import re import time import json import asyncio import datetime from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.parser import html as pyrogram_html from pyrogram.types import InputTextMessageContent, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineQueryResultArticle, InlineQueryResultPhoto, InputMediaPhoto from .. import session, app_user_ids, log_errors all_anilists = dict() anilists_lock = asyncio.Lock() MEDIA_QUERY = '''query ($search: String) { Page (perPage: 10) { media (search: $search) { id title { romaji english native } type format status description(asHtml: true) episodes duration chapters volumes genres synonyms averageScore airingSchedule(notYetAired: true) { nodes { airingAt timeUntilAiring episode } } siteUrl } } }''' FORMAT_NAMES = { "TV": "TV", "TV_SHORT": "TV Short", "MOVIE": "Movie", "SPECIAL": "Special", "OVA": "OVA", "ONA": "ONA", "MUSIC": "Music", "MANGA": "Manga", "ONE_SHOT": "One Shot" } CHARACTER_QUERY = '''query ($id: Int, $search: String) { Page (perPage: 10) { characters (id: $id, search: $search) { name { full native alternative } description(asHtml: true) image { large } media { nodes { title { romaji english native } type format siteUrl } } siteUrl } } }''' async def generate_media(anilist): title_romaji = anilist['title']['romaji'] title_english = anilist['title']['english'] title_native = anilist['title']['native'] if anilist['format'] == 'NOVEL': type = 'Light Novel' else: type = anilist['type'].capitalize() format = anilist['format'] format = FORMAT_NAMES.get(format, format) status = (anilist['status'] or 'Unknown').replace('_', ' ').title() description = re.sub(r"([\s\S]+?)", r'\1', (anilist.get('description') or '').strip()) episodes = anilist['episodes'] duration = anilist['duration'] chapters = anilist['chapters'] volumes = anilist['volumes'] genres = ', '.join(anilist['genres']) synonyms = ', '.join(anilist['synonyms']) average_score = anilist['averageScore'] site_url = anilist['siteUrl'] next_airing_episode = anilist['airingSchedule'] if next_airing_episode: next_airing_episode = next_airing_episode['nodes'] if next_airing_episode: next_airing_episode = next_airing_episode[0] text = f'{title_romaji}' if title_english: text += f' ({title_english})' if title_native: text += f' ({title_native})' if synonyms: text += f'\nSynonyms: {synonyms}' if genres: text += f'\nGenres: {genres}' text += f'\nType: {type}\n' if anilist['type'] != 'MANGA': text += f'Format: {format}\n' text += f'Status: {status}\n' if next_airing_episode: airing_at = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(next_airing_episode['airingAt'])) time_until_airing = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=next_airing_episode['timeUntilAiring'])) text += f'Airing At: {airing_at}\nAiring In: {time_until_airing}\n' if average_score is not None: text += f'Average Score: {average_score}%\n' if (episodes is not None or next_airing_episode) and anilist['format'] != 'MOVIE': text += f'Episodes: ' if next_airing_episode: text += f'{next_airing_episode["episode"] - 1}/' text += f'{"???" if episodes is None else episodes}\n' if duration: text += f'Duration: {duration} minutes{" per episode" if anilist["format"] != "MOVIE" else ""}\n' if chapters: text += f'Chapters: {chapters}\n' if volumes: text += f'Volumes: {volumes}\n' if description: text += 'Description:\n' parser = pyrogram_html.HTML(None) total_length = len((await parser.parse(text))['message']) if len(description) > 1023-total_length: description = description[:1022-total_length] + '…' text += description return text, f"{anilist['id']}" async def generate_character(anilist): title_full = anilist['name']['full'] title_native = anilist['name']['native'] title_alternative = ', '.join(anilist['name']['alternative']) description = re.sub(r"([\s\S]+?)", r'\1', (anilist.get('description') or '').strip()) site_url = anilist['siteUrl'] image = anilist['image']['large'] media = anilist['media'] if media: media = media['nodes'] text = f'{title_full}' if title_native: text += f' ({title_native})' if title_alternative: text += f'\nSynonyms: {title_alternative}' if media: text += '\nFeatured In:' if len(media) == 1: text += ' ' else: text += '\n' to_add = [] for i in media[:5]: atext = f'- {i["title"]["romaji"]}' if i['title']['english']: atext += f' ({i["title"]["english"]})' if i['title']['native']: atext += f' ({i["title"]["native"]})' if i['format'] == 'NOVEL': type = 'Light Novel' else: type = i['type'].capitalize() to_add.append(f'{atext} [{type}]') text += '\n'.join(to_add) if len(media) > 5: text += f'\n- (and {len(media) - 5} other{"" if len(media) == 6 else "s"})' if description: text += '\n' parser = pyrogram_html.HTML(None) total_length = len((await parser.parse(text))['message']) if len(description) > 1023-total_length: description = description[:1022-total_length] + '…' text += description return text, image @Client.on_inline_query(filters.regex(r'^a(?:ni)?l(?:ist)?