import os import time import html import json import random import logging import asyncio import tempfile import functools import mimetypes import traceback from decimal import Decimal from itertools import zip_longest from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, urljoin import yaml import asyncpraw from asyncprawcore.exceptions import NotFound import aiohttp import aiocron from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from telethon import TelegramClient, events from telethon.utils import chunks, is_list_like from import DocumentAttributeVideo mimetypes.init(['mime.types']) with open('config.yaml') as file: config_data = yaml.safe_load(file) tg_api_id = config_data['telegram']['api_id'] tg_api_hash = config_data['telegram']['api_hash'] bot_token = config_data['telegram'].get('bot_token') reddit_client_id = config_data['reddit']['client_id'] reddit_client_secret = config_data['reddit']['client_secret'] storage_chat = config_data['config'].get('storage_chat') storage_msg_id = config_data['config'].get('storage_message_id') _bkup_subreddits = config_data['config'].get('subreddits') _send_to_chats = send_to_chats = config_data['config']['send_to_chats'] if isinstance(_send_to_chats, list): send_to_chats = dict() for i in _send_to_chats: j = None if isinstance(i, dict): j = tuple(i.values())[0] i = tuple(i.keys())[0] if isinstance(j, list) or not j: j = {'subreddits': j, 'cron_duration': config_data['config']['cron_duration'], 'allow_selfposts': True, 'allow_nsfw': True, 'allow_spoilers': True, 'show_nsfw_warning': True, 'show_spoilers_warning': True, 'timeout': None} send_to_chats[i] = j bot_admins = config_data['config']['bot_admins'] def title_or_shortlink(submission): title = submission.title.strip(''.join(( # '\u0000', # NULL (used in null-terminated strings) '\u0009', # HORIZONTAL TABULATION (HT) (inserted by the tab key) '\u000A', # LINE FEED (LF) (used as a line break) '\u000C', # FORM FEED (FF) (denotes a page break in a plain text file) '\u000D', # CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) (used in some line-breaking conventions) '\u0085', # NEXT LINE (NEL) (sometimes used as a line break in text transcoded from EBCDIC) '\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D', '\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F', '\u0085' # '\u2028', # LINE SEPARATOR (abbreviated LS or LSEP) '\u2029', # PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (abbreviated PS or PSEP) # '\u061C', # ARABIC LETTER MARK '\u200E', # LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK '\u200F', # RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK '\u202A', # LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING '\u202B', # RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING '\u202C', # POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING '\u202D', # LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE '\u202E', # RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE '\u2066', # LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE '\u2067', # RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE '\u2068', # FIRST STRONG ISOLATE '\u2069', # POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE # '\u000B', # line tabulation '\u0020', # space '\u0085', # next line '\u00A0', # no-break space '\u1680', # ogham space mark '\u2000', # en quad '\u2001', # em quad '\u2002', # en space '\u2003', # em space '\u2004', # three-per-em space '\u2005', # four-per-em space '\u2006', # six-per-em space '\u2007', # figure space '\u2008', # punctuation space '\u2009', # thin space '\u200A', # hair space '\u2028', # line separator '\u2029', # paragraph separator '\u202F', # narrow no-break space '\u205F', # medium mathematical space '\u3000', # ideographic space '\u180E', # mongolian vowel separator '\u200B', # zero width space '\u200C', # zero width non-joiner '\u200D', # zero width joiner '\u2060', # word joiner '\uFEFF', # zero width non-breaking space ))) return f'{html.escape(title)}' if title else submission.shortlink logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) async def main(): _added_chats = [] client = await TelegramClient('redditbot', tg_api_id, tg_api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token) client.parse_mode = 'html' session = aiohttp.ClientSession() reddit = asyncpraw.Reddit(client_id=reddit_client_id, client_secret=reddit_client_secret, user_agent='linux:redditbot:v1.0.0 (by /u/the_blank_x)') try: if storage_chat and storage_msg_id: await (await client.get_messages(storage_chat, ids=storage_msg_id)).download_media('redditbot.json') with open('redditbot.json') as file: seen_posts = json.load(file) if isinstance(seen_posts, list): seen_posts = {'version': 0, 'chats': {'global': seen_posts}} except BaseException: logging.exception('Loading JSON') seen_posts = {'version': 0, 'chats': {'global': []}} # chat dict: {chatid: [array of submission ids]} uploading_lock = asyncio.Lock() async def write_seen_posts(): with open('redditbot.