Breaking Slide for Reddit by switching accounts too fast

black screen any%

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Created on: 2021-07-16 16:44:01 +07:00

So I decided to check on Reddit, but then there was a bug in Slide for Reddit (the app I'm using) which wouldn't show upvotes I made nor let me upvote anything. Previously I discovered a workaround where when you browse as a guest and go back to your account, the bug will stop for some time.

I decided to switch to a guest and back to my account too fast and, lo-and-behold, black screen.

I went to Settings -> Apps & notifications -> See all apps -> Slide -> Additional settings in the app, and now I see the settings. From here we can tap on About and /r/slideforreddit and we are now on the Slide subreddit.

Here I just used the search to search for the subreddit I wanted to go to and things worked for the most part. For an actual fix I opened /data/data/me.ccrama.redditslide/shared_prefs/appRestart.xml, and found this:

<boolean name="loggedin" value="true" />
<string name="name">LOGGEDOUT</string>

Ah yes, being logged in and logged out at the same time. I just changed LOGGEDOUT to my username and now slide works again (but I switched to guest and back to my account SLOWLY to try to eliminate any configuration errors for now)