#include "routes.h" #include "../servehelper.h" void home_route(const httplib::Request& req, httplib::Response& res, const Config& config) { std::string origin = get_origin(req, config); auto get_artwork_element = [&](size_t illust_id, const char* illust_title, size_t author_id, const char* author_display_name) { return Element("li", { Element("a", {{"href", origin + "/artworks/" + std::to_string(illust_id)}}, {illust_title}), " by ", Element("a", {{"href", origin + "/users/" + std::to_string(author_id)}}, {author_display_name}), }); }; Element body("body", { Element("p", {"Pixwhile is an alternative frontend to Pixiv that utilizes no Javascript."}), Element("h2", {"Try it out"}), Element("ul", { get_artwork_element(106623268, "アル社長の日常", 1960050, "torino"), get_artwork_element(94449946, "Gura and Shion", 15961697, "ZWJ") }) }); serve(req, res, config, "Pixwhile", std::move(body)); }