.find("class") != std::string::npos; if (hasTitle && hasClass) { m_anyWindowRewriteRuleUsesTitle = true; return 3; } if (hasTitle) { m_anyWindowRewriteRuleUsesTitle = true; return 2; } if (hasClass) { return 1; } return 0; } Workspaces::Workspaces(const std::string &id, const Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config) : AModule(config, "workspaces", id, false, false), m_bar(bar), m_box(bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) { modulesReady = true; parseConfig(config); m_box.set_name("workspaces"); if (!id.empty()) { m_box.get_style_context()->add_class(id); } event_box_.add(m_box); if (!gIPC) { gIPC = std::make_unique(); } init(); registerIpc(); } auto Workspaces::parseConfig(const Json::Value &config) -> void { const Json::Value &configFormat = config["format"]; m_format = configFormat.isString() ? configFormat.asString() : "{name}"; m_withIcon = m_format.find("{icon}") != std::string::npos; if (m_withIcon && m_iconsMap.empty()) { Json::Value formatIcons = config["format-icons"]; for (std::string &name : formatIcons.getMemberNames()) { m_iconsMap.emplace(name, formatIcons[name].asString()); } m_iconsMap.emplace("", ""); } auto configAllOutputs = config_["all-outputs"]; if (configAllOutputs.isBool()) { m_allOutputs = configAllOutputs.asBool(); } auto configShowSpecial = config_["show-special"]; if (configShowSpecial.isBool()) { m_showSpecial = configShowSpecial.asBool(); } auto configActiveOnly = config_["active-only"]; if (configActiveOnly.isBool()) { m_activeOnly = configActiveOnly.asBool(); } auto configSortBy = config_["sort-by"]; if (configSortBy.isString()) { auto sortByStr = configSortBy.asString(); try { m_sortBy = m_enumParser.parseStringToEnum(sortByStr, m_sortMap); } catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) { // Handle the case where the string is not a valid enum representation. m_sortBy = SortMethod::DEFAULT; g_warning("Invalid string representation for sort-by. Falling back to default sort method."); } } Json::Value ignoreWorkspaces = config["ignore-workspaces"]; if (ignoreWorkspaces.isArray()) { for (Json::Value &workspaceRegex : ignoreWorkspaces) { if (workspaceRegex.isString()) { std::string ruleString = workspaceRegex.asString(); try { const std::regex rule{ruleString, std::regex_constants::icase}; m_ignoreWorkspaces.emplace_back(rule); } catch (const std::regex_error &e) { spdlog::error("Invalid rule {}: {}", ruleString, e.what()); } } else { spdlog::error("Not a string: '{}'", workspaceRegex); } } } const Json::Value &formatWindowSeparator = config["format-window-separator"]; m_formatWindowSeparator = formatWindowSeparator.isString() ? formatWindowSeparator.asString() : " "; const Json::Value &windowRewrite = config["window-rewrite"]; const Json::Value &windowRewriteDefaultConfig = config["window-rewrite-default"]; std::string windowRewriteDefault = windowRewriteDefaultConfig.isString() ? windowRewriteDefaultConfig.asString() : "?"; m_windowRewriteRules = util::RegexCollection( windowRewrite, windowRewriteDefault, [this](std::string &window_rule) { return windowRewritePriorityFunction(window_rule); }); } auto Workspaces::registerIpc() -> void { gIPC->registerForIPC("workspace", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("createworkspace", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("destroyworkspace", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("focusedmon", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("moveworkspace", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("renameworkspace", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("openwindow", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("closewindow", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("movewindow", this); gIPC->registerForIPC("urgent", this); if (windowRewriteConfigUsesTitle()) { spdlog::info( "Registering for Hyprland's 'windowtitle' events because a user-defined window " "rewrite rule uses the 'title' field."); gIPC->registerForIPC("windowtitle", this); } } auto Workspaces::update() -> void { // remove workspaces that wait to be removed unsigned int currentRemoveWorkspaceNum = 0; for (const std::string &workspaceToRemove : m_workspacesToRemove) { removeWorkspace(workspaceToRemove); currentRemoveWorkspaceNum++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentRemoveWorkspaceNum; i++) { m_workspacesToRemove.erase(m_workspacesToRemove.begin()); } // add workspaces that wait to be created unsigned int currentCreateWorkspaceNum = 0; for (Json::Value const &workspaceToCreate : m_workspacesToCreate) { createWorkspace(workspaceToCreate); currentCreateWorkspaceNum++; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentCreateWorkspaceNum; i++) { m_workspacesToCreate.erase(m_workspacesToCreate.begin()); } // get all active workspaces auto monitors = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("monitors"); std::vector visibleWorkspaces; for (Json::Value &monitor : monitors) { auto ws = monitor["activeWorkspace"]; if (ws.isObject() && (ws["name"].isString())) { visibleWorkspaces.push_back(ws["name"].asString()); } } for (auto &workspace : m_workspaces) { // active workspace->setActive(workspace->name() == m_activeWorkspaceName); // disable urgency if workspace is active if (workspace->name() == m_activeWorkspaceName && workspace->isUrgent()) { workspace->setUrgent(false); } // visible workspace->setVisible(std::find(visibleWorkspaces.begin(), visibleWorkspaces.end(), workspace->name()) != visibleWorkspaces.end()); // set workspace icon std::string &workspaceIcon = m_iconsMap[""]; if (m_withIcon) { workspaceIcon = workspace->selectIcon(m_iconsMap); } workspace->update(m_format, workspaceIcon); } bool anyWindowCreated = false; std::vector notCreated; for (auto &windowPayload : m_windowsToCreate) { bool created = false; for (auto &workspace : m_workspaces) { if (workspace->onWindowOpened(windowPayload)) { created = true; anyWindowCreated = true; break; } } if (!created) { static auto const WINDOW_CREATION_TIMEOUT = 2; if (windowPayload.incrementTimeSpentUncreated() < WINDOW_CREATION_TIMEOUT) { notCreated.push_back(windowPayload); } } } if (anyWindowCreated) { dp.emit(); } m_windowsToCreate.clear(); m_windowsToCreate = notCreated; AModule::update(); } bool isDoubleSpecial(std::string const &workspace_name) { // Hyprland's IPC sometimes reports the creation of workspaces strangely named // `special:special:`. This function checks for that and is used // to avoid creating (and then removing) such workspaces. // See hyprwm/Hyprland#3424 for more info. return workspace_name.find("special:special:") != std::string::npos; } bool Workspaces::isWorkspaceIgnored(std::string const &name) { for (auto &rule : m_ignoreWorkspaces) { if (std::regex_match(name, rule)) { return true; break; } } return false; } void Workspaces::onEvent(const std::string &ev) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); std::string eventName(begin(ev), begin(ev) + ev.find_first_of('>')); std::string payload = ev.substr(eventName.size() + 2); if (eventName == "workspace") { onWorkspaceActivated(payload); } else if (eventName == "destroyworkspace") { onWorkspaceDestroyed(payload); } else if (eventName == "createworkspace") { onWorkspaceCreated(payload); } else if (eventName == "focusedmon") { onMonitorFocused(payload); } else if (eventName == "moveworkspace" && !allOutputs()) { onWorkspaceMoved(payload); } else if (eventName == "openwindow") { onWindowOpened(payload); } else if (eventName == "closewindow") { onWindowClosed(payload); } else if (eventName == "movewindow") { onWindowMoved(payload); } else if (eventName == "urgent") { setUrgentWorkspace(payload); } else if (eventName == "renameworkspace") { onWorkspaceRenamed(payload); } else if (eventName == "windowtitle") { onWindowTitleEvent(payload); } dp.emit(); } void Workspaces::onWorkspaceActivated(std::string const &payload) { m_activeWorkspaceName = payload; } void Workspaces::onWorkspaceDestroyed(std::string const &payload) { if (!isDoubleSpecial(payload)) { m_workspacesToRemove.push_back(payload); } } void Workspaces::onWorkspaceCreated(std::string const &payload) { const Json::Value workspacesJson = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("workspaces"); if (!isWorkspaceIgnored(payload)) { for (Json::Value workspaceJson : workspacesJson) { std::string name = workspaceJson["name"].asString(); if (name == payload && (allOutputs() || m_bar.output->name == workspaceJson["monitor"].asString()) && (showSpecial() || !name.starts_with("special")) && !isDoubleSpecial(payload)) { m_workspacesToCreate.push_back(workspaceJson); break; } } } } void Workspaces::onWorkspaceMoved(std::string const &payload) { std::string workspace = payload.substr(0, payload.find(',')); std::string newOutput = payload.substr(payload.find(',') + 1); bool shouldShow = showSpecial() || !workspace.starts_with("special"); if (shouldShow && m_bar.output->name == newOutput) { // TODO: implement this better const Json::Value workspacesJson = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("workspaces"); for (Json::Value workspaceJson : workspacesJson) { std::string name = workspaceJson["name"].asString(); if (name == workspace && m_bar.output->name == workspaceJson["monitor"].asString()) { m_workspacesToCreate.push_back(workspaceJson); break; } } } else { m_workspacesToRemove.push_back(workspace); } } void Workspaces::onWorkspaceRenamed(std::string const &payload) { std::string workspaceIdStr = payload.substr(0, payload.find(',')); int workspaceId = workspaceIdStr == "special" ? -99 : std::stoi(workspaceIdStr); std::string newName = payload.substr(payload.find(',') + 1); for (auto &workspace : m_workspaces) { if (workspace->id() == workspaceId) { if (workspace->name() == m_activeWorkspaceName) { m_activeWorkspaceName = newName; } workspace->setName(newName); break; } } sortWorkspaces(); } void Workspaces::onMonitorFocused(std::string const &payload) { m_activeWorkspaceName = payload.substr(payload.find(',') + 1); } void Workspaces::onWindowOpened(std::string const &payload) { updateWindowCount(); size_t lastCommaIdx = 0; size_t nextCommaIdx = payload.find(','); std::string windowAddress = payload.substr(lastCommaIdx, nextCommaIdx - lastCommaIdx); lastCommaIdx = nextCommaIdx; nextCommaIdx = payload.find(',', nextCommaIdx + 1); std::string workspaceName = payload.substr(lastCommaIdx + 1, nextCommaIdx - lastCommaIdx - 1); lastCommaIdx = nextCommaIdx; nextCommaIdx = payload.find(',', nextCommaIdx + 1); std::string windowClass = payload.substr(lastCommaIdx + 1, nextCommaIdx - lastCommaIdx - 1); std::string windowTitle = payload.substr(nextCommaIdx + 1, payload.length() - nextCommaIdx); m_windowsToCreate.emplace_back(workspaceName, windowAddress, windowClass, windowTitle); } void Workspaces::onWindowClosed(std::string const &addr) { updateWindowCount(); for (auto &workspace : m_workspaces) { if (workspace->closeWindow(addr)) { break; } } } void Workspaces::onWindowMoved(std::string const &payload) { updateWindowCount(); size_t lastCommaIdx = 0; size_t nextCommaIdx = payload.find(','); std::string windowAddress = payload.substr(lastCommaIdx, nextCommaIdx - lastCommaIdx); std::string workspaceName = payload.substr(nextCommaIdx + 1, payload.length() - nextCommaIdx); std::string windowRepr; // If the window was still queued to be created, just change its destination // and exit for (auto &window : m_windowsToCreate) { if (window.getAddress() == windowAddress) { window.moveToWorksace(workspaceName); return; } } // Take the window's representation from the old workspace... for (auto &workspace : m_workspaces) { if (auto windowAddr = workspace->closeWindow(windowAddress); windowAddr != std::nullopt) { windowRepr = windowAddr.value(); break; } } // ...and add it to the new workspace if (!windowRepr.empty()) { m_windowsToCreate.emplace_back(workspaceName, windowAddress, windowRepr); } } void Workspaces::onWindowTitleEvent(std::string const &payload) { auto windowWorkspace = std::find_if(m_workspaces.begin(), m_workspaces.end(), [payload](auto &workspace) { return workspace->containsWindow(payload); }); if (windowWorkspace != m_workspaces.end()) { Json::Value clientsData = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("clients"); std::string jsonWindowAddress = fmt::format("0x{}", payload); auto client = std::find_if(clientsData.begin(), clientsData.end(), [jsonWindowAddress](auto &client) { return client["address"].asString() == jsonWindowAddress; }); if (!client->empty()) { (*windowWorkspace)->insertWindow({*client}); } } } void Workspaces::updateWindowCount() { const Json::Value workspacesJson = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("workspaces"); for (auto &workspace : m_workspaces) { auto workspaceJson = std::find_if( workspacesJson.begin(), workspacesJson.end(), [&](Json::Value const &x) { return x["name"].asString() == workspace->name(); }); uint32_t count = 0; if (workspaceJson != workspacesJson.end()) { try { count = (*workspaceJson)["windows"].asUInt(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Failed to update window count: {}", e.what()); } } workspace->setWindows(count); } } void Workspace::initializeWindowMap(const Json::Value &clients_data) { m_windowMap.clear(); for (auto client : clients_data) { if (client["workspace"]["id"].asInt() == id()) { insertWindow({client}); } } } void Workspace::insertWindow(WindowCreationPayload create_window_paylod) { if (!create_window_paylod.isEmpty(m_workspaceManager)) { m_windowMap[create_window_paylod.getAddress()] = create_window_paylod.repr(m_workspaceManager); } }; std::string Workspace::removeWindow(WindowAddress const &addr) { std::string windowRepr = m_windowMap[addr]; m_windowMap.erase(addr); return windowRepr; } bool Workspace::onWindowOpened(WindowCreationPayload const &create_window_paylod) { if (create_window_paylod.getWorkspaceName() == name()) { insertWindow(create_window_paylod); return true; } return false; } std::optional Workspace::closeWindow(WindowAddress const &addr) { if (m_windowMap.contains(addr)) { return removeWindow(addr); } return std::nullopt; } void Workspaces::createWorkspace(Json::Value const &workspace_data, Json::Value const &clients_data) { // avoid recreating existing workspaces auto workspaceName = workspace_data["name"].asString(); auto workspace = std::find_if( m_workspaces.begin(), m_workspaces.end(), [workspaceName](std::unique_ptr const &w) { return (workspaceName.starts_with("special:") && workspaceName.substr(8) == w->name()) || workspaceName == w->name(); }); if (workspace != m_workspaces.end()) { if (workspace_data["persistent"].asBool() and !(*workspace)->isPersistent()) { (*workspace)->setPersistent(); } return; } // create new workspace m_workspaces.emplace_back(std::make_unique(workspace_data, *this, clients_data)); Gtk::Button &newWorkspaceButton = m_workspaces.back()->button(); m_box.pack_start(newWorkspaceButton, false, false); sortWorkspaces(); newWorkspaceButton.show_all(); } void Workspaces::removeWorkspace(std::string const &name) { auto workspace = std::find_if(m_workspaces.begin(), m_workspaces.end(), [&](std::unique_ptr &x) { return (name.starts_with("special:") && name.substr(8) == x->name()) || name == x->name(); }); if (workspace == m_workspaces.end()) { // happens when a workspace on another monitor is destroyed return; } if ((*workspace)->isPersistent()) { // don't remove persistent workspaces, createWorkspace will take care of replacement return; } m_box.remove(workspace->get()->button()); m_workspaces.erase(workspace); } void Workspaces::fillPersistentWorkspaces() { if (config_["persistent_workspaces"].isObject()) { spdlog::warn( "persistent_workspaces is deprecated. Please change config to use persistent-workspaces."); } if (config_["persistent-workspaces"].isObject() || config_["persistent_workspaces"].isObject()) { const Json::Value persistentWorkspaces = config_["persistent-workspaces"].isObject() ? config_["persistent-workspaces"] : config_["persistent_workspaces"]; const std::vector keys = persistentWorkspaces.getMemberNames(); for (const std::string &key : keys) { // only add if either: // 1. key is "*" and this monitor is not already defined in the config // 2. key is the current monitor name bool canCreate = (key == "*" && std::find(keys.begin(), keys.end(), m_bar.output->name) == keys.end()) || key == m_bar.output->name; const Json::Value &value = persistentWorkspaces[key]; if (value.isInt()) { // value is a number => create that many workspaces for this monitor if (canCreate) { int amount = value.asInt(); spdlog::debug("Creating {} persistent workspaces for monitor {}", amount, m_bar.output->name); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { m_persistentWorkspacesToCreate.emplace_back( std::to_string(m_monitorId * amount + i + 1)); } } } else if (value.isArray() && !value.empty()) { // value is an array => create defined workspaces for this monitor if (canCreate) { for (const