import os import html import asyncio import tempfile from decimal import Decimal from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse, quote as urlencode from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pyrogram import Client, filters from .. import config, help_dict, log_errors, public_log_errors, session, get_file_mimetype, progress_callback async def download_file(url, filename): async with session.get(url) as resp: if resp.status != 200: return False with open(filename, 'wb') as file: while True: chunk = await if not chunk: return True file.write(chunk) @Client.on_message(~filters.sticker & ~filters.via_bot & ~filters.edited & & filters.command(['saucenao', 'sauce'], prefixes=config['config']['prefixes'])) @log_errors @public_log_errors async def saucenao(client, message): media = or message.animation or or message.sticker or message.document if not media: reply = message.reply_to_message if not getattr(reply, 'empty', True): media = or reply.animation or or reply.sticker or reply.document if not media: await message.reply_text('Photo or GIF or Video or Sticker required') return with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: reply = await message.reply_text('Downloading...') filename = await client.download_media(media, file_name=os.path.join(tempdir, '0'), progress=progress_callback, progress_args=(reply, 'Downloading...', False)) mimetype = await get_file_mimetype(filename) if not mimetype.startswith('image/') and not mimetype.startswith('video/'): await reply.edit_text('Photo or GIF or Video or Sticker required') return if mimetype.startswith('video/'): new_path = os.path.join(tempdir, '1.gif') proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('ffmpeg', '-an', '-sn', '-i', filename, new_path) await proc.communicate() filename = new_path with open(filename, 'rb') as file: async with'{urlencode(config["config"]["saucenao_api"])}', data={'file': file}) as resp: json = await resp.json() if json['header']['status']: await reply.edit_text(f'{json["header"]["status"]}: {html.escape(json["header"].get("message", "No message"))}') return minimum_similarity = Decimal(json['header']['minimum_similarity']) caption = text = '' to_image = False filename = os.path.join(tempdir, '0') for result in json['results']: atext = f'{html.escape(result["header"]["index_name"])}' if Decimal(result['header']['similarity']) < minimum_similarity: atext += ' (low similarity result)' atext += '' if result['data'].get('ext_urls'): atext += '\nURL' if len(result['data']['ext_urls']) > 1: atext += 's:\n' atext += '\n'.join(map(html.escape, result['data']['ext_urls'])) else: atext += f': {html.escape(result["data"]["ext_urls"][0])}' if not to_image: for url in result['data']['ext_urls']: if await download_file(url, filename): with open(filename) as file: soup = BeautifulSoup( pimg = soup.find(lambda tag: == 'meta' and tag.attrs.get('property') == 'og:image' and tag.attrs.get('content')) if pimg: pimg = pimg.attrs.get('content', '').strip() if pimg: parsed = list(urlparse(pimg)) if not parsed[0]: parsed[0] = 'https' pimg = urlunparse(parsed) if parsed[0] not in ('http', 'https'): continue if await download_file(pimg, filename): to_image = True break else: if result['data'].get('source'): if await download_file(result['data']['source'], filename): to_image = True if not to_image: await download_file(result['header']['thumbnail'], filename) to_image = True atext += '\n\n' if len((await client.parser.parse(caption + atext))['message']) <= 1024: caption += atext text += atext try: await message.reply_photo(filename, caption=caption) except Exception: await message.reply_text(text) help_dict['saucenao'] = ('saucenao', '''{prefix}saucenao (as caption of Photo/GIF/Video/Sticker or reply) - Reverse searches anime art, thanks to Aliases: {prefix}sauce''')