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(seen_posts, file) if storage_chat and storage_msg_id: async with uploading_lock: await client.edit_message(storage_chat, storage_msg_id, file='redditbot.json') async def add_chat(chat, chat_data): global_sp = chat_sp = seen_posts['chats']['global'] subreddits = chat_data['subreddits'] if subreddits: chat = await client.get_peer_id(chat) if str(chat) not in seen_posts['chats']: seen_posts['chats'][str(chat)] = [] chat_sp = seen_posts['chats'][str(chat)] else: subreddits = _bkup_subreddits.copy() cron_duration = chat_data['cron_duration'] allow_selfposts = chat_data['allow_selfposts'] allow_nsfw = chat_data['allow_nsfw'] allow_spoilers = chat_data['allow_spoilers'] show_nsfw_warning = chat_data['show_nsfw_warning'] show_spoilers_warning = chat_data['show_spoilers_warning'] timeout = chat_data.get('timeout') give_ups = set() async def _get_submission(unique_id, subreddit): while unique_id not in give_ups: random_post = await subreddit.random() cpid = cpp = None if random_post is None: async for submission in if unique_id in give_ups: return cpid = getattr(submission, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid and getattr(submission, 'crosspost_parent_list', None): cpid = cpid[3:] if in chat_sp + global_sp or cpid in chat_sp + global_sp: continue if not (allow_selfposts and allow_nsfw and allow_spoilers): is_self = submission.is_self nsfw = submission.over_18 spoilers = submission.spoiler if cpid: cpp = await reddit.submission(cpid) if not allow_selfposts: is_self = cpp.is_self if not (nsfw and allow_nsfw): nsfw = cpp.over_18 if not (spoilers and allow_spoilers): spoilers = cpp.spoiler if is_self and not allow_selfposts: continue if nsfw and not allow_nsfw: continue if spoilers and not allow_spoilers: continue random_post = submission break if random_post is None: return cpid = getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid and getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent_list', None): cpid = cpid[3:] if in chat_sp + global_sp or cpid in chat_sp + global_sp: continue if not (allow_selfposts and allow_nsfw and allow_spoilers): is_self = random_post.is_self nsfw = random_post.over_18 spoilers = random_post.spoiler if cpid and not cpp: cpp = await reddit.submission(cpid) if cpid: if not allow_selfposts: is_self = cpp.is_self if not (nsfw and allow_nsfw): nsfw = cpp.over_18 if not (spoilers and allow_spoilers): spoilers = cpp.spoiler if is_self and not allow_selfposts: continue if nsfw and not allow_nsfw: continue if spoilers and not allow_spoilers: continue chat_sp.append(cpid or print(, random_post.shortlink) return random_post, cpp @aiocron.crontab(cron_duration) async def start_post(): ignore_subreddits = set() while True: unique_id = time.time() unignored_subreddits = [i for i in subreddits if i not in ignore_subreddits] if not unignored_subreddits: return subreddit = await reddit.subreddit(random.choice(unignored_subreddits)) try: result = await asyncio.wait_for(_get_submission(unique_id, subreddit), timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: give_ups.add(unique_id) logging.error('%s timed out', chat) return except NotFound: ignore_subreddits.add(subreddit.display_name) logging.error('r/%s returned 404 (banned?)', subreddit.display_name) except Exception: give_ups.add(unique_id) logging.exception(chat) for i in bot_admins: await client.send_message(i, f'{chat}\n{traceback.format_exc()}') else: if not result: return random_post, cpp = result try: await _actual_start_post(random_post, [chat], cpp, show_nsfw_warning, show_spoilers_warning) except Exception: logging.exception( for i in bot_admins: await client.send_message(i, f'{}\n{traceback.format_exc()}', parse_mode=None) else: break await write_seen_posts() _added_chats.append(start_post) for chat in send_to_chats: print(chat, send_to_chats[chat]) await add_chat(chat, send_to_chats[chat]) async def _start_broadcast(text, file, chats): for chat in chats: for i in chunks(zip_longest(text, file or []), 10): j, k = zip(*i) if not any(k): k = None if not k and len(j) == 1: j = j[0] if is_list_like(j) and is_list_like(k): if len(j) == 1 and len(k) == 1: j = j[0] k = k[0] attributes = [] try: mimetype = (await _get_file_mimetype(k)) if k else '' except TypeError: # (for now) telethon doesn't easily support attributes for grouped media mimetype = '' thumb = None if mimetype.startswith('video/'): try: data = await _get_video_data(k) duration = int(Decimal(data['format']['duration'])) w = h = None for l in data['streams']: if l['codec_type'] != 'video': continue w = l['width'] h = l['height'] break except Exception: logging.exception('Exception when getting video data') else: attributes.append(DocumentAttributeVideo(duration, w, h, supports_streaming=mimetype == 'video/mp4' or None)) dn, _ = os.path.split(k) try: nthumb = os.path.join(dn, f'{time.time()}.jpg') if await _make_thumbnail(nthumb, k): thumb = nthumb except Exception: logging.exception('Exception while making thumbnail') await client.send_message(chat, j, file=k, link_preview=False, attributes=attributes, thumb=thumb) async def _get_video_data(filename): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffprobe', '-show_format', '-show_streams', '-print_format', 'json', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() data = json.loads(stdout) if data.get('format') and 'duration' not in data['format']: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tempf: proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-an', '-sn', '-i', filename, '-c', 'copy', '-f', 'matroska', await proc.communicate() ndata = await _get_video_data( if ndata.get('format') and 'duration' in ndata['format']: data['format']['duration'] = ndata['format']['duration'] return data async def _make_thumbnail(filename, video): data = await _get_video_data(video) if not data.get('format'): return False if data['format'].get('duration') is None: return False for i in (0, 5, 10, 15): if i and data['format']['duration'] > i: continue proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-an', '-sn', '-ss', str(i), '-i', video, '-frames:v', '1', filename) await proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode: return True return False async def _download_file(filename, url): print(url) async with session.get(url) as resp: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: while True: chunk = await if not chunk: break file.write(chunk) async def _get_file_mimetype(filename): mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename, strict=False)[0] if not mimetype: proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('file', '--brief', '--mime-type', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() mimetype = stdout.decode().strip() return mimetype or '' async def _get_file_ext(filename): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('file', '--brief', '--extension', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() ext = stdout.decode().strip().split('/', maxsplit=1)[0] if not ext or ext == '???': mimetype = await _get_file_mimetype(filename) ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mimetype, strict=False) or '.bin' if not ext.startswith('.'): ext = '.' + ext return ext async def _actual_start_post(random_post, chats, cpp=None, snw=None, ssw=None): text = title_or_shortlink(random_post) nsfw = random_post.over_18 spoilers = random_post.spoiler cpid = getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid and getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent_list', None) and not cpp: cpp = await reddit.submission(cpid[3:]) if cpp: random_post = cpp if snw and not nsfw: nsfw = random_post.over_18 if ssw and not spoilers: spoilers = random_post.spoiler text += f' (crosspost of {title_or_shortlink(random_post)})' if spoilers and ssw: text = '🙈🙈🙈 SPOILERS 🙈🙈🙈\n' + text if nsfw and snw: text = '🔞🔞🔞 18+ / NSFW 🔞🔞🔞\n' + text if not random_post.is_self: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: url = random_post.url filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) files = [filename] captions = [text] if random_post.is_video: ffmpeg_exists = any(True for i in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(i, 'ffmpeg'))) reddit_video = random_post.secure_media['reddit_video'] for i in ('hls_url', 'dash_url'): if not ffmpeg_exists: continue if not reddit_video.get(i): continue url = reddit_video[i] print(url) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-nostdin', '-y', '-i', url, '-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mp4', filename) await proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode: url = None break else: if 'fallback_url' in reddit_video: url = reddit_video['fallback_url'] elif getattr(random_post, 'is_gallery', None): files = [] captions = [] gallery_data = sorted(random_post.gallery_data['items'], key=lambda i: i['id']) # no enumerate() because we want to update the count only if the media's status is valid count = 1 for gallery_data_item in gallery_data: media_metadata_item = random_post.media_metadata[gallery_data_item['media_id']] if media_metadata_item['status'] != 'valid': continue filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) for media_type in ('u', 'mp4', 'gif'): if media_type not in media_metadata_item['s']: continue await _download_file(filename, media_metadata_item['s'][media_type]) break caption = f'{text}\n#{count}' real_caption = (gallery_data_item.get('caption') or '').strip() if real_caption: caption += f': {html.escape(real_caption)}' captions.append(caption) files.append(filename) count += 1 url = None if url: parsed = list(urlparse(url)) splitted = os.path.splitext(parsed[2]) domain = getattr(random_post, 'domain', parsed[1]) preview = getattr(random_post, 'preview', None) if domain == '' or domain.endswith(''): parsed[1] = '' if parsed[2].startswith('/a/') or parsed[2].startswith('/gallery/'): albumid = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(parsed[2].rstrip('/'))[1])[0] async with session.get(f'{albumid}/hit.json?all=true') as resp: apidata = (await resp.json())['data'] if apidata['count'] == 1: parsed[2] = apidata['images'][0]['hash'] + apidata['images'][0]['ext'] desc = apidata['images'][0]['description'] if desc: captions[0] += '\n' + html.escape(desc) else: files = [] captions = [] for a, i in enumerate(apidata['images']): to_append = f'#{a + 1}' desc = i['description'] if desc: to_append += ': ' + desc.strip() caplength = 1023 - len(client.parse_mode.parse(text)[0]) captext = to_append[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' captions.append(text + '\n' + html.escape(captext)) filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) await _download_file(filename, f'{i["hash"]}{i["ext"]}') files.append(filename) url = None if splitted[1] == '.gifv': parsed[2] = splitted[0] + '.mp4' if url: url = urlunparse(parsed) elif domain == '': async with session.get(f'{splitted[0]}') as resp: apidata = await resp.json() gfyitem = apidata.get('gfyItem') if gfyitem: url = gfyitem.get('mp4Url', url) elif random_post.is_reddit_media_domain and preview: ppreview = preview['images'][0] if splitted[1] == '.gif': for i in ('mp4', 'gif'): if i in ppreview['variants']: url = ppreview['variants'][i]['source']['url'] break elif random_post.is_video: url = ppreview['source']['url'] if url: url = urlunparse(urlparse(url, 'https')) await _download_file(filename, url) mimetype = await _get_file_mimetype(filename) if mimetype.startswith('image') and preview and preview.get('enabled'): preview = preview['images'][0] urls = [i['url'] for i in preview['resolutions']] urls.append(preview['source']['url']) urls.reverse() for url in urls: if os.path.getsize(filename) < 10000000: break url = urlunparse(urlparse(url, 'https')) await _download_file(filename, url) ext = await _get_file_ext(filename) if ext in ('.htm', '.html'): with open(filename) as file: soup = BeautifulSoup( ptitle = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:title' and tag.attrs.get('content')) or soup.find('title') if ptitle: ptitle = ptitle.attrs.get('content', ptitle.text).strip() pdesc = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:description' and tag.attrs.get('content')) or soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('name') == 'description' and tag.attrs.get('content')) if pdesc: pdesc = pdesc.attrs.get('content', pdesc.text).strip() pmedia = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:video' and tag.attrs.get('content')) or soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:image' and tag.attrs.get('content')) if pmedia: pmedia = pmedia.attrs.get('content', '').strip() tat = f'{text}\n\nURL: ' if ptitle: tat += f'{html.escape(ptitle)}' else: tat += url files = [] if pmedia: pmedia = urljoin(url, pmedia) await _download_file(filename, pmedia) if await _get_file_mimetype(filename) == 'video/x-m4v': ofilename = filename + '.oc' os.rename(filename, ofilename) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-nostdin', '-y', '-i', ofilename, '-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mp4', filename) await proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode: os.remove(ofilename) else: os.rename(ofilename, filename) try: os.remove(filename) except FileNotFoundError: pass files.append(filename) if pdesc: caplength = 1023 if pmedia else 4095 caplength -= len(client.parse_mode.parse(tat)[0]) captext = pdesc[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' tat += '\n' + captext captions = [tat] for a, i in enumerate(files): ext = await _get_file_ext(i) os.rename(i, i + ext) files[a] = i + ext await _start_broadcast(captions, files, chats) else: if getattr(random_post, 'selftext', None): caplength = 4094 - len(client.parse_mode.parse(text)[0]) text += '\n\n' captext = random_post.selftext.strip()[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' text += html.escape(captext) await _start_broadcast([text], None, chats) def register(pattern): def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=bot_admins, pattern=pattern)) async def awrapper(e): try: await func(e) except BaseException: await e.reply(traceback.format_exc(), parse_mode=None) raise return awrapper return wrapper @register('/(start|help)') async def start_or_help(e): await e.reply(('/start - /help\n' '/help - /start\n' '/poweroff - shuts down bot\n' '/test [ns] - tests sending submission'), parse_mode=None) @register('/poweroff') async def poweroff(e): await e.reply('ok') await e.client.disconnect() @register(r'/test (\S+)(?: ([ns]+))?') async def test_post(e): await e.reply('ok') post = await reddit.submission( flags = or '' snw = 'n' in flags ssw = 's' in flags await _actual_start_post(post, [e.chat_id], None, snw, ssw) # await asyncio.gather(*[i.func() for i in _added_chats]) try: await client.run_until_disconnected() finally: await session.close() if __name__ == '__main__':