(c(?:har(?:acter)?)?)?\s+(.+)$')) @log_errors async def anilist_query(client, inline_query): if not in app_user_ids: await inline_query.answer([ InlineQueryResultArticle('', InputTextMessageContent('')) ], cache_time=3600, is_personal=True) return character = bool(inline_query.matches[0].group(1)) query = inline_query.matches[0].group(2).strip().lower() async with anilists_lock: if (character, query) not in all_anilists: async with'', data=json.dumps({'query': CHARACTER_QUERY if character else MEDIA_QUERY, 'variables': {'search': query}}), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}) as resp: all_anilists[(character, query)] = (await resp.json())['data']['Page']['characters' if character else 'media'] anilists = all_anilists[(character, query)] answers = [] parser = pyrogram_html.HTML(client) for a, anilist in enumerate(anilists): text, image = await (generate_character if character else generate_media)(anilist) buttons = [InlineKeyboardButton('Back', 'anilist_back'), InlineKeyboardButton(f'{a + 1}/{len(anilists)}', 'anilist_nop'), InlineKeyboardButton('Next', 'anilist_next')] if not a: buttons.pop(0) if len(anilists) == a + 1: buttons.pop() split = text.split('\n', 1) title = (await parser.parse(split[0]))['message'] try: description = (await parser.parse(split[1]))['message'] except IndexError: description = None answers.append(InlineQueryResultPhoto(image, title=title, description=description, caption=text, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([buttons]), id=f'anilist{a}-{time.time()}')) await inline_query.answer(answers, is_personal=True, is_gallery=False) @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex('^anilist_nop$')) @log_errors async def anilist_nop(client, callback_query): await callback_query.answer(cache_time=3600) message_info = dict() message_lock = asyncio.Lock() @Client.on_chosen_inline_result() @log_errors async def anilist_chosen(client, inline_result): if inline_result.result_id.startswith('anilist'): match = re.match(r'^a(?:ni)?l(?:ist)?(c(?:har(?:acter)?)?)?\s+(.+)$', inline_result.query) if match: character = bool( query = if query: page = int(inline_result.result_id[7]) message_info[inline_result.inline_message_id] = query, page, character async with anilists_lock: if (character, query) not in all_anilists: async with'', data=json.dumps({'query': CHARACTER_QUERY if character else MEDIA_QUERY, 'variables': {'search': query, 'page': 1, 'perPage': 10}}), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}) as resp: all_anilists[(character, query)] = (await resp.json())['data']['Page']['characters' if character else 'media'] return inline_result.continue_propagation() @Client.on_callback_query(filters.regex('^anilist_(back|next)$')) @log_errors async def anilist_move(client, callback_query): if not in app_user_ids: await callback_query.answer('', cache_time=3600, show_alert=True) return async with message_lock: if callback_query.inline_message_id not in message_info: await callback_query.answer('This message is too old', cache_time=3600, show_alert=True) return query, page, character = message_info[callback_query.inline_message_id] opage = page if callback_query.matches[0].group(1) == 'back': page -= 1 elif callback_query.matches[0].group(1) == 'next': page += 1 if page < 0: page = 0 elif page > 9: page = 9 if page != opage: async with anilists_lock: anilists = all_anilists[(character, query)] text, image = await (generate_character if character else generate_media)(anilists[page]) buttons = [InlineKeyboardButton('Back', 'anilist_back'), InlineKeyboardButton(f'{page + 1}/{len(anilists)}', 'anilist_nop'), InlineKeyboardButton('Next', 'anilist_next')] if not page: buttons.pop(0) if len(anilists) == page + 1: buttons.pop() await callback_query.edit_message_media(InputMediaPhoto(image, caption=text), reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([buttons])) message_info[callback_query.inline_message_id] = query, page, character await callback_query.answer()