<html> <head> <title>/blankX/403.html</title> <meta name='description' context='/blankx/403.html.txt: jack'> <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='10; url=https://play.skycade.net'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"> </head> <body class='jack kazoo' id='owo'> <div class='container'> <p class='ds'>It seems like <a class='ds' href='https://www.youtube.com/user/JackSucksAtMinecraft'>JackSucksAtLife</a> puts a 403 here, hmm.</p> <p class='ds'>He wants you to be on <a class='ds' href='https://play.skycade.net'>Skycade</a> I think :shrug: <!-- refer to index.html about the emojis --></p> <p class='ds'>Thanks to <a class='ds' href='https://nixnet.xyz/contact'>amolith</a> for <a class='ds' href='https://git.nixnet.xyz/Amolith/dotfiles#dr-smith-a-custom-font'>Dr. Smith</a>.</p> <script> var min = 0 var max = 2 console.log(min) console.log(max) var rn = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min); console.log(rn) var bodyc = document.getElementById('owo').classList; console.log('if rn == 0 now running') if (rn == 0) { console.log('removing kazoo') bodyc.remove('kazoo'); } console.log('if rn == 2 now running') if (rn == 2) { console.log('adding fzt') bodyc.add('fzt') console.log('removing kazoo') bodyc.remove('kazoo') console.log('removing jack') bodyc.remove('jack') } console.log('dun') </script> </body> </html>