# mpv_sponsorblock_lm Another Sponsorblock implementation for mpv, just a bit less minimal than [mpv_sponsorblock_minimal](https://codeberg.org/jouni/mpv_sponsorblock_minimal). `sha256sum` and `curl` are required. ### Supported - K-Anonymity - Skip and mute segments - Full video labels - Whitelisting channels ### Unsupported - Point of interest/Highlight segments - Local database - Submitting segments or votes ## Configuration The config file should be placed in `script-opts/sponsorblock_lm.conf` in mpv's config folder (usually `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv` or `~/.config/mpv`). Example config: ``` # Enderman, LockPickingLawyer whitelisted_channels=UCWb-66XSFCV5vgKEbl22R6Q UCm9K6rby98W8JigLoZOh6FQ find_id_from_title=yes ``` ### Available Options - api_url: URL pointing to the Sponsorblock server's API. (default: `https://sponsor.ajay.app/api`) - categories: Space-seperated list of [categories](https://wiki.sponsor.ajay.app/w/Types#Category) to skip/mute/warn. (default: `sponsor interaction music_offtopic exclusive_access`) - whitelisted_channels: Space-seperated list of channel IDs to ignore. Sponsor segments will not be fetched. Channel IDs are only fetched based on the video's title (see find_id_from_title). (default: none) - find_id_from_filename: Finds video ID from a filename in the form of `...-ID.three or four alphanumberic characters`. (default: yes) - find_id_from_title: Finds video and channel ID from the video title in the form of `... (ID by CHANNELID)`. (default: no) By default, pressing `b` will toggle between enabling and disabling Sponsorblock (segments will still be fetched) . To bind it to both `b` **and** `s`, add `s script-binding sponsorblock_lm/toggle` to mpv's `input.conf`. To unbind `b`, add `b ignore`.