Json::Value &workspace : value) { if (workspace.isInt()) { spdlog::debug("Creating workspace {} on monitor {}", workspace, m_bar.output->name); m_persistentWorkspacesToCreate.emplace_back(std::to_string(workspace.asInt())); } } } else { // key is the workspace and value is array of monitors to create on for (const Json::Value &monitor : value) { if (monitor.isString() && monitor.asString() == m_bar.output->name) { m_persistentWorkspacesToCreate.emplace_back(key); break; } } } } else { // this workspace should be displayed on all monitors m_persistentWorkspacesToCreate.emplace_back(key); } } } } void Workspaces::createPersistentWorkspaces() { for (const std::string &workspaceName : m_persistentWorkspacesToCreate) { Json::Value newWorkspace; try { // numbered persistent workspaces get the name as ID newWorkspace["id"] = workspaceName == "special" ? -99 : std::stoi(workspaceName); } catch (const std::exception &e) { // named persistent workspaces start with ID=0 newWorkspace["id"] = 0; } newWorkspace["name"] = workspaceName; newWorkspace["monitor"] = m_bar.output->name; newWorkspace["windows"] = 0; newWorkspace["persistent"] = true; createWorkspace(newWorkspace); } } void Workspaces::init() { m_activeWorkspaceName = (gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("activeworkspace"))["name"].asString(); // get monitor ID from name (used by persistent workspaces) m_monitorId = 0; auto monitors = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("monitors"); auto currentMonitor = std::find_if( monitors.begin(), monitors.end(), [this](const Json::Value &m) { return m["name"].asString() == m_bar.output->name; }); if (currentMonitor == monitors.end()) { spdlog::error("Monitor '{}' does not have an ID? Using 0", m_bar.output->name); } else { m_monitorId = (*currentMonitor)["id"].asInt(); } const Json::Value workspacesJson = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("workspaces"); const Json::Value clientsJson = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("clients"); for (Json::Value workspaceJson : workspacesJson) { std::string workspaceName = workspaceJson["name"].asString(); if ((allOutputs() || m_bar.output->name == workspaceJson["monitor"].asString()) && (!workspaceName.starts_with("special") || showSpecial()) && !isWorkspaceIgnored(workspaceName)) { createWorkspace(workspaceJson, clientsJson); } } fillPersistentWorkspaces(); createPersistentWorkspaces(); updateWindowCount(); sortWorkspaces(); dp.emit(); } Workspaces::~Workspaces() { gIPC->unregisterForIPC(this); // wait for possible event handler to finish std::lock_guard lg(m_mutex); } Workspace::Workspace(const Json::Value &workspace_data, Workspaces &workspace_manager, const Json::Value &clients_data) : m_workspaceManager(workspace_manager), m_id(workspace_data["id"].asInt()), m_name(workspace_data["name"].asString()), m_output(workspace_data["monitor"].asString()), // TODO:allow using monitor desc m_windows(workspace_data["windows"].asInt()), m_active(true) { if (m_name.starts_with("name:")) { m_name = m_name.substr(5); } else if (m_name.starts_with("special")) { m_name = m_id == -99 ? m_name : m_name.substr(8); m_isSpecial = true; } if (workspace_data.isMember("persistent")) { m_isPersistent = workspace_data["persistent"].asBool(); } m_button.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); m_button.signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Workspace::handleClicked), false); m_button.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); m_content.set_center_widget(m_label); m_button.add(m_content); initializeWindowMap(clients_data); } void addOrRemoveClass(const Glib::RefPtr &context, bool condition, const std::string &class_name) { if (condition) { context->add_class(class_name); } else { context->remove_class(class_name); } } void Workspace::update(const std::string &format, const std::string &icon) { // clang-format off if (this->m_workspaceManager.activeOnly() && \ !this->isActive() && \ !this->isPersistent() && \ !this->isVisible() && \ !this->isSpecial()) { // clang-format on // if activeOnly is true, hide if not active, persistent, visible or special m_button.hide(); return; } m_button.show(); auto styleContext = m_button.get_style_context(); addOrRemoveClass(styleContext, isActive(), "active"); addOrRemoveClass(styleContext, isSpecial(), "special"); addOrRemoveClass(styleContext, isEmpty(), "empty"); addOrRemoveClass(styleContext, isPersistent(), "persistent"); addOrRemoveClass(styleContext, isUrgent(), "urgent"); addOrRemoveClass(styleContext, isVisible(), "visible"); std::string windows; auto windowSeparator = m_workspaceManager.getWindowSeparator(); bool isNotFirst = false; for (auto &[_pid, window_repr] : m_windowMap) { if (isNotFirst) { windows.append(windowSeparator); } isNotFirst = true; windows.append(window_repr); } m_label.