import os import time import html import json import random import logging import asyncio import tempfile import functools import mimetypes import traceback from itertools import zip_longest from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse import yaml import praw import aiohttp import aiocron from telethon import TelegramClient, events from telethon.utils import chunks with open('config.yaml') as file: config_data = yaml.safe_load(file) tg_api_id = config_data['telegram']['api_id'] tg_api_hash = config_data['telegram']['api_hash'] bot_token = config_data['telegram'].get('bot_token') reddit_client_id = config_data['reddit']['client_id'] reddit_client_secret = config_data['reddit']['client_secret'] storage_chat = config_data['config'].get('storage_chat') storage_msg_id = config_data['config'].get('storage_message_id') send_to_chats = config_data['config']['send_to_chats'] subreddits = config_data['config']['subreddits'] bot_admins = config_data['config']['bot_admins'] cron_duration = config_data['config']['cron_duration'] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) async def main(): zws = '\u200b' client = await TelegramClient('redditbot', tg_api_id, tg_api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token) client.parse_mode = 'html' session = aiohttp.ClientSession() reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=reddit_client_id, client_secret=reddit_client_secret, user_agent='linux:redditbot:v1.0.0 (by /u/the_blank_x)') try: if storage_chat and storage_msg_id: await (await client.get_messages(storage_chat, ids=storage_msg_id)).download_media('redditbot.json') with open('redditbot.json') as file: seen_posts = json.load(file) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() seen_posts = [] async def write_seen_posts(): with open('redditbot.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(seen_posts, file) if storage_chat and storage_msg_id: await client.edit_message(storage_chat, storage_msg_id, file='redditbot.json') @aiocron.crontab(cron_duration) async def start_post(): while True: random.shuffle(subreddits) to_break = False for subreddit_name in subreddits: subreddit = reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name) while True: random_post = subreddit.random() cpid = None if random_post is None: for submission in cpid = getattr(submission, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid: cpid = cpid[3:] if in seen_posts or cpid in seen_posts: continue random_post = submission break cpid = getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid: cpid = cpid[3:] if in seen_posts or cpid in seen_posts: continue seen_posts.append(cpid or print(, random_post.shortlink) to_break = True break if to_break: break to_break = False for _ in range(5): try: await _actual_start_post(random_post, send_to_chats) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() for i in bot_admins: await client.send_message(i, f'{}\n{traceback.format_exc()}', parse_mode=None) else: to_break = True break if to_break: break await write_seen_posts() async def _start_broadcast(text, file, chats): uploaded_files = [] for i in file or []: uploaded_files.append(await client.upload_file(i)) for chat in chats: for i in chunks(zip_longest(text, uploaded_files), 10): j, k = zip(*i) if not any(k): k = None if not k and len(j) == 1: j = j[0] await client.send_message(chat, j, file=k) async def _download_file(filename, url): print(url) async with session.get(url) as resp: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: while True: chunk = await if not chunk: break file.write(chunk) async def _get_file_mimetype(filename): mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if not mimetype: proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('file', '--brief', '--mime-type', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() mimetype = stdout.decode().strip() return mimetype or '' async def _get_file_ext(filename): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('file', '--brief', '--extension', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() ext = stdout.decode().strip().split('/', maxsplit=1)[0] if not ext or ext == '???': mimetype = await _get_file_mimetype(filename) ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mimetype) or '.bin' if not ext.startswith('.'): ext = '.' + ext return ext async def _actual_start_post(random_post, chats): text = f'{html.escape(random_post.title)}' cpid = getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid and getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent_list', None): random_post = reddit.submission(cpid[3:]) text += f' (crosspost of {html.escape(random_post.title)})' if not random_post.is_self: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: url = random_post.url filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) files = [filename] captions = [text] if random_post.is_video: ffmpeg_exists = any(True for i in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(i, 'ffmpeg'))) reddit_video = random_post.secure_media['reddit_video'] for i in ('hls_url', 'dash_url'): if not ffmpeg_exists: continue url = reddit_video.get(i) if not url: continue print(url) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-nostdin', '-y', '-i', url, '-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mp4', filename) await proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode: url = None break else: url = reddit_video['fallback_url'] elif getattr(random_post, 'is_gallery', None): files = [] captions = [] for a, i in enumerate(random_post.media_metadata): captions.append(f'{text}\n#{a + 1}') filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) i = random_post.media_metadata[i] await _download_file(filename, i['s']['u']) files.append(filename) url = None if url: parsed = list(urlparse(url)) splitted = os.path.splitext(parsed[2]) domain = getattr(random_post, 'domain', parsed[1]) preview = getattr(random_post, 'preview', None) if domain.endswith(''): parsed[1] = '' if parsed[2].startswith('/a/'): albumid = os.path.split(parsed[2])[1] async with session.get(f'{albumid}/hit.json?all=true') as resp: apidata = (await resp.json())['data'] if apidata['count'] == 1: parsed[2] = apidata['images'][0]['hash'] + apidata['images'][0]['ext'] desc = apidata['images'][0]['description'] if desc: captions[0] += '\n' + html.escape(desc) else: files = [] captions = [] for a, i in enumerate(apidata['images']): to_append = f'{text}\n#{a + 1}' desc = i['description'] if desc: to_append += ': ' + html.escape(desc) captions.append(to_append) filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) await _download_file(filename, f'{i["hash"]}{i["ext"]}') files.append(filename) url = None if splitted[1] == '.gifv': parsed[2] = splitted[0] + '.mp4' if url: url = urlunparse(parsed) elif domain == '': async with session.get(f'{parsed[2]}') as resp: apidata = await resp.json() gfyitem = apidata.get('gfyItem') if gfyitem: url = gfyitem.get('mp4Url', url) elif random_post.is_reddit_media_domain and splitted[1] == '.gif' and preview: preview = preview['images'][0]['variants'] for i in ('mp4', 'gif'): if i in preview: url = preview[i]['source']['url'] break if url: await _download_file(filename, url) mimetype = await _get_file_mimetype(filename) if mimetype.startswith('image') and preview and preview['enabled']: preview = preview['images'][0] urls = [i['url'] for i in preview['resolutions']] urls.append(preview['source']['url']) urls.reverse() for url in urls: if os.path.getsize(filename) < 10000000: break await _download_file(filename, url) ext = await _get_file_ext(filename) if ext.startswith('.htm'): files = [] captions = [f'{zws}{text}\n\nURL: {url}'] for a, i in enumerate(files): ext = await _get_file_ext(i) os.rename(i, i + ext) files[a] = i + ext await _start_broadcast(captions, files, chats) else: if getattr(random_post, 'selftext', None): caplength = 4094 - len(client.parse_mode.parse(text)[0]) text += '\n\n' captext = random_post.selftext[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' text += html.escape(captext) await _start_broadcast([text], None, chats) def register(pattern): def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=bot_admins, pattern=pattern)) async def awrapper(e): try: await func(e) except Exception: await e.reply(traceback.format_exc(), parse_mode=None) raise return awrapper return wrapper @register('/(start|help)') async def start_or_help(e): await e.reply(('/start - /help\n' '/help - /start\n' '/poweroff - shuts down bot\n' '/test - tests sending submission'), parse_mode=None) @register('/poweroff') async def poweroff(e): await e.reply('ok') await e.client.disconnect() @register('/test (.+)') async def test_post(e): await e.reply('ok') post = reddit.submission( await _actual_start_post(post, [e.chat_id]) # await start_post.func() try: await client.run_until_disconnected() finally: await session.close() if __name__ == '__main__':