import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) import os import yaml import hmac from aiohttp import web from telethon import TelegramClient from telethon.utils import _get_file_info from telethon.client.downloads import _GenericDownloadIter with open('config.yaml') as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) client = TelegramClient('streamtg', config['telegram']['api_id'], config['telegram']['api_hash']) authorized_tokens = config.get('authorized_tokens') hmacs = [['key'].encode(), digestmod=i['digest']) for i in config.get('hmac', ())] port = os.environ.get('PORT', 8080) def verify_token(token): return token in authorized_tokens def verify_hmac(hexdigest, chat_id, message_ids): text = f'{chat_id}|{"|".join(message_ids)}'.encode() for i in hmacs: i = i.copy() i.update(text) if hmac.compare_digest(hexdigest, i.hexdigest()): return True return False async def handler(request): query = request.query token = query.get('token') hexdigest = query.get('hmac') if not token and not hexdigest and (authorized_tokens or hmacs): return web.Response(status=401, text='Missing token or hmac') if 'chat_id' not in query: return web.Response(status=400, text='Missing chat_id') chat_id = query['chat_id'] try: chat_id = int(chat_id) except ValueError: try: chat_id = await client.get_peer_id(chat_id) except BaseException: if authorized_tokens or hmacs: logging.exception('Exception occured while getting chat id of %s, returning 403 to hide known chats', chat_id) return web.Response(status=403, text='Forbidden') raise if 'message_id' not in query: return web.Response(status=400, text='Missing message_id') message_ids = query.getall('message_id') if any(True for i in message_ids if not i.isnumeric() or i == '0'): return web.Response(status=400, text='Invalid message_id') if authorized_tokens or hmacs: if not token or not verify_token(token): if hexdigest: if not verify_hmac(hexdigest, chat_id, message_ids): return web.Response(status=403, text='Forbidden') else: return web.Response(status=403, text='Forbidden') message_ids = list(map(int, message_ids)) messages = await client.get_messages(chat_id, ids=message_ids) if any(True for i in messages if i is None): return web.Response(status=400, text='At least one of the messages does not exist') if any(True for i in messages if not return web.Response(status=400, text='At least one of the messages do not contain media') max_size = 0 for i in messages: max_size += _get_file_info(i).size http_range = request.http_range offset = http_range.start or 0 if offset < 0: end = offset offset = max_size - offset else: end = http_range.stop if end is None: end = max_size elif end > max_size: return web.Response(status=416, text='Range end size is bigger than file sizes', headers={'Content-Range': f'bytes */{max_size}'}) else: end -= 1 length = end - offset + 1 async def download(): tmp_offset = offset tmp_length = length for i in messages: if tmp_length < 1: break size = _get_file_info(i).size if tmp_offset > size: tmp_offset -= size continue async for chunk in client._iter_download(i, offset=tmp_offset, msg_data=(chat_id, yield chunk[:tmp_length] tmp_length -= len(chunk) if tmp_length < 1: break tmp_offset = 0 return web.Response(status=206 if (length != max_size) else 200, body=download(), headers={ 'Content-Range': f'bytes {offset}-{end}/{max_size}', 'Content-Length': str(length), 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes' } ) app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get('/', handler)]) async def main(): await client.start(bot_token=config['telegram'].get('bot_token')) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, '', port) await site.start() await client.run_until_disconnected() client.loop.run_until_complete(main())