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("id", id()), fmt::arg("name", name()), fmt::arg("icon", icon), fmt::arg("windows", windows))); } void Workspaces::sortWorkspaces() { std::sort(m_workspaces.begin(), m_workspaces.end(), [&](std::unique_ptr &a, std::unique_ptr &b) { // Helper comparisons auto isIdLess = a->id() < b->id(); auto isNameLess = a->name() < b->name(); switch (m_sortBy) { case SortMethod::ID: return isIdLess; case SortMethod::NAME: return isNameLess; case SortMethod::NUMBER: try { return std::stoi(a->name()) < std::stoi(b->name()); } catch (const std::invalid_argument &) { // Handle the exception if necessary. break; } case SortMethod::DEFAULT: default: // Handle the default case here. // normal -> named persistent -> named -> special -> named special // both normal (includes numbered persistent) => sort by ID if (a->id() > 0 && b->id() > 0) { return isIdLess; } // one normal, one special => normal first if ((a->isSpecial()) ^ (b->isSpecial())) { return b->isSpecial(); } // only one normal, one named if ((a->id() > 0) ^ (b->id() > 0)) { return a->id() > 0; } // both special if (a->isSpecial() && b->isSpecial()) { // if one is -99 => put it last if (a->id() == -99 || b->id() == -99) { return b->id() == -99; } // both are 0 (not yet named persistents) / both are named specials (-98 <= ID // <=-1) return isNameLess; } // sort non-special named workspaces by name (ID <= -1377) return isNameLess; break; } // Return a default value if none of the cases match. return isNameLess; // You can adjust this to your specific needs. }); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_workspaces.size(); ++i) { m_box.reorder_child(m_workspaces[i]->button(), i); } } std::string &Workspace::selectIcon(std::map &icons_map) { if (isUrgent()) { auto urgentIconIt = icons_map.find("urgent"); if (urgentIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return urgentIconIt->second; } } if (isActive()) { auto activeIconIt = icons_map.find("active"); if (activeIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return activeIconIt->second; } } if (isSpecial()) { auto specialIconIt = icons_map.find("special"); if (specialIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return specialIconIt->second; } } auto namedIconIt = icons_map.find(name()); if (namedIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return namedIconIt->second; } if (isVisible()) { auto visibleIconIt = icons_map.find("visible"); if (visibleIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return visibleIconIt->second; } } if (isEmpty()) { auto emptyIconIt = icons_map.find("empty"); if (emptyIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return emptyIconIt->second; } } if (isPersistent()) { auto persistentIconIt = icons_map.find("persistent"); if (persistentIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return persistentIconIt->second; } } auto defaultIconIt = icons_map.find("default"); if (defaultIconIt != icons_map.end()) { return defaultIconIt->second; } return m_name; } bool Workspace::handleClicked(GdkEventButton *bt) const { if (bt->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { try { if (id() > 0) { // normal or numbered persistent gIPC->getSocket1Reply("dispatch workspace " + std::to_string(id())); } else if (!isSpecial()) { // named gIPC->getSocket1Reply("dispatch workspace name:" + name()); } else if (id() != -99) { // named special gIPC->getSocket1Reply("dispatch togglespecialworkspace " + name()); } else { // special gIPC->getSocket1Reply("dispatch togglespecialworkspace"); } return true; } catch (const std::exception &e) { spdlog::error("Failed to dispatch