import os import time import html import json import random import logging import asyncio import tempfile import functools import mimetypes import traceback from itertools import zip_longest from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse import yaml import praw import aiohttp import aiocron from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from telethon import TelegramClient, events from telethon.utils import chunks with open('config.yaml') as file: config_data = yaml.safe_load(file) tg_api_id = config_data['telegram']['api_id'] tg_api_hash = config_data['telegram']['api_hash'] bot_token = config_data['telegram'].get('bot_token') reddit_client_id = config_data['reddit']['client_id'] reddit_client_secret = config_data['reddit']['client_secret'] storage_chat = config_data['config'].get('storage_chat') storage_msg_id = config_data['config'].get('storage_message_id') send_to_chats = config_data['config']['send_to_chats'] subreddits = config_data['config']['subreddits'] bot_admins = config_data['config']['bot_admins'] cron_duration = config_data['config']['cron_duration'] logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) async def main(): zws = '\u200b' client = await TelegramClient('redditbot', tg_api_id, tg_api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token) client.parse_mode = 'html' session = aiohttp.ClientSession() reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=reddit_client_id, client_secret=reddit_client_secret, user_agent='linux:redditbot:v1.0.0 (by /u/the_blank_x)') try: if storage_chat and storage_msg_id: await (await client.get_messages(storage_chat, ids=storage_msg_id)).download_media('redditbot.json') with open('redditbot.json') as file: seen_posts = json.load(file) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() seen_posts = [] async def write_seen_posts(): with open('redditbot.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(seen_posts, file) if storage_chat and storage_msg_id: await client.edit_message(storage_chat, storage_msg_id, file='redditbot.json') @aiocron.crontab(cron_duration) async def start_post(): while True: random.shuffle(subreddits) to_break = False for subreddit_name in subreddits: subreddit = reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name) while True: random_post = subreddit.random() cpid = None if random_post is None: for submission in cpid = getattr(submission, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid: cpid = cpid[3:] if in seen_posts or cpid in seen_posts: continue random_post = submission break cpid = getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid: cpid = cpid[3:] if in seen_posts or cpid in seen_posts: continue seen_posts.append(cpid or print(, random_post.shortlink) to_break = True break if to_break: break to_break = False for _ in range(5): try: await _actual_start_post(random_post, send_to_chats) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() for i in bot_admins: await client.send_message(i, f'{}\n{traceback.format_exc()}', parse_mode=None) else: to_break = True break if to_break: break await write_seen_posts() async def _start_broadcast(text, file, chats): uploaded_files = [] for i in file or []: uploaded_files.append(await client.upload_file(i)) for chat in chats: for i in chunks(zip_longest(text, uploaded_files), 10): j, k = zip(*i) if not any(k): k = None if not k and len(j) == 1: j = j[0] await client.send_message(chat, j, file=k) async def _download_file(filename, url): print(url) async with session.get(url) as resp: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: while True: chunk = await if not chunk: break file.write(chunk) async def _get_file_mimetype(filename): mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if not mimetype: proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('file', '--brief', '--mime-type', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() mimetype = stdout.decode().strip() return mimetype or '' async def _get_file_ext(filename): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('file', '--brief', '--extension', filename, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() ext = stdout.decode().strip().split('/', maxsplit=1)[0] if not ext or ext == '???': mimetype = await _get_file_mimetype(filename) ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mimetype) or '.bin' if not ext.startswith('.'): ext = '.' + ext return ext async def _actual_start_post(random_post, chats): text = f'{html.escape(random_post.title)}' cpid = getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent', None) if cpid and getattr(random_post, 'crosspost_parent_list', None): random_post = reddit.submission(cpid[3:]) text += f' (crosspost of {html.escape(random_post.title)})' if not random_post.is_self: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: url = random_post.url filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) files = [filename] captions = [text] if random_post.is_video: ffmpeg_exists = any(True for i in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(i, 'ffmpeg'))) reddit_video = random_post.secure_media['reddit_video'] for i in ('hls_url', 'dash_url'): if not ffmpeg_exists: continue url = reddit_video.get(i) if not url: continue print(url) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-nostdin', '-y', '-i', url, '-c', 'copy', '-f', 'mp4', filename) await proc.communicate() if not proc.returncode: url = None break else: url = reddit_video['fallback_url'] elif getattr(random_post, 'is_gallery', None): files = [] captions = [] for a, i in enumerate(random_post.media_metadata): captions.append(f'{text}\n#{a + 1}') filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) i = random_post.media_metadata[i] await _download_file(filename, i['s']['u']) files.append(filename) url = None if url: parsed = list(urlparse(url)) splitted = os.path.splitext(parsed[2]) domain = getattr(random_post, 'domain', parsed[1]) preview = getattr(random_post, 'preview', None) if domain.endswith(''): parsed[1] = '' if parsed[2].startswith('/a/'): albumid = os.path.split(parsed[2])[1] async with session.get(f'{albumid}/hit.json?all=true') as resp: apidata = (await resp.json())['data'] if apidata['count'] == 1: parsed[2] = apidata['images'][0]['hash'] + apidata['images'][0]['ext'] desc = apidata['images'][0]['description'] if desc: captions[0] += '\n' + html.escape(desc) else: files = [] captions = [] for a, i in enumerate(apidata['images']): to_append = f'#{a + 1}' desc = i['description'] if desc: to_append += ': ' + desc.strip() caplength = 2047 - len(client.parse_mode.parse(text)[0]) captext = to_append[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' captions.append(text + '\n' + html.escape(captext)) filename = os.path.join(tempdir, str(time.time())) await _download_file(filename, f'{i["hash"]}{i["ext"]}') files.append(filename) url = None if splitted[1] == '.gifv': parsed[2] = splitted[0] + '.mp4' if url: url = urlunparse(parsed) elif domain == '': async with session.get(f'{parsed[2]}') as resp: apidata = await resp.json() gfyitem = apidata.get('gfyItem') if gfyitem: url = gfyitem.get('mp4Url', url) elif random_post.is_reddit_media_domain and splitted[1] == '.gif' and preview: preview = preview['images'][0]['variants'] for i in ('mp4', 'gif'): if i in preview: url = preview[i]['source']['url'] break if url: await _download_file(filename, url) mimetype = await _get_file_mimetype(filename) if mimetype.startswith('image') and preview and preview['enabled']: preview = preview['images'][0] urls = [i['url'] for i in preview['resolutions']] urls.append(preview['source']['url']) urls.reverse() for url in urls: if os.path.getsize(filename) < 10000000: break await _download_file(filename, url) ext = await _get_file_ext(filename) if ext.startswith('.htm'): with open(filename) as file: soup = BeautifulSoup( ptitle = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:title' and tag.attrs.get('content')) or soup.find('title') if ptitle: ptitle = ptitle.attrs.get('content', ptitle.text).strip() pdesc = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:description' and tag.attrs.get('content')) or soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('name') == 'description' and tag.attrs.get('content')) if pdesc: pdesc = pdesc.attrs.get('content', pdesc.text).strip() pimg = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:image' and tag.attrs.get('content')) if pimg: pimg = pimg.attrs.get('content', '').strip() tat = f'{text}\n\nURL: ' if ptitle: tat += f'{html.escape(ptitle)}' else: tat += url files = [] if pimg: await _download_file(filename, pimg) files.append(filename) else: tat = f'{zws}{tat}' if pdesc: caplength = 2047 if pimg else 4095 caplength -= len(client.parse_mode.parse(tat)[0]) captext = pdesc[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' tat += '\n' + captext captions = [tat] for a, i in enumerate(files): ext = await _get_file_ext(i) os.rename(i, i + ext) files[a] = i + ext await _start_broadcast(captions, files, chats) else: if getattr(random_post, 'selftext', None): caplength = 4094 - len(client.parse_mode.parse(text)[0]) text += '\n\n' captext = random_post.selftext.strip()[:caplength] if len(captext) >= caplength: captext = captext[:-1] captext += '…' text += html.escape(captext) await _start_broadcast([text], None, chats) def register(pattern): def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) @client.on(events.NewMessage(chats=bot_admins, pattern=pattern)) async def awrapper(e): try: await func(e) except Exception: await e.reply(traceback.format_exc(), parse_mode=None) raise return awrapper return wrapper @register('/(start|help)') async def start_or_help(e): await e.reply(('/start - /help\n' '/help - /start\n' '/poweroff - shuts down bot\n' '/test - tests sending submission'), parse_mode=None) @register('/poweroff') async def poweroff(e): await e.reply('ok') await e.client.disconnect() @register('/test (.+)') async def test_post(e): await e.reply('ok') post = reddit.submission( await _actual_start_post(post, [e.chat_id]) # await start_post.func() try: await client.run_until_disconnected() finally: await session.close() if __name__ == '__main__':