import os import html import asyncio import tempfile from decimal import Decimal from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, parse_qs, quote as urlencode from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pyrogram import Client, filters from pyrogram.types import Sticker from .. import config, help_dict, log_errors, public_log_errors, session, get_file_mimetype, progress_callback, get_file_ext async def download_file(url, filename, referer=None): headers = None if referer: headers = {'Referer': referer} async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as resp: if resp.status != 200: return False with open(filename, 'wb') as file: while True: chunk = await if not chunk: return True file.write(chunk) @Client.on_message(~filters.scheduled & ~filters.forwarded & ~filters.sticker & ~filters.via_bot & ~filters.edited & & filters.command(['saucenao', 'sauce'], prefixes=config['config']['prefixes'])) @log_errors @public_log_errors async def saucenao(client, message): media = or message.animation or or message.sticker or message.document if not media: reply = message.reply_to_message if not getattr(reply, 'empty', True): media = or reply.animation or or reply.sticker or reply.document if not media: await message.reply_text('Photo or GIF or Video or Sticker required') return if isinstance(media, Sticker) and media.is_animated: await message.reply_text('No animated stickers') return with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: reply = await message.reply_text('Downloading...') filename = await client.download_media(media, file_name=os.path.join(tempdir, '0'), progress=progress_callback, progress_args=(reply, 'Downloading...', False)) mimetype = await get_file_mimetype(filename) if not mimetype.startswith('image/') and not mimetype.startswith('video/'): await reply.edit_text('Photo or GIF or Video or Sticker required') return if os.path.getsize(filename) > 20 * 1024: new_path = os.path.join(tempdir, '1.jpg') proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-an', '-sn', '-i', filename, '-frames:v', '1', new_path) await proc.communicate() os.remove(filename) filename = new_path elif mimetype.startswith('video/'): new_path = os.path.join(tempdir, '1.gif') proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-an', '-sn', '-i', filename, new_path) await proc.communicate() if os.path.getsize(new_path) > 20 * 1024: os.remove(new_path) new_path = os.path.join(tempdir, '1.jpg') proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-an', '-sn', '-i', filename, '-frames:v', '1', new_path) await proc.communicate() os.remove(filename) filename = new_path with open(filename, 'rb') as file: async with'{urlencode(config["config"]["saucenao_api"])}', data={'file': file}) as resp: json = await resp.json() if json['header']['status']: await reply.edit_text(f'{json["header"]["status"]}: {html.escape(json["header"].get("message", "No message"))}') return minimum_similarity = Decimal(json['header']['minimum_similarity']) caption = text = '' to_image = False to_thumbnail = None filename = os.path.join(tempdir, '0') for result in json['results']: if not result['data'].get('ext_urls'): continue atext = f'{html.escape(result["header"]["index_name"])}' low_similarity = Decimal(result['header']['similarity']) < minimum_similarity if low_similarity: atext += ' (low similarity result)' atext += '' atext += '\nURL' if len(result['data']['ext_urls']) > 1: atext += 's:\n' atext += '\n'.join(map(html.escape, result['data']['ext_urls'])) else: atext += f': {html.escape(result["data"]["ext_urls"][0])}' if not to_image: for url in result['data']['ext_urls']: if result['header']['index_id'] in (5, 6): parsed = urlparse(url) qs = parse_qs(parsed.query) if qs.get('illust_id'): async with session.get(f'{urlencode(qs["illust_id"][0])}', headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) as resp: json = await resp.json() if json['body']: to_break = False for i in ('url_big', 'url', 'url_s', 'url_placeholder', 'url_ss'): pimg = json['body']['illust_details'].get(i) if pimg: if await download_file(pimg, filename, url): if os.path.getsize(filename) < 10000000: to_image = to_break = True break if to_break: break if await download_file(url, filename): with open(filename) as file: soup = BeautifulSoup( pimg = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:image' and tag.attrs.get('content')) if pimg: pimg = pimg.attrs.get('content', '').strip() if pimg: parsed = list(urlparse(pimg)) if not parsed[0]: parsed[0] = 'https' pimg = urlunparse(parsed) if parsed[0] not in ('http', 'https'): continue if await download_file(pimg, filename): to_image = True break else: if not to_thumbnail and not low_similarity: to_thumbnail = result['header'].get('thumbnail') atext += '\n\n' length = len((await client.parser.parse(caption + atext, 'html'))['message']) if length <= 1024: caption += atext if length < 4096: text += atext elif low_similarity: break if not text: text = caption = 'No results found' try: if to_thumbnail and not to_image: await download_file(to_thumbnail, filename) elif not to_image: raise Exception() ext = await get_file_ext(filename) os.rename(filename, filename + ext) await message.reply_photo(filename + ext, caption=caption) except Exception: await reply.edit_text(text) else: await reply.delete() help_dict['saucenao'] = ('SauceNAO', '''{prefix}saucenao (as caption of Photo/GIF/Video/Sticker or reply) - Reverse searches anime art, thanks to Aliases: {prefix}sauce''')