workspace: {}", e.what()); } } return false; } void Workspaces::setUrgentWorkspace(std::string const &windowaddress) { const Json::Value clientsJson = gIPC->getSocket1JsonReply("clients"); int workspaceId = -1; for (Json::Value clientJson : clientsJson) { if (clientJson["address"].asString().ends_with(windowaddress)) { workspaceId = clientJson["workspace"]["id"].asInt(); break; } } auto workspace = std::find_if(m_workspaces.begin(), m_workspaces.end(), [workspaceId](std::unique_ptr &x) { return x->id() == workspaceId; }); if (workspace != m_workspaces.end()) { workspace->get()->setUrgent(); } } std::string Workspaces::getRewrite(std::string window_class, std::string window_title) { std::string windowReprKey; if (windowRewriteConfigUsesTitle()) { windowReprKey = fmt::format("class<{}> title<{}>", window_class, window_title); } else { windowReprKey = fmt::format("class<{}>", window_class); } return m_windowRewriteRules.get(windowReprKey); } WindowCreationPayload::WindowCreationPayload(std::string workspace_name, WindowAddress window_address, std::string window_repr) : m_window(std::move(window_repr)), m_windowAddress(std::move(window_address)), m_workspaceName(std::move(workspace_name)) { clearAddr(); clearWorkspaceName(); } WindowCreationPayload::WindowCreationPayload(std::string workspace_name, WindowAddress window_address, std::string window_class, std::string window_title) : m_window(std::make_pair(std::move(window_class), std::move(window_title))), m_windowAddress(std::move(window_address)), m_workspaceName(std::move(workspace_name)) { clearAddr(); clearWorkspaceName(); } WindowCreationPayload::WindowCreationPayload(Json::Value const &client_data) : m_window(std::make_pair(client_data["class"].asString(), client_data["title"].asString())), m_windowAddress(client_data["address"].asString()), m_workspaceName(client_data["workspace"]["name"].asString()) { clearAddr(); clearWorkspaceName(); } std::string WindowCreationPayload::repr(Workspaces &workspace_manager) { if (std::holds_alternative(m_window)) { return std::get(m_window); } if (std::holds_alternative(m_window)) { auto [window_class, window_title] = std::get(m_window); return workspace_manager.getRewrite(window_class, window_title); } // Unreachable spdlog::error("WorkspaceWindow::repr: Unreachable"); throw std::runtime_error("WorkspaceWindow::repr: Unreachable"); } bool WindowCreationPayload::isEmpty(Workspaces &workspace_manager) { if (std::holds_alternative(m_window)) { return std::get(m_window).empty(); } if (std::holds_alternative(m_window)) { auto [window_class, window_title] = std::get(m_window); return (window_class.empty() && (!workspace_manager.windowRewriteConfigUsesTitle() || window_title.empty())); } // Unreachable spdlog::error("WorkspaceWindow::isEmpty: Unreachable"); throw std::runtime_error("WorkspaceWindow::isEmpty: Unreachable"); } int WindowCreationPayload::incrementTimeSpentUncreated() { return m_timeSpentUncreated++; } void WindowCreationPayload::clearAddr() { // substr(2, ...) is necessary because Hyprland's JSON follows this format: // 0x{ADDR} // While Hyprland's IPC follows this format: // {ADDR} static const std::string ADDR_PREFIX = "0x"; static const int ADDR_PREFIX_LEN = ADDR_PREFIX.length(); if (m_windowAddress.starts_with(ADDR_PREFIX)) { m_windowAddress = m_windowAddress.substr(ADDR_PREFIX_LEN, m_windowAddress.length() - ADDR_PREFIX_LEN); } } void WindowCreationPayload::clearWorkspaceName() { // The workspace name may optionally feature "special:" at the beginning. // If so, we need to remove it because the workspace is saved WITHOUT the // special qualifier. The reasoning is that not all of Hyprland's IPC events // use this qualifier, so it's better to be consistent about our uses. static const std::string SPECIAL_QUALIFIER_PREFIX = "special:"; static const int SPECIAL_QUALIFIER_PREFIX_LEN = SPECIAL_QUALIFIER_PREFIX.length(); if (m_workspaceName.starts_with(SPECIAL_QUALIFIER_PREFIX)) { m_workspaceName = m_workspaceName.substr( SPECIAL_QUALIFIER_PREFIX_LEN, m_workspaceName.length() - SPECIAL_QUALIFIER_PREFIX_LEN); } } void WindowCreationPayload::moveToWorksace(std::string &new_workspace_name) { m_workspaceName = new_workspace_name; } } // namespace waybar::modules::hyprland