import time import json import random import logging import feedparser from io import BytesIO from youtube_dl.extractor import youtube from . import config, client, seen_videos youtube._try_get = _try_get = youtube.try_get def traverse_dict(src): for (key, value) in src.items(): if key == 'scheduledStartTime': return value if isinstance(value, dict): if value := traverse_dict(value): return value return None def try_get(src, getter, expected_type=None): if reason := src.get('reason'): if isinstance(reason, str) and (reason.startswith('This live event will begin in ') or reason.startswith('Premieres in ')): if t := _try_get(src, traverse_dict, str): src['reason'] = f'autoytarchive:{t} {reason}' return _try_get(src, getter, expected_type) youtube.try_get = try_get async def update_seen_videos(): with BytesIO(json.dumps(seen_videos).encode()) as file: = 'autoytarchive.json' await client.edit_message(config['config']['storage_chat_id'], config['config']['storage_message_id'], file=file) async def get_video_list(session, channel_id): invidious_instances = config['config'].get('invidious_instances', []) random.shuffle(invidious_instances) for i in invidious_instances: try: async with session.get(f'{i}/api/v1/channels/{channel_id}/latest?fields=videoId&a={time.time()}', headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-store, max-age=0'}) as resp: if resp.status != 200: logging.error('Invidious instance %s returned %s', i, str(resp.status)) continue return list(map(lambda i: i['videoId'], await resp.json()))[:15] except BaseException: logging.exception('Invidious instance %s raised exception', i) async with session.get(f'{channel_id}&a={time.time()}', headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-store, max-age=0'}) as resp: d = feedparser.parse(await resp.text()) return list(map(lambda i: i['yt_videoid'], d['entries']))[:15]